
How To Melt An Ice Princess' Heart

 Kris' POV-

I walked to my father's chamber in anticipation of seeing the princess in which I have been so anxious to see since our mind blowing kiss.

I finally got to his room. My hand hovers at the door knob of the room as I mentally prepare myself for what is to come. I then open the door after I feel ready enough.

I look around the dark room, I snap my fingers and the lamp fires up to light the room.

I look to the floor and see the princess leaning her back against the chamber wall fast asleep where she is detained by chains. This sight suddenly sickens me and I come and kneel beside her taking in her beauty and her soft steady breathing.

I go to my father's dresser and pull out a set of keys from one of his drawers one being the key to the cuffs. I then make my way back to her and kneel beside her again as I gently unlock the cuffs from her wrists.

She begins to move and I see her long beautiful eyelashes flutter open. Her eyes widen and she let's out a gasp as she sees me so close to her. I raise my index finger to my lips to make sure that she doesn't make a sound, because honestly I don't want to hear her speak of anything until I am in my own chamber and we have our privacy.

I then grab her by her waist and throw her over my shoulder. She yelps as I do this and I begin walking out of the room and down a few hallways until I make it to my chamber.

At last, we reach my chamber, I open my door with one hand while my other hand is holding her legs to make sure she doesn't fall. I then close the door behind me and lock it. I then walk to my bed to place her upon it.

She adjusts her dress and fixes her hair.

I search her face as I can tell she is avoiding eye contact with me. I can tell from her puffy eyes that she has not just been sleeping but crying. I sigh and crouch down in front of her to meet her at eye level.

"Are you okay princess?" I say gently while holding her chin to look at me, my head slightly turns to see her face at a different angle. She still doesn't look me straight in the eyes.

"No" she mutters with barely any sound escaping . She then closes her eyes and begins crying softly, trying to look away from my gaze.

Seeing her like this really begins to pull at my heart strings.

I sigh again and pick her up and place her on my lap as I sit down on the bed.

"Listen princess, I know that you don't like be detained like this, in an unfamiliar place.."

"Just stop...stop trying to comfort me, I know what you have done. Your father told me that you were at war with my kingdom and I know you probably won, all because my shield was not there to protect them." She buried her face in her palms and began crying even harder.

She then punched my chest with all her might and tried to escape off my lap, but I grabbed her waist and positioned her on me so that she was straddling me and held her head to my chest.

She tried pushing me away again but after a few seconds gave up and I felt the weight of her head collapse onto me and I kissed her head.

Why was I treating her like this? We are suppose to be enemies and yet I can't help but treat her like a damsel in distress and the worst part is that I'm the one that is causing her distress.

"What is your name? I'm tired of just calling you princess." I said mumbling my words into her hair.

She picked up her head and her watery eyes met mine.

"Jessica." She said wiping her tears from her face with her hand.

"Jessica, that's a beautiful name. Listen Jessica" I said while wiping away her tears with my hand, I felt every drop singe. "The last thing I want to do is hurt you, ever since I first met you in that ice chamber and kissed you, all I've wanted to do is protect you and keep you because I want you for myself." I said holding her chin to look at me again.

"You're a liar! You hurt me more than made me feel protected! If you have any feeling for me you would let me go!" She said spitting these harsh words in my face making me wince.

"I can't help that our kingdoms have been at war and that from the day I was born I was trained to do this, it's been my mission. Ever since you were born you were probably told to protect your kingdom. You wouldn't have let anything get in the way of you protecting your kingdom even if you did have feelings for me would you?!" I said raising my voice. When suddenly we both gazed at each other with wide eyes and taking in what I just said.

"You have feelings for me Kris?" She said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"I don't know" I said removing her from my lap and placing her on the bed while I got up to pace across my chamber. I put my hand on my head to rub my temples as I paced. I could feel her watching me as I paced.

"What has made you develop feelings for me Kris?" She said with an innocent tone in her voice.

"I don't know if I have feelings for you. I can't, We are enemies. You are just a girl, I can find anyone like you." I said while raising my voice again, then my voice died down again, almost inaudible. "Yet, I can't rid you from my mind. I want you so bad but I know it's wrong. I've never felt this feeling for any other girl except for you. I'm trapped." I said while putting my hand on the back of my neck.

Jessica's POV-

I thought about everything he has said. I secretly felt the same way for him but if I fell in love with him, it would be treason against my kingdom.

He was right, enemies should not love each other. Plus how could I love him considering what he has done to my kingdom, I should hate him...right?

I could tell how much he was fighting back his feelings right now. I stood up and slowly walked over to where he was standing. I cautiously looked up at him as I stood in front of him. He slowly looked down at me with a blank expression on his face.

I gazed at his beautiful eyes, and then looked down at my hands that I was playing with nervously, then back up at him. I must be brave.

"Kris, I-I know this may make things harder on you but...I feel something for you, I'm not sure if it's good yet or not so don't jump to conclusions." I said with a stern face which then turned soft as I placed my hand on his face.

We both gasped as our skin touched. He singed me and I gave him a frost bite, a very painful yet so pleasurable of a touch. I then placed my other hand on his other cheek.

"Kris, I understand that you captured my kingdom because it is your duty as a prince to do what you are told, I would have done the same thing. No matter how much I felt for any other person, I would do what I believe is right." I said with a calm tone.

"But I don't feel like what I have done is right? I hurt you and I feel too much for you to make you sad or hurt, I've never wanted war in the first place or to capture Frostorea. I only did what my father told me to do." He said while placing his hands on my hands that were on his face, and gazing at me with his most softest eyes.

"I never wanted war neither. Kris, I know you have a pure heart because of how sweet and practical you are." I said with a gentle smile towards him.

"Jessica, is there any way that I can make up for what I have done?" He said with such compassion in his voice.

"Three things, one I would like to see my mother, two, please talk to your father about peace between our kingdoms, and three...kiss me." I said gently.

He smiled back at me with love...pure love.

"I will try my best to please these wishes of yours. I will do anything for you Jessica. You have stolen my heart."

"You have melted mine, Kris." I said with a little giggle.

" He gave me a wide grin and held my waist as he leaned down to kiss me with passion.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him with the same passion. I never knew I would ever feel this way for a man.

Especially, for my supposed enemy, but he was perfect and I knew he cared about me.

Convincing other people about us, is going to be the hard part.

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falcongirl #1
Chapter 1: this story is really interesting. I hope u can use the tag 'jessica' and 'kris' so other people will find this story easily.
Chapter 3: So far so good! It's very interesting! Update soon~!! ^^