
My Beautiful Hostage


Yuri POV
I'm so happy to see Tiffany eating a lot. She looks skinnier, and i can't stop blaming myself for this. But now, she looks brighter, i'm so happy to see her smile again.
"let me do it by myself.."
"no, i want to feed you.." 
She pouts, i love that pout, she's so adorable. I can't stop staring at her. Thanks to Jessica, without her help i won't be here. She sure is a good friend for Tiffany. 
"i'm bored, when do i discharge from here?"
"you should eat more if you want to leave this place sooner, and also don't forget to take your pills.." 
"i got it.." she nods and pouts
"stop pouting, you just make me want to kiss you.." I pinch her nose playfully
"then, kiss me.." she smiles 
I chuckle, then peck her lips. She pull me by the neck before the gap between us getting wider, and presses her lips against mine hardly. I don't want a rough kiss, it might hurt her. So, i kiss her back in a gentle way. 
Hearing a man shouting, we break the kiss immadiately. Tiffany's eyes widen in an instant, and so do i. I took her hand in an instant, holding it tightly, and never want to let it go.
"what did you just do with that girl??" 
"answer me, Stephanie!!!" 
"no need to shout, Mr.Hwang. Tiffany is still in a bad state.."
"shut up your mouth!! Stay away from my daughter or i'll kill you!!"
"i'd rather die than not being with her.."
"if you say so.." 
Mr.Hwang pointing his gun at me. I gulp, i'm scared honestly. But, if i have to die for her, then i'm ready. I'll take any concequences for loving her. 
"no! If you kill her, then kill me too!!" 
"stay away, Miyoung.." 
"if she dies, i die too.." 
"i love her, dad!! Why can't you understand?" 
"you can't love her!!!" 
Mr.Hwang fires his gun to the air. I quickly hug Tiffany. Two men coming in after hearing a gunshot, they are Tiffany's brothers. Taecyeon calmly talked to his father, and Chansung only stood in a concerned look. 
"daddy, calm down.."
"Taecyeon, hold your sister! And Chansung, drag this woman out of here!" 
"give me your gun first, daddy. I'll do as you say.." 
Mr.Hwang seems to control his anger. He gives the gun to Taecyeon, and that guy immadiately keep the gun in the safe place. 
Chansung walks to me, seperating me and Tiffany in the process. He seems disagree to this, but i know he won't disobey his father. On the other hand, Taecyeon rushes to hug Tiffany tightly who is starting to go crazy, struggling to be free. Doctor and nurses rush inside the room, giving her a sedative injection.
"no please, let me be with her.." 
I try to pull my hands from Chansung's grip, but he tighten the grip on me. I'm struggling, Tiffany struggling too, but none of us can escape. Chansung drags me away and away from Tiffany. 
"Tiffany, i love you!!!" 
Chansung drags me out of the room and out of the hospital. He looks at me in concern and i can only cry, covering my face with my palms. 
"i'm sorry, noona. I don't want to do this though, but i have no choice.." 
I cry and cry, why does it suppose to be like this? Why should it be so hard? Why can't we be together? We love each other, and what's wrong with that? 
"just please wait a little longer, Tiff. We'll through this together.."
I wipe away my tears and go to my car, heading back home. I have to run from my house or appa will send me to London. I don't want it to happen, i still want to stay, stay for Tiffany. 
"i'll fight for you, Tiff. I'll fight for us.." 
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Muse_Lover #1
Chapter 15: Sweeeettt yulti~
Thank you~
GoddessKwon #2
Chapter 15: I am smiling like an idiot XD kya~ this is filled with sweetness!!!
Author, can I have a copy of the .pdf file so I can read it again and again offline? Thanks! :)
Chapter 1: please share more
Chapter 15: HShshsjshsishs (don't think that I'm crazy. I'm just fangirling) djdjsj.. anyways I looooooooved the story author ... can I do fangirling again?
PilotIsMyJob #6
Chapter 15: So damn good!!!
Chapter 15: Wooow was so cute *-*
I really love your YulTi historys *o*
You're really awesome, you know?!
Chapter 15: Wah, you're really good. I love your fic. Yeay for Yulti love till the end, very strong ^^
*i'm sorry just happen to read now. Thanks for the fic (:
Chapter 15: finally YulTi got married .. ahhhh i can stop smiling YulTi sweetness...

heyooo dar, i just read ur story today and to be honest its really nice story to read it yet im really enjoy dar... big applaud for u once again dar. well done buddy...

you're the best ;) i'll look forward for your next story dar ~
Totoro_lover #10
Yesssss YulTi is now married <3 lol Yuri wants to her Tiffany so badly XD Calm down Tiger haha