It can't be

Don't you remember?

Kibum backed off and nearly tripped over the table leg that was right beside the bed. He felt dizzy all of a sudden.

“So you… don’t remember me at all?”

“I… I remember there’s s-someone close to me called Ki-Kibum? I was told he carried me to the hospital. Is he… you?” Jonghyun stuttered.

“Yes, I’m Kim Kibum.”

Kibum extended his arms to shake hands with Jonghyun, as if knowing him for the first time. It took all that Kibum had to in those goddamn tears. It hurt. It hurts so freaking much to know that the person you would do anything for, doesn’t even have the slightest memory about you, like they were brainwashed or something.

Jonghyun took his hand in his and gave it a squeeze before letting go, though he has no recollection at all, that this man, Kim Kibum, was special in his life.

“Well, if you didn’t know me, then did you tell me to not leave you?”

“I... I was afraid. I didn’t want to be alone. I’m so sorry for startling you like that.”

Okay this formal language thing is just not working out for Kibum.

“Look, I… I gotta leave. You can call me if you need anything.”

“Wait, do I have your number?”

Kibum snatched Jonghyun’s phone off the table and scrolled through his contacts to find his number. He found it under ‘My Key’. “There, it’s here.”

He shoved the brightly lit screen into Jonghyun’s face partly to make sure he sees the number carefully, and partly because he was just pissed off at this crappy situation.

“Why is it under ‘My Key’? I thought you were just a close friend.” He looked up at Kibum and shrugged his shoulders. “I guess I better change it, in case someone thinks wrongly.”

“Huh, yeah you’d better. We were just really close friends.” Kibum sniffed. “I need to get out of here before I turn into a water fountain.”

With the last sarcastic remark, he sprinted out of the ward, out of the hospital, intending to keep the same speed all the way home.

“You were just a close friend.” Jonghyun’s words echoed through Kibum’s mind. “I’m just a friend… Just a friend… A friend…”

Kibum felt the wind brushing past his face and he stopped to catch his breath. He panted, tilting his head upwards and closing his eyes. “Jonghyun now thinks of me as a friend. Wow, I never thought this day would come. I’m probably the only person he knows now so I can’t just throw myself to him, he would freak out.”

“God, why are you doing this to me? I want my Jjong back… Please…”

Suddenly he felt a drop on his face, the start of a heavy downpour. Kibum couldn’t believe his ‘luck’ and sighed. He swore under his breath, this day couldn’t get any worse. Since he was sitting in the middle of nowhere, it was impossible that he would go unnoticed. People gave him weird looks but he didn’t care. He let his tears flow down freely, blending in with the rain.

‘Beeeeeeeeep Beeeeeeeeep’ a car’s horn sounded noisily. Seeing no response from the guy on the floor, the man stepped out of his vehicle with an umbrella and approached him.

“Kibum? Kibum is that you?” Kibum jerked his head up at the familiar voice.

“Oh , it really is you. What are you doing here in the pouring rain! Look at you, you’re drenched! Come with me.” Kibum did not bother replying Jinki when he was being dragged into the car.

When Jinki made sure the other was safe from the rain, he started bombing him with questions.  “What are you doing here? You should be with Jonghyun. He’ awake isn’t he? Thank God nothing much happened to him. Wait, were you crying?”

Kibum turned away from Jinki. “No, why would I cry. You went to see Jonghyun?”

“Don’t you lie to me.” Jinki forced Kibum to face him, talking while fixing the messy him. “And yes, I went to see him. We talked and he seems to be recovering well. Uh, excluding those bruises.”

“You talked? Meaning… He remembers you?”

“Yeah of course, I’m his friend you idiot.” Jinki laughed at that ridiculous question. Sensing the change in Kibum’s mood, he became silent.

“Hey hey hey, what’s wrong?”

With a gasp, Jinki caught on to what Kibum was pointing out. “You mean he doesn’t…”

“Yeah, I don’t exist as his boyfriend anymore.”

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Chapter 11: Awww this is wonderful!!!
monteymonkey #3
I love this story! (subscribes) :)
triciaXD #4
What a cute story! I love it! Planning on reading you're other stories:) Can you maybe, write a sequel? Lolx)
awwww <3 this story was great ,sweet ending <3 i'm waiting for your next work :D
rikka-hh #6
Awww such a cute and sweet ending! Jjong is so sweet! This is so good! I'm going to miss it now that it's over! But I'm looking forward to reading more of your fics~
ssuch a cute ending!!~~ y did u end it ? sequel? maybe? please? oh my gosh i so hope there is !! can't wait to see what you write next!! ^^ hwaiting XD