100. horse riding (UKISS)

UKISS 100 fic challenge


“No, Kiseop, you’re doing it wrong!” Dongho wailed as he ran to the completely clueless guy. His horse looked as confused as himself. The maknae took hold of the saddle, turning it the right way and adjusting it while Kiseop nodded, smiling sheepishly.

As there were only 6 horses available, there had to be a pair riding on a single one. They decided on that with rock-paper-scissors with Kevin losing directly from the first time and Eli just pushing it; unwilling to give the golden opportunity to someone else.

Dongho heard a noise and watched as Kevin stumbled onto his horse, with Eli pushing him up, then jumping on the saddle behind him. There was also a similar scene occurring not too far away from them; Soohyun supported Hoon, the guy clasping the horse’s mane clumsily and pulling himself up. Jaeseop was already going around in a steady soft gallop, his face expressing pure concentration as he looked a little stiff.

Dongho sighed and returned his attention to Soohyun, who had returned to his horse and seemed to be marveling at its beauty, occasionally and patting its neck lovingly. The maknae trotted over to him and helped him up, afterwards hopping on his own horse.

They were lucky they had him there, but why was he the only one who knew how things worked?

Soon enough, they were all lined up along a flowery path with tall trees on both sides. The weather couldn’t have been greater, the birds’ sweet songs and the noises of the field bugs being music to their ears.

Everything seemed so calm and soothing and they couldn’t help but relax and simply let the horses lead the way. The whole group sighed in pure bliss as every single one of them breathed the refreshing air. There was greenery everywhere and the sight was absolutely amazing.





“Oh.. oh no- …guys!” Kiseop’s worried voice came from behind Kevin and Eli’s horse as everyone snapped back from their relaxed trance. Soohyun turned his head in the direction; Kevin peeked from Eli’s shoulder as he was leaning back completely onto him.

“H-Help!” Kiseop whispered as he felt himself slip sideways from the horse’s back.

Dongho!” Soohyun almost shouted desperately. The maknae sped up, catching up to the ulzzang’s horse and tsked; the saddle looked loose.

“Kiseop, didn’t you fasten it?” He looked at the panicked expression on his bandmate’s face and decided to give up the sarcasm. “Stop your horse.”


“Pull the leads.”

His horse did stop, however, at that moment Kiseop slipped off completely and headed for the ground with a yelp. He opened his eyes in Dongho’s hold as the maknae pulled him off of the saddle, letting it slide to the horse’s stomach and setting Kiseop on the ground carefully.

“I thought I was going to die…” Kiseop breathed with a hand on his heart.


Fortunately that was the only accident that day.



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Chapter 10: Your making me like Soobum now
Chapter 9: Cute:3. I love horse riding and hope to do it again