A plan to?

Don't you remember?

“So, here we are.”

“What? This is it? This where we’re supposed to be for our second first date?”

Kibum narrowed his eyes first at Jonghyun then around the place. Sure this place was sentimental but they could have gone somewhere else much more romantic, which was totally Kibum’s style.

“Ta-daa! The ‘Paris Baguette’!” Jonghyun introduced the place yet again. They’re been there for the third time already and he thought it would be kinda cute to do it here.

“Here you go, mister. Have a seat while I go order. The usuals?” Jonghyun pulled out a chair for Kibum to sit while speaking with a French accent, pretending to be a waiter. Kibum nodded his head and off Jonghyun went to order two plates of cheesecake and two cups of banana milk.

When Jonghyun was sure he was out of Kibum’s sight, he sent a message to Jinki: Hyung! Phase 1 is complete. Phase 2 action! OVER.”

“Roger that. OVER.” Came the reply.

“Mr. Lee! It’s me, Jonghyun! The usuals please!”


After placing his order, he strolled back to sit back down opposite Kibum.

“Ding ding~” the wind chimes rang when the door opened and a family of 5 walked in.

“Oh!” the mother exclaimed suddenly, looking at Kibum. At first Kibum didn’t notice 5 pairs of eyes on him till Jonghyun tapped his feet and used his head to signal that there was a group of people staring. “Yes?” Kibum questioned the family. He sure didn’t recognise them so he had no idea what was going on. “Oh, pardon me. I just wanna tel-“

“Say yes!” her two children squealed in excitement.

“What? Yes?” seeing two heads bobbing up and down was too adorable for Kibum, causing him to lose all self control and reached down to pinch both their cheeks. After about 5 seconds did he decide to have mercy on the family and let them find their seats.

“You’re the death of me dear, you’re so embarrassing.” Jonghyun muttered loud enough for only him to hear, with his hand over his face.

“But you love me right?”and here comes the pout.

“yes, I still love this idiot before me.” Seeing Kibum’s grin made Jonghyun’s heart flutter. He really loves it when Kibum smiles. It just brightens up his day no matter the setbacks and it just shows that there’s always something to look forward to each day.

 Their order finally came and they ate in silence, contented with just each other’s company, occasionally stealing glances. This scene really brings back happy memories and Jonghyun knows there will be much more to come in this place.


“Ahhh~ that was delicious!” Kibum commented while walking down the street to wherever Jonghyun was planning to bring him too. Although what they had wasn’t a proper meal, it was still good.

“Was the cheesecake better than this?” Jonghyun quickly tilted his head up to give a quick but meaningful kiss. “The cheesecake was better.” Kibum concluded.

“Yeah, right.” Jonghyun pulled Kibum in with his collar to give him a deeper locking of lips. Kibum laughed into the kiss and reconsidered, “You, Jjong, you.” Breaking the kiss as it was getting awkward with more people looking, Kibum intertwined their fingers which fitted perfectly, “You’re the best in the whole of this earth.”

Walking along streets with small shops, they feel obliged to visit a few that were attractive to them. Going into a floral shop, the girl behind the counter gave him a sweet smile and handed him three roses.

“Say yes!”

Politely accepting the roses, Kibum could only thank her and ask, “For?”

The girl just shook her head numerous times before attending to a customer who was having trouble deciding what kind of flowers to buy. Feeling suspicious, Kibum turned to give Jonghyun the questioning look, “What’s this for?” he went, mouthing the words. All Jonghyun did was shrug his shoulders. “Not sure.”

They looked around some more before deciding to head out and check out the other small shops.

“Wow, that was….. weird?”

“Mmm hmmm, it was cool though. I wonder who sent you flowers, ooooooooh. You have a secret admirer~~”

Kibum responded to his boyfriend’s teasing with a mehrong. “Well at least that someone knows I like roses.”

They continued walking till they reached a shop that sells hand phones. “Look! A new model! I WANT.” Kibum demanded.

“Get it then. If you have the cash.” Jonghyun smirked at this obsession of catching new phone mode trend of Kibum.  He really didn’t see the point of changing phones every time it comes out. he takes his own old model phone to check it out, it’s still in shape and functional. He gasped loudly, which caused kibum to turn and glare at him for disrupting his concentration to decide which phone to get, when he realized he forgot to do something; message Jinki!

“Hyung! Phase 2 done. Phase 3, gogogo! OVER.”

“Aish, you took too long. Anyway, roger that. OVER.”



A/N: The next chapter will most probably be the last so T_T i really loved writing this when i see all your comments and new subscribers <3 anyway i hope even after it's finished, all you out there will continue to support my other fics! ^_^ all are really really appreciated~~ luvssssssss.

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Chapter 11: Awww this is wonderful!!!
monteymonkey #3
I love this story! (subscribes) :)
triciaXD #4
What a cute story! I love it! Planning on reading you're other stories:) Can you maybe, write a sequel? Lolx)
awwww <3 this story was great ,sweet ending <3 i'm waiting for your next work :D
rikka-hh #6
Awww such a cute and sweet ending! Jjong is so sweet! This is so good! I'm going to miss it now that it's over! But I'm looking forward to reading more of your fics~
ssuch a cute ending!!~~ y did u end it ? sequel? maybe? please? oh my gosh i so hope there is !! can't wait to see what you write next!! ^^ hwaiting XD