No...I Cant Be!!

I'm In Love With A Wolf

(Miyung's PoV)


My head ached and burned badly with pain, I felt sweat dripping down my face and neck. My eyes opened quickly and I gasped for air dramticaly, I sat up slowly in the bed I layed in and I was in nothing but a sports bra and shorts... I looked at my trembling sweaty hands and thought to myself, "Why do I feel like this? Why am I sweating immensly and hurting so much?"


 As I slipped out of the bed I noticed that the room I was in wasnt my room...I walked to the mirror that hung on the wall and observed my face- my teeth were hurting like crazy and my eyes... my eyes are... 


BLUE?!... "Wh-what the hell?!" I said alloud as I took a closer look at my vibrant baby blue eyes. "Why-"


"Miyung?" Chanyeol said slowly walking twords me, "Chanyeol...Whats wrong with me? WHY are my eyes like this?! And this?! What is THIS?!" I shouted pointing at what looked like a bite mark on my arm, tears swelled up because I was afraid he was going to say something I hoped he wouldnt say.


"Miyung please calm down and let me explain" Chanyeol motioned his hands and walked twords me slowly, "You were bitten" he said. "Bitten? Bitten by what Chanyeol?!" my voice rose.


"A wolf..." he finaly said. 


My eyes were misty of tears, I sat on the bed and burried my face into my hands... "I cant be a wolf..H-how come I dont remember?!" I cried muffledly into my hands. I felt Chanyeol sit next to me and grab my hand, "Hey...Look at me" he said in his soft, husky soothing voice. I lifted my head and looked at him with my teary eyes, "I promised myself that we will get through this together, and thats what we are going to do. I know excepting this new you will be hard and difficult to adjust to, but it'll get easier..I promise" he told me assuringly.


"She's awake?" Kris said walking through the door, he knelt down infront of me and grabbed the hand Chanyeol wasnt holding, "Like Chanyeol said..." he began rubbing his thumb ontop of my hand, "You have us now to help you with your new life, its hard at first but you'll catch on im sure. Besides, being a wolf isnt really any different from being a human" Kris told me.


"What a pretty color your eyes turned out to be" Kris beamed at me to lighten the mood..This has to be the first time Ive ever seen him smile... "Come..Theres someone you should meet" Kris stood up and pulled me away from Chanyeol and out of the room-


As I entered the small livingroom everyone directed their attention at me and they all stood and gaped at what I have become- 


"Glad you're ok kid" Kai rubbed my arm sweetly, as I walked passed everyone all they could look at was my eyes... "Miyung, this is my halmeoni. She's a witch" Kris said still having a hold of my hand.


I smiled weakly at the elder befor me, she smiled back at me too and bowed her head a little "A-a witch?" I stammered with shock, "Ya I know it sounds unbelievable but...Look who you've ended up with" he chuckled. I smiled faintly...Nothing really at the moment can make me happy or smile-


"She should get her rest, come love I'll make you some herbal tea- it will relax you and make you feel a whole lot better" said Kris' grandma, setting both hands on my shoulders and leading me to the room I was in.


(Kris' PoV)


 "When do you plan on telling Miyung that a pack of wolves are on our asses, trying to hunt her down and kill her?" Chanyeol said sarcasticly, with his arms crossed against his chest glaring at me-


"When the time is right- from now on we stick with what we can do" I snapped at him quietly, "And whats that?!" Chanyeol whispered loudly, "Look all we can do as of right now is to hide and run. Ya I know it isnt your guys' cup of tea but its what we CAN do until we find something out" I told them.


"Her first transformation needs to happen tonight..We need to train her to the point where she can turn into it whenever she wants. But we need to be wise on how we teach her- her personality may have changed to being more moodyer or emotional and you lot know that-" I explained to them so they know what to expect.


"And remember..She's stronger than us, so DONT piss her off!" I warned them.


"Are you sure we should do it tonight?" Chanyeol asked, "Why not?" I shrugged. "She just found out shes a wolf and now you want to PUSH her into transforming already!" he protested angrily, "Fine! We'll do it tomorrow then!" I shouted-


"Will you two shut up! Her hearing is sharper than ever and you two babos are out here arguing about her!" Lay hissed at us, me and Chanyeol shutted up quickly but glared at eachother.


 (Chanyeol's PoV)


Everyone else was in bed. But I couldnt sleep...I got up slowly from my bed and crept to Miyung's room to check up on her-


"I know you're there" she whispered hoarsly, I wasnt tensed up anymore from sneaking around and just walked into her room and closed the door. "Do you feel ok?" I asked her taking a seat on the empty side of her bed as her back faced me.


"Im fine.." she said shortly, I layed there and stared at the cieling and sighed- "Chanyeol?" she said softly. 


"Ya?" I said still staring at the cieling, "Im scared..." she wimpered. She then switched to her side and looked at me with her quivering lip and teary eyes. I layed on my side too and gently sat my hand  to her cheek and caressed my thumb against it. 


"You shouldnt be. Because you have us, and we wouldnt let anything bad happen to you" I told her, "I know Chanyeol..Thats not what Im scared about though" she said-


"Then what?" I asked her...


"Im scared of putting you all in danger" I could just see the sadness and pain in her piercing baby blue eyes, I could hear the pounding of her heart and her puffs of air that came out of -


I moved our bodies closer together and held her tightly, I intertwined our legs and wrapped my arms around her waist and sat my chin ontop of her head. "You arent putting us in danger Miyung" I whispered.




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Mariam8808 #1
Chapter 40: pleeees update sooon ><
Lulubabexom #2
Chapter 40: AAAHHHH!!!!what will happen next?!OMG!please update soon!
//banging my head on the table cause of dem feels
YourPrincessV #4
update please :(
Chapter 39: Oh nooo !! Chanyeol !! Where is he ?!! Where did he go ?!! >O<
maneeex3 #6
Chapter 39: Omg omg what happened to chanyeoool?
brixenne #7
Chapter 38: Do study well author-nim ... but don't abandon us! LOL
maneeex3 #8
Chapter 38: aww.. its okay fighting !
Chapter 38: It's okay, I'm waiting here, so take your time and study well :DDD
maneeex3 #10
Chapter 37: whats happening to her? omf-