36. horror (UKISS)

UKISS 100 fic challenge


It went dead silent on the screen at the display of a big dark forest. A creepy piano music started playing and it zoomed in as everyone tensed, their eyes glued on the screen.

“What was that?!” Soohyun jumped in place at the sound behind him and turned, clutching at Kibum’s arm for dear life and forcing his eyes to see in the darkness.

At that moment the representative of the horror movie suddenly appeared on the screen with a flash and Kevin screamed – causing a chain reaction from a terrified Kiseop, a pop-eyed Hoon and a Soohyun who didn’t even know why he was screaming.

The curtains of the room were drawn and it was now in complete darkness, if not for the large tv screen. Dongho scooted back to a corner of the small room, tucking his head in his doggie pajamas’ hoodie and peeking carefully, unable to take his eyes off the terrible display.

AJ and Eli just knew this was a hell of an idea. They exchanged looks and smirked. Their eyes shone evilly and they agreed silently to save this for future use.



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