I woke up the next morning with Youngmin and Daehyun sleeping next to me. I sat up and went into the bathroom to wash up. I came back downstairs to see Youngmin sitting up staring into space and drooling with his mouth open. I smiled t him and walked over to him. "Umma" He mumbled. I got excited and said, "Say..Umma." I said smiling. "Umma." He said. "Daehyun-ah! wake up!" I said shaking him. "Say....Appa." I said. "Ppa." He said. "A-ppa." I said to him. "A-ppa." Youngmin said. "Appa." I said "Appa." He said. Youngmin and I smiled. "Daehyun-ah! Get up!" I said shaking him again. He sat up and said, "What?" "Look." I said. He watched Youngmin. I pointed to myself and Youngmin said, "Umma." Then I pointed to Daehyun. "Appa." He said. Daehyun signature smile lit up from ear to ear. Later on, Daehyun and I sat in the kitchen just talking. "Wait, what time is it?" I asked him. "Uhm, 9:30....Why?" I spit out my water and ran upstairs and got dressed. I kissed Youngmin and wrapped my fists. I wore a hoodie with a sports bra, and some sport shorts. "Bye bye, I have to go now." I said to Daehyun rushing out the door. I went into the car and closed the door. I took off my ring and securely placed it in my bra. I dorve over to the gym and signed in. I mostly trained teenagers and kids. The last person had a familiar voice. My back was turned and I was drinking water. I turned around and Daehyun was there. He was shirtless wearing sports shorts, and his fists wrapped. I sighed and said, "Are you sure?"

"Yup." He said smiling. "Ok." I said putting up my fists. It was kind of a tie. I got hit, he got hit. That was how it was. I finally got Daehyun on the floor. "Are you sure NOW?" I said to him. We were both out of breath. "Yeah right, I let you win." He said. "Oh really?" I said to him. "Anyway, my shift is over.....Who is taking care of Youngmin?" I asked. "The girls." Daehyun said getting up. He went home and we took our showers. After my shower, I got dressed and looked at my hand. My ring was missing. I started looking all over the room for it. "Daehyun-ah, have you seen my ring? I can't find it anywhere!!" I yelled to him from my room. He walked upstairs and helped me look for it. I stood next to him searching. He looked over at me an said, "Found it." "Where?" I asked. He reached into my bra and took my ring out. "Oh yeah." I said. He took my hand and put the ring on. I smiled at it and Daehyun kissed me. I wanted to let go, but something told me not to. "Come, on. stop before I have another one." I said smiling. "Well it's not my fault that I'm so good looking." He said flopping on the bed. "Fine, one more kiss and that's it. Ok?" I said to him. 

I climbed on top of him and kissed him. I went downstairs to see Youngmin playing with the girls. "Minnie, say, Umma." I said.

He reached out his arms and said, "Ummma." "Youngmin, say, CL." CL said. "Sheee." He said. "Minji." Minji said clearly. "Miyi." He said. "Dara." Dara said. Instead of saying something, he sneezed. He is soo cute. He lookes like a tiny panda. I made a bowl of rice and started eating it. I fed Youngmin tiny little rice balls rice. Once I was done, We all heard a big burp. We laughed while he stared into spcae. "I wonder where he got THAT from." Dara said laughing. We gave him a passifier. We pulled it out of his mouth and put it away from him. We wanted to teach him how to crawl. I called Daehyun downstairs to watch. Youngmin was squirming everywhere. I sat down with the passifier in my hands and watched him crawl towards me. he finally reached me and we all cheered with him. "Go to Appa." I said. He started crawling to Daehyun. He crawled to his legs and clinged on them. He picked him up and went with the guys. "Your turn to feed him!" I said to Daehyun. "Ok." He said walking into the kitchen with Youngmin. He started feeding him while I hung out with the girls. "So, we were thinking, We booked you two a mini vacation." Dara said. "But who will take car eof minnie?" I asked. "We will." Heyne said "Ok...But where are we going?" I asked. "Busan..There's a beach house there. It may be old, but they put some touch ups in there so it looks really nice." Minji said. I asked them about the address. They told me and I started laughing. "What?" CL asked. "Nothing.....it's just that, hold on. Daehyun-ah, come here." I said smiling. They told him the address. "Uhm, you know, that's my famili'ys beach house. I would go there every summer as a child....we spent our honeymoon there." He said laughing. "We can still go though." I said to them smiling. "A mom could use a vacation." I said lazily. "Umma!" I heard a squeaky voice whining. I stood up and went into the living room. I saw Youngmin staring at the ceiling shouting "Umma!" with his squeaky voice. He yawned and looked over at me. He rubbed his eyes and mumbled, "Umma." He reached his hands out to me. "Look who's tired." I said. "I'm kinda tired myself. Wanna take a nap with Umma?" I said. He yawned again. I picked him up and genlty rested his head on my shoulder. I walked upstairs and placed him on the middle of the bed so he won't fall.

He was half awake so I gave him his bobo(passifier). I layed next to him and slept with him in my arms. His passifier fell out of his mouth. He sat up and he started whining. His face was red and his eyes were closed. With his mouth open, I put his passifier back in. He went straight to sleep. That shut him up fast. We contiued sleeping and I felt then bed sink in some more. Daehyun was sleeping next to Youngmin. Youngmin barried his face in my chest. His passifier fell out again and he started whining. My eyes were halfway open and so were Daehyun's. We both sat up and looked at him. I put his passifier back in and he went back to sleep. "That shut him up fast." Daehyun mumbled. We went back to sleep and Youngmin barried her face in my chest. We continued napping, just the three of us. I woke up and it was already 9:30pm. Woah, We slept for about a good six hours. Daehyun and Youngmin were still asleep. I tried to get up but Youngmin was clinging to me...it was really tight. I guess he got that from Daehyun. I tried moving but Youngmin felt the movements and started whining. I went back to sleep.

I woke up the next morning hearing to voices. They were both sounds of laughter. "Wake Umma up." I heard a man whisper. I felt small soft hands tapping me on the cheek. "Ummmmmma." I heard a squeaky voice say. "Kiss Umma." I heard a man say. I felt soft lips cover my whole cheek. I opened my eyes to see Youngmin and Daehyun playing together. I smiled and said, "Umma's awake." Youngmin started bouncing in excitement. I sat up and fixed my hair. I washed up and sat down on the bed. Youngmin was distracted by the pillow. Then he started staring at Daehyun's hair. He reached out his hands and his hair. We both started laughing. Youngmin looked at me and smiled. I patted his head and asked, "Who's ready for breakfast?" "Me!" Daehyun said childish. I rolled my eyes and said, "Ok, let's go." I said picking Youngmin up off of the bed.We walked downstairs and I put Youngmin in his little chair. Made some rice and eggs. I ate some while I fed some to him. We all ate in the living room. "Where is everybody?"  I asked. "The dorm." Daehyun said with a mouthful of food. "Wait a second." I said freezing. I put my bowl down and went upstairs. I quietly opened the door to the guest bedroom. I saw Heyne and Zelo sleeping together. Zelo's head was resting on her chest, while Zelo held her tight. It reminded me of Daehyun and me. I smiled and quietly closed the door. I went back downstairs and continued eating. "What was that all about?" Daehyun asked. "Heyne and Zelo are sleeping in the guest bedroom upstairs." I said. "Really?" he asked s,iling. "Yeah, it kind of reminded me of the both of us." I said smiling. We continued eating while Youngmin managed to squirm out of his chair. He started crawling towards the stairs. "I have an idea." I said. I took youngmin upstairs and Daehyun followed me. I opened the door to the guest bedroom. Daehyun saw the both of them. I placed Youngmin inbetween the both of them. 

We quielty stood by the door and waited for them to wake up. Youngmin was drooling all over them. He was mumbling and shouting Umma and Appa. They sat up and saw Youngmin. "Look who's awake." I said smiling. They were scratching their heads and rubbing the back of their necks. Daehyun went to sleep in my bed already. He got tired of waiting. "Don't worry. I won't tell anybody. Kinda reminds me of me and Daehyun a little." I said to them. I took Minnie and we went downstairs. While I was walking out the door, I said, "Hurry up and come eat." They nodded their heads and I went downstairs. I made ric an eggs for the both of them. Youngmin was still tired so I put his small blankets and pillows on th floor so he can rest. I put his passifier in his mouth so he won't whine. They came downstairs and they sat on the living room floor. I gave them their breakfast and they ate right away. Daehyun was still asleep, and as the lazy person that I am, I didn't feel like waking him up. "So, it's official huh?" I asked them. "Uhm, yeah I guess. "Zelo said shoving his mouth with food. "Jongup kinda reminds me of Youngmin." Heyne said looking at him. ""You should have seen it in the hospital. Youngmin spaced out and looked over at Jongup..They were doing the same thing." I said imitating them. We all laughed quiely so we wouldn't wake Youngmin up. We all talked and laughed together. We were waiting for the guys to come back from the dorm. Daehyun woke up and wlked downstairs. He was half asleep. We walked and sat lied down on the floor next to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "I remember the time when I found out we were having twins." I said. I explained to them what happened at the appointment. We were all laughing. Except for Daehyun he was still sleeping. 

"Don't sleep with Daehyun, I think he has a 'hugging problem'. Once he hugs you in his sleep, he will tighten his grip on you." I said to them. "You mean like right now?" Zelo asked looking at him. "Yeah, but you learn to love it though." I said trying to get out of his grip. I sighed and gave up. We all got tired from waiting. We decided to sleep in the living room with Youngmin. I slept in Daehyun's arms while Heyne slept in Zelo's. We all slept with Youngmin in the middle. Daehyun and I were on his right side, and Zelo and Heyne were on his left side. We heard them walk in the door. It was still quiet though. I opened my eyes to see Minji and Youngjae sleeping togther, Himchan and Dara, CL and Jongup, and Bom and Yongguk.What is this? Couple's sleeping? Is everybody dating now??? I continued sleeping. I didn't feel like waking up yet. We all woke up hearing a squeaky voice mumbling, "Umma! Appa!" Over and over again. We all sat up and we were half awake. It was 10:15pm. "How long have me been sleeping?" Minji asked yawning. Youngjae's arms were wrapped arouned her waist while his head rested on her shoulder. He was still sleeping. I checked my phone. "We slept for about.....10 hours." I said stretching. "Umma.ma ma ma." I heard Youngmin mumbling. He had tears in his eyes. I picked him up and wiped away his tears. "Umma's here. Don't cry Ok?" I whispered to him. He clinged to me and rested his head on my chest. Heyne and Zelo were still sleeping, and so was Daehyun. "How was your sleep guys?" I had to ask. "It was fine." Dara said stretching. "Fine? I thought it was good." Himchan said back hugging her, he was half awake too. I was able to get Youngmin to go back to sleep. Bom and Yongguk were still sleeping. "Why is it so loud?" Bom said complaining. She sat up and looked at Yongguk. He had his arms wrapped around her. She went back to sleep in his arms. We all decided to go back to sleep. All the girls woke up. We decided to play a game. Whoever wake up one of the guys first, wins. I knew how to win the game. "1,2,3." I said we all tried to wake them up. Everbody else was shaking them. "Daehyun-ah, get up. Food is ready." I whispered to him. I kissed him and waited for three seconds. Daehyun sat up. "I win." I said to them. Everybody else managed to wake them up. But I knew that whenever I would wake Daehyun up, something would always happen. He picked me up bridal style and lied on top of me on the couch. "He's not awake." CL said. "If he manages to sit up and move, he is awake." I said smiling. The girls decided to make the guys their favorite foods. I made Daehyun eggs and rice, and a small round cheesecake just for him. Bom made Ramen, Dara made pasta, We all started cooking. The kitchen was filled with food and Women. 

Once we were done, we set out the food in the living room and waited for the guys to wake up. Daehyun woke up first. The Yongguk, Youngjae, Himchan, Zelo, Then Jongup. We all ate. I sat on Daehyun's lap and fed him his cheesecake. He looked happy. Once he was done, I took the dishes and washed them. While I was washing the dishes, I felt warm arms wrap around my waist. Daehyun was back hugging me. He rested his head on my shoulder kissing my neck. "You have nothing better to do huh?" I asked him smiling. He nodded his head and continued. I finished the dishes and he followed me with his arms still wrapped around me. I sat down and we had an Idea.

"Let's play spin the bottle." Dara said taking out a baby bottle. We circled around and I spun the bottle. It didn't point at anybody, instead, it pointed at Youngmin. I spun the bottle again and it landed on CL. "CL, you have to.....sleep with Jongup tonight." I said smiling. CL spun the bottle and it landed on Yongguk. "Yongguk, you have to..Kiss Bom." CL said laughing. They looked at each other and moved closer. They quickly kissed and parted. Everybody was laughing. Yongguk spun the bottle and landed on me. "You have to Kiss Daehyun for 1o seconds." He said with his gummy smile. As if he was trying to get back at us. I looked and Daehyun and Yongguk said, "1,2,3, GO." Daehyun and I kissed. "10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,............" While we were kissing he paused. While kissing him I threw a small toy at Yongguk. "Ow, Ok. 1." We parted and they laughed. I looked at Daehyun and I knew he wanted at least one more. I rolled my eyes and spun the bottle. It landed on Minji. "Minji...you have to..say, 'I love you' to Youngjae." Youngjae smiled and she said, "I love you." She spun the bottle and it landed on Dara. "Dara.....you have to Drink half a bottle of baby milk!" Minji said, making the milk "But, doesn't that taste different than regular milk?" She asked me. "Oh yeah." I said. Minji came out with the bottle of milk in her hand. She handed it to Dara and said, "3,2,1 Go!" She drank a big gulp and almost spit it out. "Ew!" She said swallowing. "Come on! Just a few more sips!" I told her. Youngmin crawled towards her and took the bottle from her. He chugged the rest of it. Dara ran into the bathrrom and spit it out. She rinsed and came back out. "You are soooo dead." She said to Minji. She spun the bottle and it landed on Zelo. "You have to.. Eat baby food." She said to him. "Oh man!" He said. I got up and went into the kitchen and got some baby food. I secretly mixed in some sugar and tasted a little bit. It was Ok. I mixed it in and came back out with a baby sppon. I gave him the food and I whispered to him what I put in there. He smiled and I said, "1,2,3." He tooke a big spoonful and closed his eyes. He swallowed it and said, "It's disgusting...but sweet, Like a sprinkled cupcake with aids." He said gagging. We laughed and he took the last spponful. He swallowed it and ran into the kitchen for some water.

"Oh yeah, we won't be here for about another week or so. We are making a new Music video." Daehyun said. "Oh, what's it caleed?" I asked. "Badman." He said. "When are you leaving?" Dara asked. "In two days?" Jongup answered. "Work hard, Ok?" Bom said. 



"Ok, I love you. Work hard Ok?" I said to him. I kissed him and he hugged me tightly. I kissed him one more time, and he kissed Youngmin.We stood at the door as they left. We all walked inside and hung out in the living room. "I can't wait to see their music video." Dara said. "I know right." I said playing with Minnie. "Minnie-ah, Kiss Heyen." I said to him. He crawled to Heyne and gave her his signature slobbery kisses. "Ew! Drool!" She said wiping . "Appa!" He mumbling bouncing. "Ummmmma!" He said smiling. We talked all night. I put Minnie to sleep. We circled around and kept talking. Minnie was sleeping in the middle of our 'circle'. His passifer fell out and he sat up with his red face, his eyes closed, and started whining. I quickly put his passifier back in and he wne back to sleep. "Well, that shut him up fast." CL said. We ate and laughed and watched movies. It was kind of lonely without the guys. At least I still have Minnie. 

He reminds me of Daehyun. I was flipping through channels and I saw one with B.A.P. They were filming a video diary show about their comeback. We decided to watch it. Each member had their own camera, and they each shared a room. Daehyun with Youngjae, Jongup with Zelo, and Himchan and Yongguk. They were in their rooms ready for bed. Youngjae was in the bed holding the camera. The lights were still on. I called Daehyun and watched the t.v. to see if he will answer. He walked somewhere in the room and answered the phone. "Hello?" He said. "Hi. You know I can see you." I told him. "What?" He asked. "On the t.v." I said watching. Youngjae was yelling and messing around. He was calling Daehyun's name. "Get off of the phone!" He said yelling. I watched them while laughing through the phone. We said our goodbyes and he hung up the phone. I watched him throw a pillow at Youngjae. While holding the camera, he flinched. It was night time and they were ready for bed and Youngjae was filming himself. He was just talking about random things. He turned the camera to Daehyun who was shirtless. He tried to catch him but he covered up on the blankets fast. "Yah!" He said, Youngjae kept laughing. While filming himself, he started talkng to Daehyun. Daehyun was talking back, and when he was caught off guard, he caught him. He tried covering up but he already filmed it. "Goodnight!" He yelled a Youngjae. He took the camera and Daehyun said filming himself, "Yah, I'm so tired.....Goodnight Soomin-ah, Love you two guys." He said "Dude! Shutup!" Youngjae yelled. "Yah!" He yelled back. He shut the camera off and we went to sleep. Daehyun called me telling me the show was on. I put him on speaker and Youngmin woke up. 

He filmed himself with us on speaker. "Hi!" He said waving in the camera. "Appa!" Youngmin said smiling. "Hiii." Daehyun said smiling in the camera. They switched the camera to Zelo and Jongup. "Oh my gosh. I am so tired." Zelo said filming himself. "Minji-ah, Good morning." He said smiling. He started filming Jonup. He was changing his shirt. He took off his shirt while Zelo was secretly taping him. While he was shirtless, he turned around to see Zelo quietly laughing. "Yah!" He said putting on a shirt. Today, they were getting their hair done for the music video. We watched them get their hair done. Daehyun filmed himself saying, "i won't film my hair style. It will be a surprise. So you have to wait." He said smiling. He got his hair done and they went to the studio to practice. "This is so tiring." Yongguk said out of breath. They went to the concert stage and practiced their performance there. Daehyun wore a hat so nobody could see his hair. 

It was finally time for the music video. After weeks of the making, in the last episode they showed the mv. After the music video and the live performances, They filmed themselves at the airport getting ready to come back to Seoul. They filmed themsleves on the plane. Daehyun filmed himself eating. "Hi Soomin-ah." He said waving to me while eating. Youngjae and Daehyun were fighting for the camera. Zelo video taped Jongup sleeping on the plane. Himchan was filming himslef and using the lense as a mirror. Yongguk was listening to music and cracking jokes with Himchan. We were all laughing. They all fell asleep. So did we. I slept with Youngmin in my arms. I was excited for Daehyun to come back. I wanted to see what his hair looks like. I slept with a soft smile on my face. I heard a door close. But I didn't feel like checking. I felt warm arms pick me up. I still had Youngmin in my amrs. It lied me down on something soft. I felt the same warm arms wrap around me. I woke up the next morning in my bed. I saw Looked at Youngmin and gently put him in his crib. I went back on the bed and fell asleep next to Daehyun. I slept in his arms and he hugged me tighter. About an hour or so later, I woke up hearing somebody crying. "Umma!" Youngmin cried. I went to his crib to see his reed face with tears running down. He was reaching his arms out and shouting, "Umma!" I picked him up and put him sat down on the bed next to Daehyun. I sat him on my lap and wiped away his tears. "Ssshhh, Umma's here. Don't cry." I whispered. I kissed his forehead and rested his head on my chest. I heard everybody downstairs and I let Youngmin play with them. I went back upstairs and went back to sleep. I saw Daehyun's hair. It was soo pretty! Daehyun slept on top of me with his head resting on my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning to Daehyun's kisses. I opened my eyes and lifted his head. I kissed him and said, "Loving the hair." I said smiling. I kissed him again and he said, "I really missed you." "So did I." I said. I didn't feel like talking. All I wanted to do was kiss him some more. He hugged me tighter and we kissed again. But we didn't part this time. He hugged me even tighter and I lightly tugged on his hair. I missed him so much.

I kissed him one last time and said, "Come on, your son is waiting." I said smiling. I went downstairs and waited for Daehyun. "Have you seen his hair?" Youngjae asked. "Why? what does it look like?" Dara asked. He came downstairs with his hair all messy. He sat infront of me resting his head on my chest. I fixed his hair and the girls said, "It looks good." "I know right?" I said running my fingers through his hair. He was still asleep. He faced me and rested his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around my waist. I ketp running my fingers through his hair. "Is that all you are gonna do today?" He asked me. "If I do, I won't be able to kiss you, or hug you, or do anything else." I said smiling at him. "Appa." I heard a squeaky voice mumble. We looked over to see Youngmin bouncing and smiling. I picked him up and sat him on my lap. We played with Youngmin for the rest of the morning. Once it was nap time, I got tired. Everybody was tired. Especially the guys. They came back hours ago. We all slept in the living room together. I love you Daehyun.

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Chapter 25: saranghae!!!! to you too!!!!! ha
Chapter 18: yay sequel!!!!!!!!!! xD
ricebunny0330 #3
Chapter 15: Thank you for updating everyday~!!!! It gives me something to look forward to~ ^^ Fighting!!! <3
ricebunny0330 #4
Chapter 11: Hi Author~nim!! Thanks so much for writing this story and actually updating it pretty frequently!!! Sometimes people start a story and dont end and leaves us readers hanging =_=....Anyhoooo Just wanted to say Thank You!!!!! <3 :D