Chapter 15

Wounded Soldier
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"There must be a reason you survived this and you have to know that you can live through this. And if you can't do it for you... then please, Ri… do it for me,"



Anger became Seungri dominant emotion. It was his strongest emotion now and it would last longer than any of the others. Everything was fair game. Nobody was off limits. Jiyong seemed to get the impact of it. But he saw it as his punishment for getting Seungri into this mess in the first place and accepted the burden unflinchingly.


If only he knew that the frequent and pointed attacks more than likely came out of the fact that Seungri trusted him, knew he was safe with his hyung no matter how much he threw at him. In a way Jiyong did know that, because he trusted Seungri in the same way, but the guilt that flowed through Jiyong seemed to dominate. No matter what he did he just couldn’t see past that. So Jiyong vowed to do whatever Seungri needed of him, no matter the reason.




Seungri wouldn’t allow anyone to touch him, except his hyungs, or more like ‘Jiyong only’, which proved problematic on more than one occasion when Jiyong wasn’t there or when even the others wasn’t there.


He had gone to the bathroom one day, successfully wheeling himself into the adjoining bathroom and pulling himself to a stand with the aid of the grab bars around. But his balance went off and he wavered unsteadily on his one leg for several seconds before finally dropping to the floor in a heap. Painful daggers shooting through his stump and fogging his mind.


No one had been in the room when he’d made his attempt and Seungri had to call out for help. Embarrassment at his weakness reddened his cheeks when Ah Reum, the nurse, ran in to help and he swatted her away with a growl as her hands went to his armpits to pull him up.



“Get hyung!” Seungri demanded, shrugging from her assistance.


“Your hyungs isn’t here, Seungri sshi. I think they all went back to the hotel. Can I just help you back to bed?” Ah Reum replied calmly, backing off for a minute but only to readjust the wheelchair.


“I said get hyung!” Seungri screamed louder, the redness in his face no longer from embarrassment, but now anger.


“Seungri sshi, your hyung won’t be back for a while,” Ah Reum reasoned, crouching down to be at the eye level with her enraged patient.


“You’re going to be waiting for a long time here.”



His anger intensified and he pounded his fist hard into the ceramic tiles lining the bathroom floor as his words came out clear and enunciated.


“I. Said. Get. My. ing. Hyung. Here.”


Ah Reum had shrugged. It wouldn’t exactly hurt him to remain on the floor, she just thought he would be better off in the bed. But the young man would have it his way.


“I’ll see what I can do,” she soothed, standing and retreating from the room.



It was another twenty minutes before Seunghyun made it to the hospital, alone without the others and he found Seungri in the same position, back against the tub, shoulder hunched in defeat.


“Seungri ah, what’s going on?” Seunghyun was breathless from his sprint through the parking lot and mildly irritated at the reason for needing to come running in the first place.


He was send by Youngbae to go to the hospital immediately after getting the call from the nurse. Jiyong has been sleeping and they surely not going to wake up the dragon because the reason they brought back Jiyong to the hotel was to let him rest.



“Just help me up, hyung,” Seungri said, avoiding the question and avoiding eye contact.


Seunghyun did as ordered, but continued to demand answers as he pulled Seungri back up into the waiting wheelchair.


“You could have gotten help from one of the staff,” Seunghyun pushed.


“Hell, Ri, you probably could have gotten yourself back into the chair. I mean you got in here on your own, didn’t you? You’re missing a leg, maknae. You’re not paralyzed.”


“My leg hurt, and I needed your help. Those nurses don’t know what they’re doing.”


Seunghyun snorted.


“You called us out here because you didn’t trust the nurses to pick you up? That’s their job, Ri!”


“Look hyung, if you don’t want to help me then fine, go back to whatever you guys do that’s more important that your own maknae. I’ll be fine without you guys!” Seungri withdrew into himself, angrily squirming against his Seunghyun hyung’s hands as they finished dropping him into the chair.


 It shut Seunghyun up. He didn’t know what to say. He circled back around to face his stubborn maknae.


“Look, Seungri ah, hyung is sorry. I mean, we don’t mind being here. I don’t mind running around to help when you need us. I just didn’t understand why-“


“It because I want you guys!” Seungri spat out, interrupting Seunghyun.


“They don’t need to be casting their pitying eyes on me, hyung! And yes, that’s what I see – pity and sympathy. Poor crippled kid, lost his leg and now he can’t get up. I don’t need them, hyung!” Seungri spat, trying so hard to control his tears.


Seunghyun sighed, unsure how to reply to that. He noticed the open fly at that point and without thinking, leaned over to fix it.


“HYUNG?!! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING???!” Seungri screamed, slapping Seunghyun’s hand away as his hyung stammered out a weak reply.


“I just want to help, maknae ah,”


“Just get me back to my bed and get the hell out of here!”



And Seunghyun had done just that, no longer willing to keep up with his maknae’s tirade. He kept silent, biting his tongue as Seungri spewed out insults and curses in the struggle to get him back to bed.


Grunting a good bye, Seunghyun stormed out from the room, leaving Seungri to stew in his own juices. <

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Chapter 25: Hi! Just in case u r contemplating wether there still people waiting for this update, know that I’m still here waiting. Can’t wait for the continuation! ❤️
Chapter 25: I’ve reread this again and I still get upset when seungri gets upset 😭😭
Also, I hope u r doing fine authornim! I’ll be here patiently waiting for an update :)
Chapter 25: oh god the cliffhanger!! i wish wish wish seungri is going to be okay T_T cant wait for u to update this! <3
Angelvip1123 #4
Chapter 25: Iam witing for you!
Angelvip1123 #5
Chapter 25: Is there an update I'm waiting for?
pandari_1212 #6
Chapter 25: Please update
tomginger #7
Chapter 25: Please continue this story
Chapter 25: Ive seen this on the recent bb ot5 tags and im happy that you were able to update this. Please continue the story we wouls like to know if seungri survived or not!
Chapter 25: Pls be okay seungri
The trigger warning is on spot
Thank you author nim