31. puzzle (UKISS)

UKISS 100 fic challenge


“Could you move your large please? I’m trying to make something out of this.” Hoon scoffed as he collected the pieces lying around. Soohyun grunted as he was roughly pushed off. “Ugh there are so many missing.”

“I found one in the sink.” Kiseop’s voice cheered from the kitchen. “And one in the bathroom.”

“There must be several under the table too.” Eli noted as he lifted the tablecloth.

Kevin was focused on placing the available pieces together. He stuck his already pieced part with Hoon’s and grinned as it became much larger.

“Oh my god, get me a blue one. Now!”  Hoon shouted and Kiseop hummed. Kevin started on a new piece as he stuck two tiny pieces together.

“Hyungs don’t you have anything better to do?” Dongho deadpanned from behind his phone, sprawled on the couch next to the group.

“Shut up and come help us maknae.” Soohyun’s irritated voice came from under the table.

“I got one!” He cheered, followed by a loud bang. “Oww…” He crawled out and rubbed his head furiously, frowning at the pain.

“Soohyun are you okay..?” Hoon murmured, his gaze not leaving the pieces he’d placed together.

“Yeah I’m fine.” Soohyun grunted. “Who the hell has spread them out like this anyway?!”

Everyone looked at the empty couch and sighed.



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Chapter 10: Your making me like Soobum now
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