
Don't you remember?

After making a few signals to the guy behind the counter, which went unnoticed by Kibum by the way, Jonghyun nodded and went, “Hey, why don’t you let the guy introduce you to the phones?” He wrapped his arm around Kibum’s waist as the guy took one particular phone out.

“What about this? This is the newest model, very convenient. Small and has many functions.” He went on and on about the phone’s functions till Jonghyun got bored and went to look around and Kibum couldn’t resist the temptation and took the phone into his own hands.

“Let me try.” Kibum switched it on and to his surprise, there was a greeting message. Now, what really nearly gave him a heart attack was what it said, not so much about it being there. The message he saw?

‘Say yes.’

“Alright, I know you have something to do with this. What is it?” The said man turned to Jonghyun, who was beside him and ‘happened’ to be looking at the weather. Since Jonghyun was ignoring him, he decided to just ignore it. Fine, if he’s not gonna say, im not gonna care. He took his SIM card out from his old phone and carefully placed it in the new phone.  Not even 5 minutes passed then a familiar song rang out from the phone he was holding.

Be mine.
I love you, okay? I worry about you, okay?
I’ll take care of you until the end
Be mine.

You know me, right? You saw me, right?
I’ll protect you until the end

“From me, to you” Jonghyun breathed into Kibum’s ear. That sent shivers down his spine as he felt the hot sensation trailing down his spine.

“Uh, don’t you wanna pick up that call?”

Damn, he had to kill the moment. Kibum shot a dirty look at the guy behind the counter before picking up the call. Seeing it was from Jinki, he wondered how timely his call was.


“Kibum! Come to the place where Jonghyun’s ‘accident’ was! Now!”

“Huh? Why?”


“Ugh, fine. Coming.”

Kibum spat into the phone before proceeding to take his SIM card out. Jonghyun held onto his hands before he could do anything else.

“Why are you taking your card out?”

“Because this is not mine, you idiot.”

“Well,” Jonghyun hesitated for a moment. “Don’t you like it?” If Kibum didn’t like it, he’s dead. You know why? Because he spent a BOMB on that new model, they don’t come cheap you know.

Kibum’s answer came faster than the time Jonghyun took to take the phone out of his hand and push it deep into his pocket. “I do but-“

No one had the time to say anything before both men were off, running in the streets and through throngs of people.  

“Where are we going?!”

“To the place where I was beaten up!” Jonghyun bit his bottom lip when he realized what he just spilled. S H I T DID I JUST SAY THAT OUT -

“Did you and Jinki hyung plan this?” DAMN YES I DID.

The younger did not answer as they both sprinted to the place which was not very far off. Firstly, it was because he was getting tired and secondly, he didn’t want to let out anymore secrets. Well, to tell the truth, he couldn’t wait any longer for Kibum to figure out what he planning for him.


Sure enough, both of them who just arrived, saw Jinki standing there waving like a mad man. They panted as they walked hand in hand to where two men were on the ground, sprayed what looked like graffiti on the floor.

“They… They look kinda familiar.” Kibum muttered to himself. Somewhere back in his mind, those two faces were etched there. He closed his eyes and tried hard to recall where he had seen those faces and he frowned when he did. He clenched his fists tightly, making his knuckles go white. Sensing the tenseness in his lover, Jonghyun got worried.

“Open your eyes dear! What’s wrong? You’re scaring me.”

He took the other’s face in his hands as he shook him gently. Kibum opened his eyes and glared at the backs of the two guys. “Them… They were the ones who put you in coma for a long long time.” He growled and was about to walk over to, I don’t know, kick them in their heads when Jonghyun held him back in a back hug. Almost immediately, Kibum’s nerves relaxed. Yes, Jonghyun could make his body obey.  

“No, don’t. They’ve served jail and know what they did was wrong. They’re here to help me in fact.”

Kibum unwrapped Jonghyun’s hands from his waist and turned to face him. “Really? They help?”

All he did was chuckle and pulled his man towards them. “Are you guys done?” Jinki hollered at them. "NO! A few more seconds!"

Jonghyun rolled his eyes and brought Kibum, instead to the plain white wall not to far off.

"This is you and me."

"Yes this is."

Kibum ran his hand along the rough wall, trailing the outlines of the drawing on it. It was Jonghyun, still with the golden brownish hair, hugging Kibum from behind, winking. And Kibum, waring a blue hoodie, returning back the hug by grabbing his fingers. And they had something in common. Both had the expression of the happiest people on earth, like nothing will ever come between them; the perfect couple.

"You... drew this?"


"But how? When?"

"Last night. Sorry its not good though, i drew it in the dark. I know its not perfect but the people in it are." With that, Jonghyun sent a wink in his direction.

In response, Kibum sent a flying kiss back. Oh so that's why he didnt pick up my call. Well, now i forgive Jinki hyung for lying to me that Jjong was with him.  

Jonghyun was getting impatient. Now that Kibum saw his horrible drawing, he had to complete this mission.

"Yo! You done there?!

"Done!" The two used-to-be-gangsters stepped back to reveal their ‘masterpiece’. Kibum gasped as he realized what they wrote. “Oh my god. Kim Jonghyun, you bastard!”

Jonghyun laughed aloud at Kibum’s reaction. “Come here.” He spread his arms wide, in which Kibum threw himself into. “I love you I love you I love you…” Kibum muttered to himself, and to Jonghyun, over and over again. He trailed off with yet again, and ‘I love you’ when he ran out of breath. Soaking Jonghyun’s shirt with tears, he finally stopped and looked at him with eyes that were glistening with tears.

“You done with the waterworks?”

Kibum sniffed as he smiled with all his teeth visible.

“So, answer the question. Will YOU, Kim Kibum, marry this guy who’s so impossibly in love with you?

With Jinki nodding at the side, and holding tissues by his eye, Kibum nodded with a definite answer: “Yes.”



A/N: sooooo its done! thank you all for supporting this fic and me! i tried to end it as beautifully was possible but its so cliche my gosh. ok anyway. thank you for taking your time to read this!  i love every single one of my readers~

Comment and let me know how you think of the ending! is it too idk, common? :/  oh here's the picture that jjong 'drew'.


and if you're wondering what song kibum's ringtone was, its 'Be mine/내꺼하자' by Infinite. Their songs are really good! Go check them out and become and inspirit soon! (; ok bye for now! will be back with more fics soon so i expect to see you all again (;

Hearts for all 53 subscribers: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Chapter 11: Awww this is wonderful!!!
monteymonkey #3
I love this story! (subscribes) :)
triciaXD #4
What a cute story! I love it! Planning on reading you're other stories:) Can you maybe, write a sequel? Lolx)
awwww <3 this story was great ,sweet ending <3 i'm waiting for your next work :D
rikka-hh #6
Awww such a cute and sweet ending! Jjong is so sweet! This is so good! I'm going to miss it now that it's over! But I'm looking forward to reading more of your fics~
ssuch a cute ending!!~~ y did u end it ? sequel? maybe? please? oh my gosh i so hope there is !! can't wait to see what you write next!! ^^ hwaiting XD