Chapter 4

Misunderstandings and Truths

Chapter 4

It was saturday now.Donghae has moved in officially and finished unpacking. He hadn't really seen hyukjae since yesterday evening when he first arrived. Like Hyukjae said he did not return until around 2am and Donghae was already asleep. When donghae woke up this morning hyukjae was gone again. where does this guy disappear to? donghae wonders. He decides to do what hyukjae said and mind his own business.

The weekend flies by, thankfully for donghae him and hyukjae barely saw each other.It is Monday. Donghae arrives to class with Siwon and henry.

"Are you kidding!?"henry says loudly as donghae covers henry's mouth.

"shhh you idiot!"donghae whisper at him.

"you are living with Lee hyukjae, the lee hyukjae!" henry says quieter and donghae nods.

"He didn't threaten you or anything? are you going to be ok?" siwon asked worriedly.

"we basically avoid each other so I think it is fine." donghae replies slightly glancing at Hyukjae who is laying his head on the desk as usual.


Donghae sighs sitting in class during a boring lecture he cannot focus and catches himself looking toward hyukjae who currently seems to be zoning out.It has been five days since donghae has been living with hyukjae. It would be a lie to say things were going smoothly. Hyukjae basically ignores donghae's existence which bothers donghae slightly. When they do talk to each other it usually ends up with them bickering. However, within these last five days donghae has noticed his eyes following hyukjae.He was not sure if it was curiosity or what but he started noticing hyukjae more. Which is how he found out exactly how hyukjae got the reputation he has somewhat.

Within one week donghae watched at least 3 people hit on hyukjae in the hallways or outside.Two of which ended up with the other student being punched and one that left a girl standing still at a lost.The first was an upper classmen who donghae saw coming onto hyukjae during one of the breaks. Hyukjae tried to ignore the other and leave but when the upper classmen became persistent and tried grabbing hyukjae he ended up with a fist flying his way. The second was a senior who caught hyukjae after school when he was about to leave. This was pretty much the same event as the first one. At least when the girl tried hitting on him he did not hit her donghae thought.


He remembers back to yesterday when a girl from another class came into the classroom during break time. She was beautiful donghae remember thinking and was surprised when she stopped in front of hyukjae and sat on the desk hyukjae just looked at her not amused.


"oppa I like you will you go out with me?" the girl asked cutely. Donghae was awed at her straight forwardness but her cutesy voice seems fake.

"why?" hyukjae said his voice low and non-caring really.

"why do I like you?because you are handsome and strong of course." the girl smiles.The other students in class seem amazed she was even speaking to hyukjae.While the men mostly glare wondering how hyukjae of all people had some hot girl asking him out.

"really? it is not because I am rich and you want to show off" he smirked when the girls face changed slightly. donghae caught the change in her expression.

"W-Why would you think that oppa? of course not." she smiles again this time somewhat forced.

"You should learn to talk quieter when you are talking on the phone to your friends you never who is listening." The girl stopped smiling looking slightly scared probably wondering what else he heard. hyukjae then stood up grabbing his bag."also even being rich I would not give a dime to you." The students who were listening gasped at his cruel response as the said girl stood completely still mouth wide open.

flashback end.

After that the guys in class seemed to dislike hyukjae more but took the opportunity to "console" the poor girl. Donghae figured incidents like this is what caused some rumors to pop up but really donghae would probably act the same.Well maybe not as short tempered. Which was another thing donghae noticed everyone said hyukjae’s temper was horrible and just looking at him wrong gets you beat but it didn't seem that way. Otherwise donghae definitely would have been punched the other day when he made fun of hyukjae watching cartoons.


Donghae walked out of his room and see Hyukjae sitting on the couch watching cartoons. He catches himself trying to stifle a laugh. Hyukjae must have heard him since he turns to look at him.

"what?" he asks.

"You're watching cartoons? aren't you a little old? won’t this ruin your image?" donghae responds forgetting who he is talking to.

'crap my mouth really works faster than my mind' donghae scolds himself.

Hyukjae just shrugs and looks back at the TV." I don't care." he replies uncaringly.

flashback ends.

Donghae remembers being surprised by his response then. Actually after that donghae started to notice little things more.For instance, Hyukjae is pretty absentminded he forget where he puts stuff easily then pouts looking for it.he is so cute when he does that.Yah! what are you thinking donghae how can you think he is cute?he scolds himself mentally. He actually can cook donghae was shocked he figured hyukjae for the stereotypical rick kid who pays others to cook for him or something but he was wrong. He eats alot for such a skinny guy too donghae thinks while eyeing hyukjae.

It was weird living with hyukjae because he does not talk much. They decided out a plan on who cooks on what days and who grocery shops.Donghae was amazed at how easily hyukjae agreed to these things. He doesn't seem all too bad or so donghae occasionally believes until seeing him at school ignoring others or talking back to the teachers and other students who bother him.

After school at house

"are you going grocery shopping?" donghae asks hyukjae when he sees him putting his shoes on at the door way.

"uhmm" hyukjae mumbles in response.

"I am coming with you" donghae stands up and starts putting his shoes on.

"why?" hyukjae looks at donghae confused. It was hyukjae said he would pay this week even though he did last week because donghae’s parents will not send money until a little later.

"because last week you went and came back with a bunch of sweets and what you like I want something I will like." Donghae says as he finishes getting ready. Within the last week he has become slightly more comfortable around hyukjae. Though he is still careful to not purposefully annoy the other.

When they arrive at the store they split off to grab food. Donghae grabs some items he wants and goes to where hyukjae left the cart dumping the items in then looks around for hyukjae who at this time is staring intently at something on a higher shelf in the cooler.Donghae’s eyes follow and spots a carton of strawberry milk.he cannot be serious he really want that? Donghae wonders then thinks back remembering there was strawberry milk in the refrigerator before. Donghae sighs and walks over but hyukjae moves toward the cooler stepping on the lower part to gain height to reach it.Donghae laughs watching hyukjae scale the cooler to reach it. This guy is really something. Hyukjae grabs the milk but when coming down someone walks by and accidently bumps him causing his foot to slip.

"" hyukjae grumbles then falls back expecting to hit the floor but then hears a familiar voice.

"that was close" donghae says.Hyukjae looks down realizing donghae’s arm around him holding him from hitting the floor. He quickly pushes donghae off.

"don’t touch me" he complains then walks past a stunned donghae.

Aish! I help him and that is all he says

donghae complains to himself.

"hurry up we are done" hyukjae then walks to the check out.

Once they get home and put the items away. Hyukjae switches keys to his motorcycle keys which he usually drives and says he is leaving. Donghae sighs now left alone until his phone rings. Siwon and henry invite him out to go to a club later. Donghae agreed because he had nothing better to do. Donghae met siwon and henry outside the apartment. They looked at it the same way he did when he first saw it.Amazed.

"Hurry up!you guys are slow!" whined heechul from the car leaning over Hangeng who was driving.They hurried into the car and headed to the club.

It was loud and pretty crowded; tons of people were on the dance floor. They immediately went to the dance floor and started dancing. Donghae needed to relieve some stress so he was more than happy. After some time dancing they decide to rest sitting at a table to the side.Looking around while chatting donghae suddenly spotts someone with familiar red hair.'Hyukjae!why is he here?is this were he goes all the time?he really does party alot.' Donghae thought while staring. Henry saw donghae staring and looked the same direction.

"hey it is hyukjae isn't it?" henry points out and the others looked over.

Hyukjae was talking to a group of 4 other guys in the distance who are sort of circling him.

"looks like there is about to be a fight!"heechul announces sounding excited. This guy is weird donghae thought then looked back at the group. what if he is right should I help? Then again last time I helped him he was not so thankful. donghae sighs.


wow I have subscribers and comments cool and thanks.I'm glad you like it.

Writting is not my strong point really but I will do my best.just do not expect too much this is my first but it will get better hopefully ^.^

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EunHaeLove42 #1
great story and I'll come back to it once it starts to get updated again. Just clearing up all of my subscriptions.
so I'm putting this story into a special folder.

Hope you continue the story.^^
how i wish you will update this story ㅠㅠ
5ever15 #3
This is one of my favorite fics. Haehyuk fighting!
haehyukloverssss #4
Chapter 18: Pliz update soon..really misss this story :(
please update soon :(
257471 #6
Chapter 18: this is good, hope that their relationships will get better from now on.
please continue this story, thanks :)
ELFhyukhae #7
Chapter 18: Please update~ c'mooooon I waited sooooo long I freaking miss this story's my favourite *pout* I want to know what will happen in the new school KKK hope hyukkie will punish hae by making him jealous awwwh dear author-nim I'm dying hereT-T
author-nim ,when are u going to update ?? I love this story so much and i'm so sad that u didn't update at all .. If ur busy , i'm sorry *bow* nvrmind me ...
RingoJuice #9
Chapter 18: I want to kill donghae for hurting hyukkie! :( Hyukkie should punish him!!
haehyukloverssss #10
Chapter 18: I've re-read this story so many times..need an updates~~~pliss...