Icy Hot Kiss

How To Melt An Ice Princess' Heart

How could it be that when he wrapped his arms around me I felt not fear but butterflies in my stomach?

I feel so safe but yet so wrong.

His arms were fastened strong around my waist but out of pure womanly instinct I turned around in heis arms and slapped his face. He gave a low evil chuckle.

"Do you really think that will stop me from wanting you princess?" He said while touching his hand to his now red cheek.

"It's worth a try, and if you ever do something like that again, I'll do worse." I said with my head held high.

"Oh worse? I would love to see all the worse things you could do to me, little princess." He said with a devilish smirk. I knew what he meant and he was such a ert.

I huffed and went to my bed and sat on it arms crossed in a mad manner, looking away from him.

"Now, now princess, if you are trying to look angry at me, it only turns me on even more with that cute little pouty face you make." He said as he walked to sit down next me, with a smirk.

"Why are you such a ert? Just go away!" I said while pushing his arm trying to push him off the bed. I got up and he grabbed me by my waist and straddled me on his lap. I tried to push his chest away with my hands, but I couldn't help but feel how strong his chest was.

He held my hands so that I couldn't fight him anymore.

Then he kissed me.

In that moment, our lips were literally frozen, but them turned to fire, if even possible.

He then stopped kissing me. He slowly looked up at me, my wrists still in his grasp.

He looked at me straight in the eyes, his eyes were so dilated but full of passion and hard to stare at because of how beautiful they were, so I looked to his chest. He pulled my chin up to face him again.

"So that's what if feels like for an ice princess and a fire prince to kiss?...it felt...perfect. Couldn't you feel how our kiss turned to ice and then fire. It's mind blowing." He said with a smirk.

"I suppose, but I wouldn't know any other way? You are my first kiss." He smiled at me while biting his lip. "You're mine too princess. I had a strong wanting to kiss you. I feel such energy between us that I have never felt with anyone else before, it's addictive." I lost my breath at his words.

"Now that I know what you can do to me, you're not leaving any time soon princess." He said while kissing me one last time and taking me by my waist and placing me on the bed next to him.

He then got up, took my hand and kissed it. "I'll see you later, my beautiful princess." He said with a sweet but mysterious smile and then bowed before turning to leave.

I watched as he opened and then closed the door to leave, a bright face plastered on his face.

Beautiful princess? Now that I know what you can do to me? He was just driven when he came in and now such profound things? Did my kiss really make him feel that way?

 When we had that kiss, it was very addictive and mindblowing to me as well, I almost didn't want to let go. I actually wanted him to keep holding me. I wanted to feel his fiery lips touch my icy ones.

Yes, prince, I believe you may have just begun melting my heart.




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falcongirl #1
Chapter 1: this story is really interesting. I hope u can use the tag 'jessica' and 'kris' so other people will find this story easily.
Chapter 3: So far so good! It's very interesting! Update soon~!! ^^