97. stupid (Soobum)

UKISS 100 fic challenge


Kibum entered and plopped on the bed with a heavy sigh. Soohyun immediately noticed his gloomy aura and glanced at him worriedly. He couldn’t help but ask.

“Are you okay ‘Bummie…?”

“Yeah, just… practice was a little bit intense today and… my ribcage hurts a little.” Kibum responded with a short, sheepish laugh.

The next moment the bed bounced, the leader jumping in front of him, suddenly holding him and tracing his ribs.

“Really? Where?” He asked, trying to find the pained place(s), his voice full of sincere worry.

“Ahahah, stop it! You’re tickling me-” Kibum flinched and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “I’m okay! It has happened before-”

Soohyun pulled himself back and tilted his head, squinting his eyes and examining thoroughly his friend’s face.

After a brief pause Kibum muttered, “Actually my chest hurts too now.” looking down and faking a hurt countenance. Soohyun’s hands re his body, carefully tracing the wide area of his chest this time and he sighed once again. He was amused by their leader’s constant over-worrying to no end.

“Where? What happened?” Soohyun merely whispered, frowning.

“Ahh, stop, stop, stop, stop.” Kibum chuckled unstoppably and took hold of Soohyun’s hands.

“Look what you’ve done.” He moved one of them down and pressed it on his crotch. “Now this hurts too.”

Kibum lifted his head, grinning a wicked smile at his friend’s shocked face.

Soohyun shot him a pissed look.

“Kibum you’re an .”

“I know,” Kibum laughed wildly as the leader threw his hands away and stomped his way to the door, “that’s why you love me.” 


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Chapter 10: Your making me like Soobum now
Chapter 9: Cute:3. I love horse riding and hope to do it again