The make up and out

Don't you remember?

For that night, well, I guess we can all say they didn’t sleep much. Even if they did, they were haunted with painful memories.


Jonghyun sat on his bed cross-legged, totally engrossed in his book. Even when two people entered his room, he never realized. That is until one of them snatched his book away and screamed in his face. “HELLO. EARTH TO JONGHYUN.”

“YAHHH. I was getting to the good part.” He pouted at Jinki, who just turned away from him and instructed Kibum to pack his things.

“Hey.” Jonghyun greeted silently, not really wanting to face him just yet.


Jinki raised his eyebrows. What’s with this mood? I thought they were great.

“Continue packing. I’m gonna go down to buy some drinks. You guys want any?”

Seeing Kibum’s head nodding, Jonghyun hopped off the bed. “I should help you. I know what Kibum wants.”

“Oh no no, no way. I wouldn’t let the patient do that. You can help Kibum to pack.”

With that, Jinki managed to worm his way out of the conversation and out of the ward.

Jonghyun did the only thing he could at that moment; he sighed. “Let me help you.”

/zzt zzt/

Kibum jumped from the sudden vibration in his pocket. He excused himself and took out his phone to see “Jinki hyung” blinking on the screen. He opened the message and rolled his eyes at what he saw. “Yah, I don’t know what happened between the two of you but im not coming up with your drink until you two sort it out. And don’t you even think of escaping, because I’ve got my eye on you.” Kibum jerked his head to the direction of the ward door and saw Jinki staring intensely at him. He shuddered at the creepiness of his friend. He continued reading, “Don’t be so childish and make up or make out, which ever you want. (;”

To which he replied, “You are good hyung, you are good. You’re weird did I tell you that?”

He quickly stuffed his phone back into his pocket and turned back to help Jonghyun. “Well, we’re nearly done.” Jonghyun carried his bag, hugging it and voiced out his pain. There was something sticking out, causing a bulge all the way at the bottom of the bag. Both men groaned as that would mean they’d have to dig that one small thing out.

After a few minutes of playing tug of war between the clothes surrounding the object and his hand, Jonghyun finally took the object out, which was in fact his wallet. Since he rarely went out and even if he did, it was with Kibum and he would pay for everything, his wallet as long forgotten. Jonghyun flipped it open to a photo of him and Kibum. It was a failed selca that Kibum had taken to celebrate their 3rdmonth together.


“I’m not meant to be a photographer in the future.” Kibum shook his head as he looked at the picture he just took with Jonghyun. The camera caught Kibum’s face but only Jonghyun’s eyes.

“It’s okay, just keep it. It’s still nice!”

“No, it’s ugly because you’re not in it. I’m throwing it.”

Kibum snatched the Polaroid and walked over to the bin.

“If you let that photo go, im just gonna snap horrible sleeping pictures of you and put it online.”

At that, Kibum froze for a second. He glared at Jonghyun and walked back over to him.

“I hate you.”

“I love you too~”

Jonghyun pecked Kibum on the lips before putting the photo neatly into his wallet so that he may be reminded of that day every day.


As this scene replayed in Kibum’s mind like a broken tape, Jonghyun looked at it with a smile on his face. He remembered that day as if he never forgot. “I love you,” and he took a step closer to Kibum. Seeing this but not really hearing it right, Kibum stepped back. “I don’t want this to be like yesterday. Kissing me and running away.”

“I won’t. Not now, not ever I swear."

Kibum looked right at Jonghyun and finally sees the want from his expression, the longing of wanting to have him again.

The two rushed at each other as if they had not seen each other for years and just hugged tightly. Sometimes, nothing expresses missing like hugs. Chin to shoulder, lips to neck. Kibum e round, still with Jonghyun in his arms to face the door. Just outside, he could see Jinki jumping around, trying to contain his screams by holding a hand to his mouth. He chuckled at his hyung for being such a kid.

He finally pulled away from Jonghyun and quickly, but gently, pushed his lips onto Jonghyun, who was slightly surprised. He never thought Kibum would make the first move. As their mouths moved in unison, Jonghyun began to want more. He let his hands travel up and under Kibum’s shirt as he s his arms around Kibum’s waist, pressing their chests and abdomens together. Kibum walked backwards, fumbling for the bed with his lips still attached to Jonghyun’s. Both of them made their way onto it and begin to feel each other more passionately, shirts being ed slowly.

“I love you.” Jonghyun said into the kiss.

“I remember, no I feel what I felt before the accident and I love you so much I… I don’t even know what to say. I ran away from you yesterday because I thought you would hate me for forgetting those memories that never should be.”

“Yeah, now you do. So…” and Kibum slipped his shirt off himself, while tugging on Jonghyun’s.

However, they had to break apart because someone was knocking loudly on the door…. And Jinki walked in holding three cups of tea. God knows how he managed to hold on to those drinks when he found two men on the bed, one with his shirt completely off and another, halfway sliding down his arm. “Well, this is…. Uh, great! That you guys are back together!” Jinki affirmed to get rid of the awkward silence in the room.

The lovebirds quickly got off the bed and packed the remaining stuff into the Jonghyun’s bag.


“Your recovery was fast Jonghyun, I must say. There is only one way to explain this. You loved someone so much so that your heart and brain wanted those memories back.”

Hearing this, Jonghyun smiled and nodded, hand grabbing Kibum’s.

“I see. Well, I hope to never see you here again Kim Jonghyun.”

Jonghyun laughed and all 3 of them thanked the doctor before leaving.

Jonghyun let Kibum struggle with the bag for a while, while he whispered in secret to Jinki.

“Jinki hyung, I will need your help tomorrow. I wanna do something for Kibum.”  



A/N: the failed selca i was talking about is the heading picture! n_n anway, special shoutouts to a few people!

1: @moonhunter666! My faithful reader AND commenter since 'Kiss of life'. You're really sweet for surporting me for so long. You were my deciding factor for writing this sequel! sobs i love you bb <3

2: @asianlove11, @misterious_love and @pencilcase1991! awesome people who commented right from the beginning of this fic and nearly every chapter! you guys really helped me and gave me the motivation tto write more. /hugs/

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Chapter 11: Awww this is wonderful!!!
monteymonkey #3
I love this story! (subscribes) :)
triciaXD #4
What a cute story! I love it! Planning on reading you're other stories:) Can you maybe, write a sequel? Lolx)
awwww <3 this story was great ,sweet ending <3 i'm waiting for your next work :D
rikka-hh #6
Awww such a cute and sweet ending! Jjong is so sweet! This is so good! I'm going to miss it now that it's over! But I'm looking forward to reading more of your fics~
ssuch a cute ending!!~~ y did u end it ? sequel? maybe? please? oh my gosh i so hope there is !! can't wait to see what you write next!! ^^ hwaiting XD