What a SELFISH husband!!

She knows he L.O.V.E her

These few days, the only thing he told me was he will stay overnight in the office and call me to take care of omma. nothing else. i was having a slight fever that day when he didn't even notice when he come back home. 

He only think about omma and himself. His work and omma are even more important than his wife. few days passed.

That night after the dinner, key and i went up to our room.

"Dear, can we talk for a while?" I speak softly.

"What?" he replied.

"Erm... i want to move out of this house and then we can have our own house." I hestitated for a while.

"Why? Who will take care of omma then?" His tone is getting more serious.

"We can hire a maid to let her take care of omma" I said.

"Omma need us, she's alone now. i can't afford to buy a house neither." He walk to the bed and sat on. 

"But dear, i have enough money to buy a house, and .." Before i could finished, he interrupted.

"This is not the matter, the matter is omma can't live alone. it's too dangerous." He said.

"What if she fall and faint. no ones is around to help her." he add on.

"Omma ...omma..." I mumbled.

"What did you say?" He look at me.

"OMMA ! OMMA! Can you stop talking about her." I shouted. 

"She's our omma! how can i stop talking about her. " He was fuming.

"Don't you think you are too selfish?" I said.

"How selfish am i ? I brought you branded clothes and even jewellery." He said.

"You are so self-centered that all you care is your work and your omma!" I was boiling mad.

"All your WORK and your OMMA is more even important than your WIFE! don't you think so?" I yelled at him.

"I married you is because i wanted to have someone you can take care of the house and omma." He threw a tantrum.

"I married you is not here to listens all your unhappiness! i shouldn't have marry you in the first place." He shouted back at me.

The letter was terse, with everything.

"I am so disappointed at you. I am tired of everything. I had enough." I give a weary expression.

"Why don't we just divorce? it's easier for us." I said but my heart-rending cries.

He did not speak, i walk away and walked out of the house.

Key did not know what he had done. He sat on the bed with a headache. he do not know what to do. He let out a sigh. When key's omma was actually all along eavesdropping their conversation and she even let out a smirk.

---------------------END ---------------------------

A SWEET COUPLE Is going to DIVORCE !!!????

CONTINUE TO read. ^__^

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congrats on trf.
Infinite_8 #2
congrats on getting featured :D
TeenFiniteL_joe #3
congrats c:
NadoSarang #4
congratulations on getting featured!!!!! ^^
Infinite_7 #5
congrats :)
congratuations c:
congrats :)