Debt Repayed

Grand Piano♥

Jaebeom sat in his hotel room, twirling a bottle of Lidocane in his glove-covered hand and the daggers in his other hand. The most evil  and gory thoughts walked through his head, step by step. Revenge is what he'd been looking for and he was not afraid to go and get it. He had gotten half of it: getting Ji Yong out the way was step one. Jaebeom grimaced just thinking about Ji Yong and his pitiful act of buying Tee Nah's love. His flight was leaving at twelve on the dot so he had four hours to do what he wanted to do.

"Tonight is the last night I see Seoul as Jaebeom." He chuckled softly, looking at his new ID card and passport. "New me, Joo Kyung Nam." He leaned back against the wall and looked at his old ID card . "Sin. Repent. Never do it again." He nodded to himself in agreement and his eyes made their way to the body bag on the other side of the room. 


Tee Nah sighed softly, still remembering Ji Yong and her together. She hadn't left her room for three days. Neither did she eat or talk to anybody. She decided to turn on her phone and see what she would have missed while in isolation. A couple text messages from Jaebeom came up vibrating her phone in her hand.

"Jaebeom texted me." She smiled slightly as she opened each one and read them aloud. "Tee Nah are you okay? Don't cry too much, your face is too beautiful for that. Tee Nah,did you eat? I know you probably have your phone off since i didn't hear from you in quite a while. Tee Nah, I painted my car another colour this week. My father thinks that pink is too girly. haha. Tee Nah, have you left your room yet?" She giggled. "Oh Jay." A new message came up on her phone from him and she opened it.

Text: Tee Nah,meet me by my old place. I'm going over to the US for a while and I'm not sure if we'll see each other ever again. Let's say good-bye face to face so we'll remember each other ♥.

She gasped softly and stood up, running right out her bedroom and straight out of the mansion. She ran at top speed to Jaebeom's old mansion which she burned down. Tears began to race down her cheeks. She couldn't let Jaebeom leave. She had to stop him some how. She stopped infront of the mansion, in the driveway and she saw a dark silhouette walking from behind the mansion. The person stopped a couple yards away from her.

"Tee Nah." She heard the voice and instantly identified it at Jaebeom's voice. She saw him open his arms wide. No questions asked or instruction given, she ran straight into his arms hugging her tightly and then she instantly felt sharp pains shoot through her back.

"Ah-!" She exclaimed. She was about to reach for her back but Jaebeom smirked and grabbed her wrists tightly in one hand.

"Tee Nah. Tee Nah. Tee Nah." He shook his head and smirked, kissing her hands softly. "My birthday's coming up...well the old one. I still want presents. I'm not too old for presents right?" He shook his head to answer his own question, pouting cutely. "I believe anybody can get presents so let me rattle off my list real quick 'cuz the lethal poison on the daggers are fast acting so listen carefully, I'll only say the list once." He cleared his throat and did a little vocal exercise before 'Busta-Rhyming' the words to her.

"I want you to remember my face. I want you to remember my name, 'Park Jaebeom'. I want you to remember that I really loved you. I want you to also remember who's heart you played with...who's life." He nodded to his half burnt mansion. "I want you to remember that the piano that Ji Yong so lovingly "bought" for you." He laughed darkly and bit his lip. "That's the very same piano that killed your beloved mother eighteen years ago but you played my heart, like the beautiful girl you are, for that irresponsible piece of . So I'm doing to you EXACTLY...what you did to me. Understand? That pain that you feel searing through your what's called a real backstab and I really hope you remember it. It pains you doesn't it!" He growled at her. Tears of blood were slowly seeping down her face as she tried her hardest to talk.

"J-Jaebeom...." She whispered and swallowed, slowly falling unconscious. He put his finger to her lips.

"Shh.... Goodnight, Tee Nah." He whispered, letting her body fall limply to the ground at his feet. He bent down and extracted his daggers from her back, wiping the blood in her shirt. "My lovely daggers covered in Polonium."  

Jaebeom pulled the well folded body bag from his duffel bag , ped it and carefully picked up Tee Nah's body, laying it inside and zipping it up. He dragged it  up against the house and walked around the other side, kicking the heads off the bottle of gas. He pulled a lighter out his pocket and kissed it, sending a prayer for forgiveness to the sky before setting the flame and throw it to the bottles. Flames raced up that side of the house. He walked around the house, picked up his duffel bag and made his way down the drive way as the half of a mansion exploded behind him. 

A victorious smile found it's way onto his lips. "Checkmate, Tee Nah."




Annyeonghaseyo. Here's the last chapter of my fan fic. I really hope you enjoyed it. Did you? :D ♥♥ THANKS FOR READING!!!!!! hahaa~~ PEACE! xoxox

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Chapter 21: That was amazing and totally different from any other story.
Chapter 21: I'm proud of you my dongsaeng. You did good.
zeze109 #3
Great story! I like how the story didn't turn in to an unrealistic fanfic. I can't stand when the person that get hurt sill what to be friends uh no. So bravo to you
Chapter 18: Oh
Idk, I just love you. This is THE best story!!!
TeeNah is stupid, she says Jay is her best friend but she treated him so badly. I can't wait to see what my y oppa has in plan for her.
Chapter 17: LOL, she's all like "oh he doesn't know" but he does..
I can't wait to see what kind of evil Jay does *evil smirk*
bb2ne1jp #6
Chapter 17: I knew Jay was still angry at Tee Nah sigh
Chapter 16: omg
TeeNah you crazy ,lol. She could have killed someone, innocent people could have been in Jay's house. She did that crazy over a piano? lol.
I can't wait to see what Jay does.
I love this story!!!!
Chapter 16: Oh . dammit Jay! dammit teenah!
Chapter 15: Really good story though