"Soomin?" I asked. "Sir, may you please exit the room." The doctor said. "What's happening to her?" I asked. The sat me down on the bench next to everybody else. I was so worried. I looked at everybody else. They were staring at me with confusion. "Hyung, is she Ok?" Zelo asked. "I-I don't know." I said to him. About an hour later, a doctor said to me, "Would you like to see your wife?" I nodded yes and I ran to her room. I saw her sleeping with Youngmin in her hands. I heard everybody else walk in. We all looked at the two of them. We heard a mna step in the room. It was her dad. I looked at Heyne and I saw Zelo trying to calm her down. "Soomin?" He said. She woke up and saw him. He reached out to Youngmin. I saw Soomin pull Youngmin closer to her, so He won't touch him. Soomin was glaring at him. He backed away and walked out. Soomin let her guard down and continued sleeping with Youngmin. "So, She will stay here for at least three days to recover, and she will return with your son. For now on, He will stay in the nursery." The doctor said. I nodded to her and she left the room. A couple minutes later, Soomin woke up from hearing Youngmin mumbling and whining. She looked at him and smiled. "Good morning Sunshine." She said to him softly. We all smiled. She gave him to me and he was looking straight at me. I smiled at him and he mumbled. I passed him to Youngjae. He smiled at him and passed him to Yongguk. He made his signature gummy smile at him and passed him to Himchan. They all passed him around and ended with Heyne. "Hi. It's auntie Heyne." She said kissing his forehead. She gave him back to Soomin. She smiled and Kissed his cheek. The doctor came and she said, "It's time for little Youngmin to go to the nursery." She said smiling. Soomin kissed him one last time and gave him to the nurse. I followed her to make sure he was okay. She placed him in the nursery and told me, "Soomin will take care of him while she is resting. You will be able to pick her up in three days time. In the mean time, you should go do some baby shopping." She said. 

We all said our goodbyes to Youngmin and Soomin. While everybody else left the room, I said to Soomin, "Rest well. I will be back in three days." I kissed her and she hugged me. We all got in our cars and went to the mall. While I was driving, I asked Hyori to meet us there. We parked our cars and walked into the mall as a group. We saw Hyori waiting for us at the entrance. She waved her hand at us and we waved back. "So, We need to split up and go to baby stores. We need baby stuff for boys." I said. Hyori counted everybody and asked, "Where's Soomin?" Her eyes widened and said, "You're having a baby?!?" 

"We already have one." Jongup said. She squealed in excitement. She started listing things we need. I went with Hyori, Yongguk went with Himchan, Bom went with Youngjae, Dara went with Jongup, and Zelo went with  Heyne. While Minji and CL stayed with Soomin. 


Zelo and I found a baby store. We walked in and looked around the store for clothes and shoes. Zelo couldn't find anything. He walked over to me, because my hands were full. He helped me by taking some off of my hands. "Uhm, Heyne, can I ask you something?" He asked "What is it?" I asked, turning and facing him. "W-Would you like to go out with me?" He said nervously. I smiled at him and said, "Of course." I patted his head and kissed his cheek. "Come on, we have shopping to do."I said smiling. We went to all kinds of stores.We bought toys, shoes, clothes, and bottles. We got hungry so we stopped somewhere to get a snack. Zelo bought the snacks. I clinged to his arm and rested my head on his shoulder. We met up with everybody else. Everybody was full with bags. We got into our cars. I sat next To Zelo.  We parked the car and unloaded the bags. We all sat in the living room and organized everything. We layed out the bibs, clothes, bottles, shoes, passifiers, and stuff. Zelo and I took off the tags and folded every peice of clothing. 

Yongguk oppa made ramen for everybody. He came out with bowls full of ramen. He handed Zelo and me a bowl. We all cirlced around and started eating. Zelo finished first but he was still hungry. I fed him a spoonfull of ramen. Then everybody was staring at us. "Whaaat?" Zelo asked. They started laughing and continued eating. I finished my food and we kept organizing the baby stuff. 



I'm on my way to pick up Soomin from the hospital. Heyne and Zelo wanted to come along. Since Jongup had nothing else to do, he came with us. I glanced at Jongup while I was driving. He was staring off into space. I looked at Zelo and he was sleeping on Heyne's lap, while she ran her fingers through his hair. I chuckled and continued driving. I parked the car and I heard Heyne gently wake Zelo up. We got out of the car, and Jongup brought the car seat. We looked into the window in Soomin's room to see CL and Minji sleeping next to her. Youngmin was awake and so was Soomin. Soomin was playing with him on her lap. I smiled and knocked on the door. She looked through the window and smiled. She got Youngmin's attention and pointed to me through the window. I saw Youngmin and Soomin's smiling at me. I smiled back. Youngmin has her smile. I walked in the door and said, "Appa is here!!" Youngmin was smiling and bouncing on Soomin's lap, while staring at me. I sat next to them and Soomin kissed me. She sat up and faced her body towards me. She took Youngimin and put him in her lap. He reached over to me and my hair. I looked behind Soomin to see Zelo sleeping on Heyne's lap while she ran her fingers through his hair. "Turn around." I whispered to her. Soomin turned around and saw them. She looked back at me and laughed quietly. Youngmin was still admiring my hair. "I want to show you something." Soomin said. "Youngmin-ah, kiss appa." She said. I leaned over to kiss him and he opened his mouth. When I kissed him, his open mouth was all over mine. when we parted, there was drool all over my lips. Soomin started laughing. Soomin and I were just talking until I noticed Youngmin just spacing out. His mouth was open and he was just staring into space. "Uhm, does he do that a lot?" I asked. "Oh yeah." She says. We started looking at him and we looked at each other. We looked over at Jongup and he was doing the same thing. We started laughing. "Youngmin is easily distracted." Soomin said. I looked over at Youngmin and he was playing with Soomin's clothes. "Is that what you are talking about?" I asked. She nodded. "Sometimes, he would open his mouth and just put it your arm or leg." She said. "Sometimes he would make sounds." She said. 

Youngmin was on Soomin's forearm. He would part and look at it, and on it again. "Ew, and that worst part is, you can feel his tongue moving around." She said looking at him. "But the best part is, He has your eyes." She said looking down at him and smiling. " Ready to go home?" I asked her. "Yeah, let's go." She said. She woke CL up and gave Youngmin to her. She got up and got her bags. She snapped Jongup back into reality while Heyne genlty woke Zelo up. CL woke Minji up and I put Youngmin in the car seat. Jongup carried the car seat and we headed to the parking lot while Soomin signed us out. Soomin placed Youngmin into the car. She got into the car and we went home. She was so excited. We went home and I parked the car. Soomin took Youngmin out of the car while I got her bags. "Umma's home!" She said walking in the door. "Hi!" Youngjae said. His eyes were glued to the video game. She sat Youngmin's carseat down on the floor and squated down to take him out. She carried him upstairs and placed on the bed. She saw the bags on the side of the bed. "What's this?" She asked. She opened them up and all of the things we bought were in there. "This is soo cute!" She said taking out the clothes. She set them aside and gave Youngmin the passifier. It was really hot int the room. We placed fans in the room and opened the windows. We undressed Youngmin, all he had on was his diaper. Soomin went into the bathroom and came back out with a small hair riboon. Youngmin had long, dark brown hair. She put his hair up in a tiny little bun that stook up. "He looks like a samurai." I said.

"He does." She said looking at him. "Minnie, kiss umma." She said. Youngmin leaned in and opened his mouth. Soomin kissed him and slobber was on . She wiped it off and we started playing with him. We brought out his toys and played with him. We brought him downstairs so Soomin could feed him. She mixed up the baby food and put on his bib. she carried him into the living room and placed him in a small chair that we bought. I placed him in the seat and Soominsat on the floo and got ready to feed him. She lifted the the spoon and Youngmin leaned in as far has he could. While he was leaning, he opened his mouth. She fed him the spoonful of food. "You're hungry huh?" She asked him. "Instead of just sitting there, you guy can put up the crib." She said. "Oh yeah." I said. I gathered the guys and we got the tools. We picked up the box woth the crib inside. It was really heavy. we sat it down in my room. We opened the box and put the crib together. It took longer than we thought. But we finished it. We placed beside the bed on Soomin's side. We placed the stuffed animals and blankets and pillows. We went downstairs and said, "Finished it." "It's about time, Your son was waiting." Soomin said playfully. I washed my hands and went to see Youngmin. He was boucing on Soomin's lap. She gave him to me and I sat down on the floor with him. "Oh yeah, tomorrow Hyori can't make it to work. I am covering for her at the local gym. I'm the 'subsitute trainer'. " She told me. I nodded my head and Soomin went into the kitchen and made dinner. She came out with kimchi and rice. She made a tiny rice ball and hand fed it into Youngmin's mouth. Once he swallowed it, he burped in my face. "Ew." I said. He got easily distracted and started playing with my clothes. He lifted up my shirt and saw my muscles. He got distracted again and started touching them. "One day, you are gonna be big and strong like appa." Soomin said. We played around for a little bit more. "Uh-oh, It's time for somebody's nap."Soomin said.

"Yup, time to have a nap Youngmin." I said smiling. "Oh no, I was talking about me." She said. "But it is time for him to nap." She said. I got some blankets and pillows and layed them out on the floor. I lied down next to Soomin with Youngmin was sleeping in between us. Welcome to the world Youngmin!

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Chapter 25: saranghae!!!! to you too!!!!! ha
Chapter 18: yay sequel!!!!!!!!!! xD
ricebunny0330 #3
Chapter 15: Thank you for updating everyday~!!!! It gives me something to look forward to~ ^^ Fighting!!! <3
ricebunny0330 #4
Chapter 11: Hi Author~nim!! Thanks so much for writing this story and actually updating it pretty frequently!!! Sometimes people start a story and dont end and leaves us readers hanging =_=....Anyhoooo Just wanted to say Thank You!!!!! <3 :D