73. squid (Soohoon)

UKISS 100 fic challenge


“Oh my god, It’s… it’s on my hand! What do I do?! What do I do?!” Hoon slapped his hand repeatedly on the flat of the sink in hope of getting the slimy creature off of it; Soohyun laughed so hard he didn’t even realize that as soon as Hoon screamed in shrill terror the poor sea creature was tossed in his direction. He let out a strangled yelp as it stuck to the apron on his torso and watched helplessly as Hoon ran away through the kitchen door with his hands in the air. His eyes returned to the squid on his body and he felt a shiver; he stood paralyzed with fear until Kevin and Eli peeked through the door.

“Is it dead? Is it dead?!” Hoon’s panicked voice came from behind them. Soohyun looked up, his eyes reading pure horror.

“Get-…get it off… please…” He croaked almost inaudibly, feeling another shiver run down his body as the squid moved around wildly. Kevin snorted at the sight; Eli’s face became stiff and he looked concerned, stepping up. He connected his thumb with his index finger on one of the tentacles of the squid and pulled it off. It took all of Soohyun’s manliness not to scream and run away like a little girl as Eli did the same with another tentacle.

After what seemed like an eternity the squid was off of his body and back in the sink; Soohyun slumped on the ground, followed by Hoon who sat next to him trying to comfort him and Eli and Kevin walking off carelessly. 



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