

            “Whats wrong?” Jenni asked with disappoinment. I thought he would be happy for me.. “Oh nothing,” Taehyung lied with a forced smile plastered on his face,” I just didn’t think you were into that kind of thing is all.” Jenni smiled, believing in his made up excuse.

            Really though his overprotective side was kicking in. Just like Jimin, Taehyung didn’t want other boys looking at his Jenni. He couldn’t tell her that though and discourage her. If its what she wants to do then she should do it, he thought to himself.

            They continued to lay there together under the stars. Saying little to nothing to each other. The way they always did. Both with real genuine smiles on their faces.

            Neither one though, would appreciate moments like this till much later on in life. When moments like this could no longer exist. But in youth is when you make memories you hold dear to you. And this memory would be one that both Jenni and Taehyung would always treasure.

            “Do you think someday the stars will fall down on us and shower us with there light? Then maybe we could glow like them too? But no cause you already glow Jen-jen. So if the stars fall down everyone else can shine like you do, only you’ll shine even more,” Taehyung started to ramble sweet nothings to Jenni who was already dozing off next to him.

            He his side to face her, admiring her sleeping face. In his eyes she really did shine. She always did from the moment he first laid eyes on her and the sun illuminated off of her milky white skin. That was the moment he thought the girl next door would be his. “Can I keep you,” he whispered gently to her.

            She stirred slightly in her sleep and pouted. Taehyung stared a little longer before sitting up deciding it was time for them to go in. “Jenni-ah? Jen-jen come on lets go home.” She sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes cutely.

            “ Oppa what time is it?”

            “Time to go in sleepy head.”

            Slowly they both made their way through the grass and onto the main road in front of their houses.

            Taehyung walked her home and gently opened the back door before peeking in to make sure the cost was clear for her to go inside. He looked back and nodded his head once and watched as she made a mad dash upstairs to her room.

            He smiled to himself before shutting the door quietly. But as he turned around he ran right into Jimin.

            Both boys gasped, clutching at their chest in fright. “Yah what are you doing out here?!” Taehyung whispered in a way that made it clear he would have been yelling if they weren’t trying to get caught.

            “Me?! I should be asking you what you’re doing at our backdoor!” Jimin said back in the same tone of voice. “Uhh.. I was looking for you?” Taehyung’s reply sounded more like a question.

            “Hmph.. yeah right. I was with Jungkook in your guy’s treehouse,” Jimin explained while pointing across the fence to the tree in the Kim’s yard. Taehyung only shook his head in understanding before murmuring a quick,” k well goodnight.”

            “Taehyung-ah,” Jimin called before the other boy could get completely out of the yard. Taehyung glanced back but said nothing. “If your gonna spend time with her at least don’t keep her out this late. We have school you know,” Jimin scolded the other. Taehyung sighed but shook his head to show he agreed. Both boys shared a smile before going they’re separate ways for the night.


            The next day Jenni sat on the bench in the gym afterschool waiting for her turn to audition. She felt really nervous and she wasn’t sure anymore if she should really do it. But I already said I was going to, and I’m already here so might as well try.

            All the girls before her were, in her opinion, really good. Her cheer was almost lame compared to theirs. Some of them even did special tricks like flips and cartwheels.

            “Park Jenni?” The cheerleader who was in charge of tryouts called. There were three of them judging the girls auditioning. All of them were in the same grade as Jimin and Taehyung. Jenni recognized them from their class.

            She quickly made her way to the middle of the gym and stood in position before bowing and introducing herself, “Annyeonghaseyo, je ireumeun Park Jenni imnida.”

            The head cheerleader who’s name was Hana smiled sweetly at Jenni, “Start whenever your ready.”

            Jenni did her little routine with a bright smile and no errors even though her heart was pounding in nervousness. At the end she finished with a pose and looked at the judges for their reaction. They all had been whispereing to each other during Jenni’s cheer and Jenni could only hope they had been saying something good. But now they all had bright smiles on their faces as they looked at her.

            “Park Jenni?” The cheerleader on the left side of Hana asked. Jenni wasn’t sure what her name was but she knew the other girl on the right was named Chaeri. “Neh?”

            “Your brother is Park Jimin right?”

            “Yes that’s right,” Jenni replied with worry and confusion. What does Oppa have to do with this?

            All three cheerleaders exchanged a knowing look before turning toward Jenni with sickly sweet smiles on their faces. “You’re in,” Hana confirmed.

            Jenni smiled and had to contain herself from jumping up and down. “Really?” She still couldn’t believe they had accepted her on the spot. They had told all the other girls they would be posting a list stating whether or not they made it. I wonder why they’re accepting me so soon like this? Jenni wondered. But in the end she was to happy to dwell on it too much.

            Hana giggled before shaking her head rapidly,”yes so we’ll see you at practice tomorrow, ok?” Jenni replied with a cheerful yes before bowing and leaving the gym.

            Without hesitating she quickly made her way over to the basketball court where she saw the boys getting ready to leave. “Oppa I made it!” Jenni skipped happily. All three boys smiled and congratulated the girl. “I knew you could do it, I mean I was worried for a second you might run away crying but I believed in you,” Jungkook teased. Jenni lightly hit his shoulder in a playful manner before running of ahead of them to get her bag she forgot in the gym.

            “Hey there you guys are. Where’s Jenni?” Seokjin came running up to them out of nowhere. He looked around frantically for Jenni, worry already creeping into him. “Relax hyung, she just went to the gym. That girl probably forgot her stuff,” Jimin explained with a shrug.

            “The three of you listen up. No matter what, don’t leave Jenni on her own before or after school. Understand?!” Seokjin’s tone was serious and demanding. All three boys looked confused before Taehyung asked the question that was on all their minds,”okay but why?”

            “Just because. I have to go now but remember what I said,” Seokjin warned then walked off to meet his friends who were waiting nearby. “Well that was weird,” Jeongkook commented when he was sure his hyung was a good distance away.

            What none of them knew about was the man both Seokjin and Jenni saw. The same man Seokjin just saw again standing across the street from the schook. And again he was watching Jenni. Seokjin didn’t know who he was but if he continued to see this man he knew he would have to tell their parents about him. But for now he didn’t want to make it a big deal if it really wasn’t. In his head he continued to come up with excuses for why he kept seeing the man. Maybe it’s a coincidence? 

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I just went through and edited as much as I could..I didn't even realize till now I kept spelling the poor baby maknaes name wrong! OMG.. Sorry sorry!


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jenni_maybee #1

Chapter 16: its super good
cant wait for the next update
CubeLoverNaeun #3
Chapter 16: I wonder what happen next...
HanLuNa #4
Chapter 15: Im so curious omg please update soon~
brightpinkgarden #5
Chapter 14: It's so cute yet so sad and nerve wracking I can't wait for what comes next
alpha_gamma #6
Chapter 10: This is absolutely adorable. I really like this..subscribing!
Chapter 8: *bawling* WAEEEE
Chapter 5: *sniff So sad *wipes tears away* so sad yet so interesting ^^