

                Jenni sat on her bed reading when she heard a soft knock on her door. She looked up to meet her mother’s puffy eyes but same warm smile. “Oemma are you feeling better now?” Jenni had been worried and the feeling of dread was still in her chest. Her mother still looked sad in her eyes despite the smile. What’s going on?

            “Jenni-ah, always remember what oemma said about always loving you ok. No matter what happens you will always have me,” Hyorin held her daughters head to her chest while looking up to the ceiling to prevent new tears from falling down. “Oemma you make it sound like I’m going to lose you soon,” It was meant to come out as a joke but the feeling of dread grew with every word her mother said, so instead it came out sounding scared and worried.

            Hyorin pulled back to look at her daughters face before cupping it in her hands.” You could never ever lose me Jenni. I promise. No matter what you will always have me here,” Hyorin pointed at Jenni’s chest where her heart was located before pointed at her own chest,” and you will always be here.”

            Even though Jenni was young she knew that something she wouldn’t like was about to happen. She just didn’t know what it was yet.

            Both Hyorin and Jenni sat there holding onto each other tightly, gently rocking back and forth. Soon Jenni fell asleep in her mothers arms. Hyorin laid her back on her bed and tucked her in securely. Moving strands of hair away from her face in a loving manner. I’m so sorry Jen-jen. Oemma wishes so much that you were from her own womb and not that womans.



            Hyroin opened her eyes and blinked a couple times to adjust to the light. She heard pounding coming from her door downstairs and looked at the time. 5 am in the morning. Who the hell could that be at this time?! Ahhh jinja!

            She rolled out of bed slowly and carefully. Trying not disturb her husband who was sleeping peacefully next to her. Omg this guy can sleep through a tornado..

            Making her way down the hall she peeked into her little boys room who was also sleeping peacefully with drool running down his chubby cheeks. Aigoo! Like father like son..tsk tsk. She shook her head but smiled to herself in content before frowning again when she heard the pounding of the door sound throughout the house.

            “Hyorin-ah please open the door!” She heard someone behind the door yelling. In confusion she tilted her head. That voice sounds so familiar..Could it be?

            Opening the door she found the girl she had been best friends with since she was 10, standing in front of her. “Yuri-ah?” Hyorin wasn’t sure if what she was seeing was real. She rubbed her eyes a couple of times before blinking rapidly.

            Last she heard, Yuri had gone to Europe to live with her family 3 years ago and since then they haven’t talked much. But now here she was 3 years later. “What are you doing here?”

            Before answering, Yuri looked behind Hyorin to make sure she was by herself. Once she was positive she was she said,” can I come in first please? Its kind of cold out here.”

            Hyorin quickly stepped aside and motioned for her to come in. But to Hyorin’s surprise, she wasn’t alone. Yuri quickly leaned to the left and picked up a car seat before entering the house. For a second Hyorin stood there in shock with one finger pointed at the car seat and its mysterious passenger. Of course she knew it was a baby, but who’s?!

            “Yuri-ah. Is that...Is that your baby?” Hyorin wasn’t completely over her shock before she was shocked even more with Yuri’s answer,” of course it is silly. I wouldn’t have her with me now if it wasn’t.”

            Hyorin’s eyes widened and her eyebrows shot up,” what?! You have a baby? Since when? And what are you doing carrying your baby around at 5 in the morning in the cold eh?”

            “Hyorin-ah, I will explain but you have to let me finish everything I’m going to say before you say anything ok. Just hear me out,” Yuri pleaded. Hyorin could tell she was tired by the bags underneath her eyes. And by the looks of it, Yuri probably hadn’t been taking care of her health very well.

            She sighed before signaling Yuri to go on with a wave of her hand. Yuri smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. She began telling Hyorin her story.

            Apparently Yuri had gotten pregnant in Europe with a guy she had a serious relationship with. Everything would have worked out fine but it turns out the guy was married. And to make matters worse, Yuri’s parents had arranged a marriage for her for business purposes. So she lied and told them she wanted to go back to Korea for a year to study. Now she had Jenni but her parents still didn’t know and she was afraid of showing up with Jenni only to end up being disowned.

            “Hyorin-ah you know without my parents I have nothing. If I go back with Jenni they’re sure to throw me out onto the streets. Then I’ll have no way to support myself, let alone a baby. I’ve evaded them for too long already. They’re starting to suspect that something’s up and I have to leave the day after to go back,” tears fell from Yuri’s eyes as she explained her story.

            Hyorin felt pity and worry toward her friend. She could understand how hard it was being a mother but to be one on your own with no one to support you was something she could only imagine. She couldn’t help but feel blessed as she listened to her friend’s issues.

            “Yuri-ah, I can’t even imagine the suffering your going through but if there’s anyway I can help you just tell me and I’ll try my best.”

            “I always knew I could count on you… And that’s why I need you to take Jenni for awhile. I promise I’ll come back for her after I’ve told my family and settled everything but please. You’re the only one I can come to and trust with this. Please, Hyorinie please help me.”

            At this point Yuri was sobbing into her hands. Tears soaking her pretty yet tired looking face. Hyorin’s heart clenched at the sight of her best friend’s tears and at her misfortune. Sometimes life just wasn’t fair.

            “Yuri-ah don’t cry anymore. I’ll take her for you. Go and settle the issue with your family and when your ready, she’ll be here waiting for her mommy.” Yuri’s head shot up at Hyorin’s words. She was so grateful for the help she grabbed Hyorin’s hands and thanked her over and over again. Promising she’d be back soon.

            The sun was up when Yuri decided to take her leave. With tears still running non-stop down her face she leaned over and gently kissed her baby on the forehead before standing up and walking to the door.

            “Hyorin-ah, I promise to come back to my daughter as soon as I can. Until then please take care of her well as if she were your own,” Yuri dropped to her knees in front of Hyorin. “Thank you so much for doing this for me. I’m so sorry for troubling you this way and I wish I reunion didn’t have to be like this but please, I’m begging you take care of Jen-jen well.”

            Hyorin bent down and helped Yuri stand up before hugging her tightly in her arms. “Yuri please don’t be this way. I promise you have nothing to worry about. Just promise you won’t abandon your daughter ok? She needs her mother in her life.”

            “I promise I won’t,” Yuri sobbed into Hyorin’s shoulder as she rubbed her back soothingly. “I really should get going before your family wakes up. I’m sorry again for leaving you to explain everything to them on your own.”

            “It’s ok Yuri. I’m positive my family will understand and be accepting of the situation. Besides Jiminie has been asking for a playmate,” both women chuckled at the mention of the cute little two year old.

            “This isn’t goodbye because I will come back. So I’ll see you later,” Yuri said with determination in her voice.

            Hyorin smiled her signature bright smile before nodding in agreement,” yes of course. See you later Yuri.”

            Both women hugged one last time that morning before parting. One leaving behind a piece of her heart, while another gained someone she would come to call her own.

End Flashback

            “I became the mother you needed in your life only to have to give you up. I’m so sorry Jenni. You have every right to hold this against me… but please don’t,” Hyorin stood over Jenni who was sleeping peacefully and cried even more.

            She was angry and upset, both at herself and at Yuri. But she couldn’t deny Yuri her daughter. Even though she didn’t want to let go of Jenni she knew what they both had promised. Even though it took her 10 years to do it, Yuri was keeping her promise in coming back for her daughter. Oh how Hyorin wished she had forgotten. But then again it was impossible for one to forget about their own child. This she knew personally. She could never forget Jimin…or Jenni.

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I just went through and edited as much as I could..I didn't even realize till now I kept spelling the poor baby maknaes name wrong! OMG.. Sorry sorry!


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jenni_maybee #1

Chapter 16: its super good
cant wait for the next update
CubeLoverNaeun #3
Chapter 16: I wonder what happen next...
HanLuNa #4
Chapter 15: Im so curious omg please update soon~
brightpinkgarden #5
Chapter 14: It's so cute yet so sad and nerve wracking I can't wait for what comes next
alpha_gamma #6
Chapter 10: This is absolutely adorable. I really like this..subscribing!
Chapter 8: *bawling* WAEEEE
Chapter 5: *sniff So sad *wipes tears away* so sad yet so interesting ^^