A failed anniversary.

She knows he L.O.V.E her

Today was their first anniversary. Yun Hee went out shopping with her bestie, Rina.

"what you cooking for your First anniversary tonight?" Rina asked curiously.

"I not sure but I'm planning to create a romantic atmosphere by putting some candles before he came home from work." I said while i was imagining.

Rina snapped me out of my thought.

"Hey stop imagining. Let's go and buy some decoration for your plan tonight." Rina pulled my hands and walked toward the shopping mall.

While we were shopping, my phone rang.

"Hello" i spoke up.

"YAH! What time are you coming home? You better come back now." my mother-in-law yelled on the phone.

"But.." I talked back

"NO BUT! There lots of house chores waiting for you to do. You better come home NOW!" She continue to screamed at my ear. 

She hung up my phone after she finished her sentence.

"I'm sorry rina but i need to go back now. My mother-in-law wants me go back now." I explained to rina

"It's okay, there is always next time. Let me drive you home." Rina said.

The journey between the city and my house was just few blocks away. Soon we reached my house.

"Thank you so much, rina. Bye" I rushed toward the door.

I opened the door softly and saw mum was sitting on the sofa.

"Omma, I'm home." I greeted her.

"So you finally back. GO WASH the clothes NOW!" She shouted.

I quickly ran up the stairs and put down my shopping bags and started to hand washed all the clothes.

Omma look down on me just because i do not came from a wealthy family. When i came in to their house as daughter-in-law, she always called me to do all the house chores and even fired all the maids.

I told key about it but he did not seems to care, the only think he said was "just let her be, you know she is sick."

Omma was ill since appa passed away around 3 months ago.

I do all the chores and i saw the clock, it was pm already. i was exhausted but i went down and prepare dinner for our anniversary while omma went out to play mahjong. while preparing, My phone rang. It was message.

It was key's text :

"Dear, I'am sorry i need to work over time."

My text :

"It okay, work come first."

His text :

" Oh, By the way. Happy anniversary!" ^___^

My text :

"You too. I love you" heartheartheart

His text :

"I love you, ^3^ " *hugs & kisses*

END of message.

I stopped all my cooking and clear everything up. i was upset that he did not have time to celebrate our very first anniversary. I went up to the room and threw myself on to the bed. A tear rolled down my cheek.

His message left a deep impression that i feel like a knife just stabbed through my heart.

I finally dozed off after i cried so much.



Sorry for any mistakes .

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congrats on trf.
Infinite_8 #2
congrats on getting featured :D
TeenFiniteL_joe #3
congrats c:
NadoSarang #4
congratulations on getting featured!!!!! ^^
Infinite_7 #5
congrats :)
congratuations c:
congrats :)