
How To Melt An Ice Princess' Heart

Kris' POV-

All around me, fire and ice, ice and fire, colliding and crashing.

Of course fire was winning, fire always melts ice.

You could see ice melting everywhere if it wasn't for their deadly ice spears plunging into the armor of my soldiers, we would have been done fighting a long time ago.

Slowly, fire was winning nonetheless, and I directed my right hand soldiers to go up to the ice castle with me to capture the ice queen.

This was quite easy, while she was controlling the minds of my soldiers, she didn't see me coming up from behind her to knock her out. 

After the queen fell to the floor, my soldiers picked her up and snapped back to Fireina to put her in an ice chamber much like the one I put the ice princess in, except with a shielded wall against her mind control.

The ice princess.

I wonder how she was doing. Even though I shouldn't feel anything for her, I have a strong urge to want to protect her and I felt like I was violating her by taking over her kingdom and capturing her mother but from the instant I was born I was trained to prepare for this day.

I can not betray my kingdom for a silly princess.

I continued fighting the ice soldiers and in within an hour or so all the Frostoreans were either killed or captured. I created a fire shield around the kingdom to weaken them but not so much of a shield to kill or suffocate them.

I snapped myself and my soldiers back to Fireina. I went to the throne room where my father watched over the Fireina.

"Father, the deed is done, I have successfully defeated Frostorea." I said with honor and wisdom in my voice. "Good my son, I am very proud of you, what have you done with the remaining Frostoreans?" He said with a curious look.

"I put a fire shield around the kingdom to make them weak but not to completely suffocate them." I said confidently. "Good, good. Now I will begin my plans to control Frostorea. Where did you put the queen?" "I put her in an ice chamber that has a complete shield to prevent her from her mind control." I said wisely.

"I am very impressed son, you may resign now and relax, I will take it from here, I will let you know if I need anything else. Rest my brave son." He said as he came to pat me on my back while beginning to leave.

"Father?" I said turning to face him before he left. "Yes, my son." He said while stopping and turning to face me.

"Where is the ice princess?" I said with a worried look on my face. He gave a low chuckle. "She is in my room, chained to my chamber walls. You may take her to your chamber if you wish, I was just making sure she didn't escape." He said with an innocent tone in his voice.

"How did she survive your chamber without suffocating?" I said with an even more worried look. "I injected a medicine into her, it will last on her for a week, let me know if you need any more for her." He said with a gentle tone.

"Okay, I will let you know. Thank you father." I said with a bow towards him. He nodded back at me and left his throne room.

I knew that the princess will be very angry once she realizes what I am have done, but it was literally what I was born for. 

All I am hoping for is that she will find a place in her heart to adjust to Fireina....and to me.

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falcongirl #1
Chapter 1: this story is really interesting. I hope u can use the tag 'jessica' and 'kris' so other people will find this story easily.
Chapter 3: So far so good! It's very interesting! Update soon~!! ^^