Unbreakable Bond

I'm In Love With A Wolf

(Kris' PoV)


What a beautiful wolf she turned out to be-


A pure white wolf..thoes are rare to come by-


When we thought we lost them, wolves started coming out from every directions-


A large brown wolf came charging twords me, I ran to it and we both clashed in the air and I snapped its neck instantly.


When I turned around to look at everyone else I saw a large black wolf ontop of Miyung- I quickly darted my way over there to help, but befor I could reach her she sent the wolf flying off of her.


 "Nice" I said


 "Thanks" she chuckled.


I could hear everything the guys were saying as they spoke telepathicaly to eachother, "Kris! We need to hurry up and get the hell out of here! Some of us are injured!" I heard Chen shout.


 "All right! Just hurry up and make a run for it! ALL of you!" I demanded.


But befor any of us moved the same black wolf Miyung flew off of her crashed into her making both of them go rolling down the hill-


 "Miyung!!" Chanyeol shouted running after her, and we all did the same.


We quickly ran down the steep hill, and when we reached the bottom we all quickly piled ontop of the black wolf and killed it instantly.


I directed my attention to the top of the hill and saw the wolf pack we just got done fighting at the top, then they quickly fleeded.


 "You know they'll be back" Baekhyun said, "I know they will be, and we'll be damn ready for them when they do" I said furiously.


 ~A couple hours later~


 "Kris? Where are we going?" Kyungsoo asked


 "To an old friend of mine, he isnt a witch or a wolf but.." I paused, 


 "But?" Sehun said impatiently, "He's a vampire" 


 "A VAMPIRE?!" they all snapped.


 "He's different!! He saved my a long time ago..and we became close" I protested.


 "You know us wolves and vampires are like moral enemies?!" Luhan freaked


 "I said he's different" I said irritably.


We finaly reached the town, befor we entered the town we turned back into our human forms. Miyung wimpered in pain in Chanyeols arms, "Shh we're here" he told her hushedly.


I rolled my eyes at him befor knocking on the door, "Kris? Is that really you?" beamed my old friend Kiseop.


"Hey, I need your help" I told him urgently, "Sure come in" he left the door wide open for us to enter. Chanyeol gently placed Miyung on the nearest couch and she laid there in his arms trying to fight the tears and pain desperately.


"My friend is badly wounded..Do you have anything to heal up her wounds?" I asked him with high hopes. Kiseop made his way over to Miyung and noticed the large blood stain on her shirt.


He slowly lifted her shirt and came across a large bite that nearly took up her whole side, he tenderly glided his fingers across the wound but Miyung smacked his hand befor he went any further.


"Sorry..I had to check it" he apologized. "I have something..but it wont clear her up all the way" he said heading to the back of his house. 


 Noises of moving bottles and glass clinking together came from the back of the room and Kiseop finaly came out with a little bottle. He kneeled beside Miyung and taped the bottle over her wound making droplets fall onto the bite mark.


She gripped onto chanyeols shirt and tried holding in her cries, I watched the wound as it slowly began to heal quickly but then it stopped and all was left was the outline of the bite mark.


"It looks healed but trust me it isnt" Kiseop said, "She'll need to rest for a day and you guys can be on your way" he told me, "Thanks Kiseop" I said feeling relieved.


"May I ask? How did she get like that? Who changed her into a wolf?" Kiseop asked, "She was attacked in the forest and the wolf nipped her a bit" Chanyeol said.


"And this is where the wolf bit?" he asked pointing to the mark on her arm, "Yes.." I said unsure.


"And it was a male who bit her?" he said, "No..the wolf who bit her was female" Chanyeol denied. "Well the bite on her arm is the size of a males.." Kiseop corrected him.


"What? I didnt bite her" Chanyeol shook his head, "What does it mean if he did?" Luhan asked.


"It means that their lives are linked, or an unbreakable bond" Kiseop said, but we all didnt understand-


"Its sort of like soul mates but different in a way..They cant be seperated for too long or one will be depressed or if one dies then the other dies with them..something like that" Kiseop explained.


I felt like I was going out of my mind..Its almost as if I felt my heart break into pieces. Soul matesThem?...


"Is there a way to unconnect them or something?" I then said, "Afraid not.." Kiseop frowned. I looked at Miyung then at Chanyeol..


How am I suppose to love her...When she's suppose to be with Chanyeol?


 Heyyo! Sorry it took so long to update! :/ and yes I featured Kiseop from Ukiss! Hehe he just seemed like a good vampire to me for some reason...O.o lol but comment/subscribe/Upvote! Ty a bunches! :D Please comment tho I would love to know what u guys think!:) 


 Kiseop from Ukiss! <3




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Mariam8808 #1
Chapter 40: pleeees update sooon ><
Lulubabexom #2
Chapter 40: AAAHHHH!!!!what will happen next?!OMG!please update soon!
//banging my head on the table cause of dem feels
YourPrincessV #4
update please :(
Chapter 39: Oh nooo !! Chanyeol !! Where is he ?!! Where did he go ?!! >O<
maneeex3 #6
Chapter 39: Omg omg what happened to chanyeoool?
brixenne #7
Chapter 38: Do study well author-nim ... but don't abandon us! LOL
maneeex3 #8
Chapter 38: aww.. its okay fighting !
Chapter 38: It's okay, I'm waiting here, so take your time and study well :DDD
maneeex3 #10
Chapter 37: whats happening to her? omf-