Built in Ice

How To Melt An Ice Princess' Heart

Hello, My name is Jessica, the world that I was born in is different from what you would expect.

I am not just a 20 year old girl, who goes to college and is ready to be courted at any moment...no...I am not in college nor do I have suitors.

I am an Ice Princess.

My kingdom, Frostorea, is made out of ice, all kinds of ice. Frosted ice, shaved ice, frozen ice and formed in all shapes and sizes to make a place of haven for the Frostoreans, my people.

You see Frostoreans are people who can withstand extreme cold weather and prefer it actually.

I've heard that if our kind if near any type of heat, we will become weak and possibly perish. This is why, we must keep our kingdom made completely of ice so that we can stay strong in a worthy environment.

There have been many fire kingdoms, who have tried to come at war with us to take over our kingdom to claim as there own.

None have prevailed, thankfully, and there is a reason.


I am also not just a regular ice princess, I have a special power, I am able to build a force field around my entire kingdom, ever since my power was discovered when I was very young, my mother has trained me hard to make it stronger to keep our kingdom safe from danger.

If anything should happen to me, my kingdom has no protection and will surely be defeated and the history of the Frostoreans will be completely forgotten...big responsibility you may think....more than you know, my friend, more than you know.

I am put under complete solidarity confinement from everything from the outside world.

I am kept inside my castle, away from harm. I have no friends to confide in and I feel very alone living without a significant other to express my deep desires with.

My kingdom is only ruled by women, and this is traced back from the beginning of the Frostoreans. In the before times, a king and a queen were married and one day had a very heated argument over fire and ice in what they should build their kingdom from. So they split into two kingdoms, one consisting of ice and the other of fire, never to trust each other again.

My mother also has a special power to protect our kingdom, it is mind control. S

he can control the mind of any person she wishes therefore keeping our kingdom from war. She has persuaded the mind of the Fire king to not declare war on our kingdom.

My power will have more catches to it, unfortunately.

More people will get hurt and sadly I can not help that. For when the fire king comes to attack my kingdom when my mother has passed and it is my turn to rule, the fire king will build and break his soldiers to do anything to break through my force field.

My force field has a shock of 10000 amps of power voltage which can stun you dead in less than a millisecond.

I don't want to cause pain on anyone, but it is not me who does not wish for peace...it is the enemy

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falcongirl #1
Chapter 1: this story is really interesting. I hope u can use the tag 'jessica' and 'kris' so other people will find this story easily.
Chapter 3: So far so good! It's very interesting! Update soon~!! ^^