Winning Their Hearts

How To Melt An Ice Princess' Heart

Jessica's POV-

"Jessica, Please Come!"

I scurried over to face my mother who was standing on our castle balcony and looking out to face our kingdom.

"Yes, mother, I'm here" I said while panting from walking so fast.

"I want you to go down to the Ice making factories and tell all the workers to take the rest of the week off, because they have been working so hard, could you do that for me, my Sica? I will send guards with you." She said while putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Of course, mother." I said with a sweet smile.

I got dressed in a flowy pink summer dress that made me look very fair and beautiful.

I then went my way out of my castle and into a carriage that consisted of my personal guard Luhan and my lady in waiting Yoona, followed by a carriage of guards.

After about a ride of ten minutes or so, we arrived at the ice factory.

Luhan got out first and looked around the area before taking Yoona's hand to help her from the carriage and then my hand to assist me out from the carriage.

Yoona and I both bowed to him, he returned the bow at ninety degrees. I then walked between the guards from the other carriage, as Yoona held onto Luhan's arm nearby.

I found the managing office that consisted of the boss of the Factory.

When he saw me enter, he bowed at ninety degrees and then took my hand and kissed it. I smiled my gentlest smile towards him and nodded my head at him.

"Hello, My Dearest And Most Beautiful Princess." He said with his most polite voice.

"Hello, my dear friend, I am here to tell you and your workers that my mother and I have decided to let all of you loyal subjects off for the week because of all the impressive work you have done for our kingdom. We can not thank you enough for all you do." I said with a sweet smile and a bow.

"Oh my most fairest princess thank you so much for these most dearest words, my workers and I are more than happy to do these works for you, we are most gracious." He said with a bright cheerful face. "Please allow me to tell my workers about this wonderful news with you here to thank you with our most thankful cheers."

"As you wish, my dear friend." I said with a little giggle and a sweet smile, bowed then turned to leave his office.

He held me by my hand and took me to the top balcony of the factory and rung the attention bell. All of the workers stopped what they were doing and looked up at the balcony and begun whispering and gasping in awe seeing me in their presence.

The boss of the factory begun bidding good morning to everyone and then telling everyone of their time off for the week. They all got very wide grins on their faces and begun cheering after he ended his speech.

I smiled and waved to everyone and bowed ninety degrees and gave them thanks for all their hard work. Way to win the citizens over Sica, I said as I smiled to myself.

 For I was to be the next queen and needed to win the hearts of my loyal subjects. I believe this visit to the ice factory helped a lot.

I waved to all of the workers before exiting the balcony and finding my way out of the building between the protection of my guards of course. Yoona nodded at my acts in approvement, it was her job to report everything to my mother that was needed and to be my own personal friend to confide in and she has been, we practically grew up together.

Luhan then helped Yoona and I into the car once more with a ninety degree bow.

Yoona smiled at Luhan with her sweetest smile, she recently told me she had feelings for him and I thought this was very touching, they would be a cute couple, the way I see them smile at each other every time they have eye contact brings me happiness because I know Luhan feels the same for her as well just by the way he acts towards her.

The more I think about it, the more sadder I become knowing that I will not get to experience this love for myself for Frostorea is ruled only by queens. The queen always chooses a suitable man from the Frostoreans to make love to the princess to create a new princess.

I've never liked this method it feels very forced. Why my mother, was forced to be given love by her personal guard to have me, I just hope this doesn't have to happen between Luhan and I,

it doesn't just effect me, it would effect his love and happiness, I would not wish something like that on anyone and things would just be too awkward between us after that.





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falcongirl #1
Chapter 1: this story is really interesting. I hope u can use the tag 'jessica' and 'kris' so other people will find this story easily.
Chapter 3: So far so good! It's very interesting! Update soon~!! ^^