(2) 베카 누나 안돼.. 가지마!

"Just 3 More Hours.."

베카 누나 안돼.. 가지마! (part 1)



The only way to get over something, is to make the choice to move on,
no matter how hard it seems to cant let go,
it just a matter of time for the present to become the past.

 FlashbacK o3 

Skipping to when everyone met up..

It was quite a miracle as they all got there 'safely' without anyone getting hurt or getting in danger.


"Kahi unnie!" Nana, Lizzy, E-Young, and Jooyeon ran towards the older as Kahi smiles a bit and hugged them all. "I'm glad that you guys are safe..." she whispered. Kaeun, Raina, Soyoung and Bekah then came forward to the scene and joined them.

While the SEVEN7EEN boys were in a corner- but not too far away from the others. The boys were crowding a very silent Soonyoung, whose eyes were red and puffy from all the crying with his head down. The other girls and the other boys haven't known what happened yet as Junghan and Jisoo only told the SEVEN7EEN members.

"S-Soonyoung hyung.." Samuel and Dongjin whimpered silently as they both tugged on his shirt. Soonyoung took a glance at them before rubbing his eyes. "We.. We're all sorry for what happened Soonyoung.." Doyoon reached out before pulling Soonyoung into a hug. Jisoo sighed. The others then joined the hug after.


JR, Minhyun, Baekho, and Aron was still in the van- but they left the door open as they were talking about what they would do next. They had let Ren go to Alice, Nara, Yoonjo, Ara, Lime, and Yooyoung as they didn't want the younger to feel too pressured and stressed even more. He was already feeling that just thinking about how his parents and older brother are doing. They were now in Busan. But where would they find them? Are they still alive and trying to survive?
The same situation was currently happening to Minhyun as he was worried as well- But even though he kept quiet about it and insisted to help plan.. JR, Baekho and Aron knew him too well.


"Bekah unnie.." Kaeun called out as she went closer to the other. Bekah turned to her from 'patroling'. "Yes?"
"Do you have any idea where Jungah unnie is?" the younger asked worriedly. "She did- She did say that she'd go on ahead right?"

"I'm not sure where she is.. But we should have trust in her.. She.. She stands by her words. She keeps her promises pretty good remember?" Bekah smiled reassuringly as her mind- as well started to wonder.

'Where IS Jungah now?'

She took a quick glance at the body bag around her and patted it for a special something- a walkie talkie.
Jungah and her had found it in the company building and took each one for the two of them, so they'd be able to alert the other of their whereabouts when they separated. It was Jungah's plan. Jungah told the other to turn it on around 6am for a bit and check if they she would be able to catch each other and talk about what was happening to each other. She also told the other to turn it on around 12-1pm for the same reason. And lastly around 6-7pm.

Bekah slow grew worried as she bit her lip. She haven't got any response when she the walkie-talkie eversince.


"Bekah! Behind you!" Kahi then hollered just in time. As when Bekah turned around, she had saw some of 'them' getting closer to their current location. "Quickly! In the van!" Bekah ordered as the others immediately ran back to their respective vans.

T o  B e  C o n t i n u e d . . .



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updated ! "Bekah noona andwae.. Kajima!" [040713]


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ilabya18 #1
2Min4eva417 #2
Chapter 11: I hope you update soon at first j was scared to read this but it turned out really interesting for me!
Chapter 11: Tho short ;^;
Oh my goodness, the music scared the heck out of me when i went to the first chapter XD i haven't even read the first chapter yet because it scared me but the story seems interesting already ;D
kpopjjang22 #5
zombies/zombie apocalypse + pledis family.
oh my. /flails. is this real..
O u O
anyways. its going pretty well! but i do get confused at some parts :\

but keep up the good work! update soon :3
Chapter 10: Okay, so I love your music choices <3 <3 <3
It's very good, but the order of some of the things is confusing (like skipping from the drive to busan to the bar) and again the grammar...
I'm actually excited to read this as it progresses. :)
Chapter 10: yay dambi in the house XD can't wait for more! :)
I love reading a story about all of Pledis haha
Chapter 1: Alright, I made an account just for you because I'm too lazy for pm.
1. I'm really sorry, but I'm a grammar nazi and found various grammatical mistakes.
2. Your chapters are kind of short.

That is all the cons I've found so far.
Pros include errr... a good theme? idk I've only read a chapter lol, overall nice job.
Onto chapter 2~