8. hospital (Kiseop)

UKISS 100 fic challenge

[author's note]: warning! angsty fic


Soohyun had to admit, there was something strange going on with Kiseop. Refusing to eat along when they went out, skipped meals whenever he could, he occasionally caught his face scrunching up in disgust at the sight of an ice cream –otherwise one of his favorite foods.

He looked paler with the day, dark circles had grown their way under his eyes. It was evident that something bothered him so much he couldn’t even sleep properly.


Kiseop was sick. He knew it. All the enormous pain in his stomach screamed it out loud as it pulled on his nerves with heavy shocks. He couldn’t sleep at night because of its intensity, he even tried using music to distract himself -everything failed. He had been doing a good job of hiding it from the others though. At least that’s what he thought.

But with the progress of the days it started to get out of control and he often found himself crouched on a random place, clutching at his stomach and willing to just pull his gut out and throw it away –anything to stop the pain.

He figured that maybe if he could throw up some, it would become at least lighter. That, however, was not that easy. He made himself do it by drinking a cup of salt and sugar mixed with a little water.

He sat down. He didn’t feel anything for a few seconds, only the saliva dripping from his mouth uncontrollably because of the saltiness. And then there it was –he grimaced and made a rushed move towards the kitchen but couldn’t quite make it; he put a hand on his mouth and the last thing he saw were the contents of his last meal spilling on the floor in front of the open kitchen door. He walked over to the sink and gripped its edge, his knuckles turning white, trying to regain his breathing. He hung his head; his body was not done with him yet though, as Soohyun rushed in the kitchen and another wave of disgust hit him.

Soohyun started panicking at the sight but quickly decided to compose himself as he spoke soothing words which Kiseop barely heard as he threw up all of his insides repeatedly. Soohyun the tap and helped him wash his hands and face.

Kiseop made a cup with his hands and slurped the water in large gulps. He noticed that the alien taste in his mouth wouldn’t go away easily and sighed in defeat as he slumped against the leader; everyone else rushing to see what had happened, gasps filling the tiny room.


Eli laid him gently on the bed, Hoon tucked him under the covers and Soohyun his hair, feeling up his forehead carefully. He frowned as he noted that the boy’s body temperature was unusually high, and glanced at the rest of the group in their pajamas.

“I’m okay guys…Go to sleep.” Kiseop’s voice called out weakly from under the covers.

Soohyun nodded and everyone headed to their rooms with their heads hanging; except for him and Hoon. It was a little past 3AM now, he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep anyway. Plus he needed someone to keep him awake in case something happened.


The next morning Kiseop woke up in a strange white room with someone breathing calmly next to him. He figured the place was a hospital, and the sleeping person was Soohyun. He knew it was going to be a long stay…


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