41. haunted (UKISS)

UKISS 100 fic challenge


“There must be ghosts here.” Kiseop firmly stated as he woke up and his books were rearranged and his posters were scribbled on again.

“There definitely are ghosts here.” Kevin noted as he saw everything on his desk messed up again.

“Do ghosts really exist?” Dongho wondered when he saw a toothbrush float back into the cup as he walked into the bathroom.

 “Oh my god, it’s a ghost!” Hoon screamed as he walked in on the piano keys being pressed down by themselves.

 “Who the …?!“ Eli cursed as his laptop refused to start up, with the familiar blue screen.

“Guys I think AJ is possessed.” Soohyun whispered as he saw the gloomy appearance and dark eyes of his bandmate in the morning.


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