The Unusual Take-Away

Mr. Arrogant version 2.0


How much more stupider can I get? I had numerous chances to look at him and I never once thought he’d be a celebrity. What could have happened in the heavens that the gods there let me meet such people?


I didn’t notice that I was in a long trance when Heechul spoke, “Yanna? Who are they?”

I looked at the four stunning guys once again and told him, “They are your friends and band mates. You work with them.” I replied while still staring at the four men before me.

Each of them carefully introduced themselves to Heechul while he timidly responded to them. I didn’t know how to mediate between them but it felt like I needed to.

“You don’t need to be afraid with them; they are here to visit you. They are your friends.” I assured the scared looking man who continuously holds my hand. He just nodded in agreement and the four members smiled at me satisfyingly.


Atlthough there was an awkward distance between them, he boys told stories to Heechul about various things I couldn’t even relate to. Suddenly a doctor followed by a nurse came in together with Heechul’s Sister, another older woman which I predicted to be his Mom and a middle aged man came in. Heechul who was really comfortable and relaxed earlier became edgy and tensed.

The doctor spoke, “Hello Ms. Yanna, I’m Dr. Moon, his attending physician. I’ll need to discuss a few things to you.”.

“To me? I’m just a visitor, Doctor.” I pointed a finger at my chest.


“Well, you have to be more than just a visitor now Ms. Yanna.” The professional said.

“Wait, what? What do you exactly mean by this Doc?” I worriedly asked him.

“As you can see here Ms. Yanna, I’m diagnosing Mr. Kim’s condition here as Retrograde Amnesia. He acquired a severe head trauma and that caused the Amnesia. He doesn’t remember a thing from his past; he only remembers the things that happened after he has woken up in your car. The only person he feels he knows is you.” The doctor comprehensively declared.

“And by this, you mean?” I questioned him.

“I know this would be too much for you since you don’t have any relation to the patient of any sort but he needs you to recover from this. As you can observe, you’re the only person who he can comfortably talk to and touch. For amnesia patients, communication and touch are vital elements for recovery as he would need to be presented to his previous daily activities in comfort. Let me emphasize comfort here. If he wouldn’t be comfortable in his surroundings this can turn into a stress for him and that would impede the recovery or probably worsen his condition.”  He spontaneously explained.


“Then what can I help with now?” I was too shocked with the turn of events so I was only able to say things lying on the top of my head.

“You need to be with him all the time and slowly teach him how to do things on his own. Some Amnesia patients can’t recover their memories from simply telling him who he was and what he does. They need to live their everyday life in comfort and recover memories on their own pace.” the doctor continued.


I took a couple of deep breaths and asked, “So it means, I’d need to live with him for a while. Is that it?”

“Well, if that’s how you place it, yes!” the doctor nodded.

I felt my face mask worry and confusion. “Ms. Yanna, I perfectly know that this is really really too much but please help my son. He needs his life back. I knew how he loved his work and I don’t want him to lose all the things he worked hard for.” the older woman pleaded as she reached out for my other hand.


I dropped my head and took a few more deep breaths and told her “I don’t know if this can work Mrs. Kim, I’m just a college student and I have other things on my hands right now. I don’t think I can do this.”

“Please Ms. Yanna, my son needs you.” On the spur of the moment, his mother got on her knees and sobbed right before my eyes.

I bit my lower lip as I once again took a deep breath, “Mrs. Kim, please don’t do this.” I pulled her up and her crying made me feel like I’m criminal for saying no.

Okay, I’ll see what I can do, but I can’t live with him Mrs. Kim.” I negotiated.

Sh didn’t answered back and kept sobbing but this time the boys took their turn in convincing me.

“Yanna, you didn’t have to worry, we will help you. Just please help our Hyung.” Kyuhyun interjected.

”We will be with you along the way Yanna, all together with the other members.” Donghae continued.


With him talking about the other members, I immediately thought of Kibum, where is he anyway when all these things are happening. That thought led me to thinking if maybe I can get close enough to these boys maybe I could live with dating Kibum more comfortably.

Our relationship was kept from the members because he, being all aloof and quiet, is uncomfortable with so many people knowing about us. That is at least what I thought, I hope I’m right. As if I’m convincing my own mind, I thought, I’ll be graduating from College in a week so this could keep me occupied afterwards.


The doctor explained some more and each person in the room contributed into convincing me to live with their patient.

“Alright, I’ll do this. Okay? But…but it’s just gonna be for a while.” I finally agreed.

I heard a few sighs of relief and Kyuhyun winked as he spoke, “Just be with him until he gets decent enough to live by himself”.


I was cursing myself in my head for ever agreeing to this set up. Living with a celebrity is one hell of a deal, and to add to that, he’s like a child waiting to be potty trained or something. I left the bedside ensuring the patient I’ll be back in a swift and told him to talk s for a while. I had this brief conversation with his family and physician. They discussed to me what I should do and what to expect from the patient. Later then, they concluded that I’ll be taking the patient home. TODAY.


His mother thanked me nonstop and swore she’ll be visiting my house as often as she could, so as his sister. Mrs. Kim wrapped me in her arms and shook my hand before she left the room and followed the doctor out the room. Heejin, on the other hand, went to what it seemed to be the bathroom to fix up some items for her brother. I went back to the bedside and found Sungmin showing Heechul some pictures from his phone; Heechul was just slightly nodding at each swipe on the screen.


“We can’t thank you enough for doing this Yanna. We need him back. His fans need him back.” Donghae told me with seriousness in his face.

“How can I strongly say no when his mother asked me like that? Saying no would so harsh and mean. I’m good natured, you know!” I winked at him jokingly and we both laughed at my silly joke.

“Don’t worry, if some things go wrong, don’t be hesitant to give me a call. Well, give US a call.” He pointed to his other 3 members who are now so giddy and speaking nonstop to the tensed patient.


Heejin and the middle aged guy, who was introduced to me as the member’s manager, came back to the common room carrying 2 medium sized luggages.

“Looks like we have to get going.” Eunhyuk said.

“Heechul hyung needs to get dressed first!” Kyuhyun yelled at Eunhyuk.

I difficutly managed to persuade Heechul to go to the bathroom with Sungmin to get dressed.


Heechul got so uncooperative so dressing up took them forever. After an hour or so, we got to the parking lot where a black van was waiting for us.

“I brought my car with me.” I remembered.

“Yeah, Hyung, I think it’s better if Yanna and Heechul Hyung take that car.” Donghae told their manager.

“Sure! That could keep them out from fans’ eyes.” The manager agreed.

Keeping out from fans’ eyes? That scared me a little bit, why would I need to keep out? Geez!

“Be careful Yanna, okay? Call me if anything comes up!” Mr. Manager reminded me once more.

They accompanied me and Heechul to my car. The luggages were loaded in the trunk by the manager and Eunhyuk and they left me their phone numbers before bidding their goodbyes.


Heechul and I are once again alone in the car. I stared at him and he just smiled at me like everything is normal which made me feel a little better. I made a mental note that I can do this and he’ll recover his memories in no time plus, this is for me and Kibum Whew! How nuisances can be this pretty! Before we depart from the parking lot, I played in some music using the car’s stereo and that was my first lesson for the tall, bruised and wounded child-man beside me.




Author says:

Whew! That was a long writing time for me.

It makes me sad that I wont be able to be at my hometown in time for the SS5.

It's so frustrating! My chest feels like it's being clenched!

I just can't believe I'll miss it!

Only consolation left is that our flower boy, Heechul's discharge is getting near each day!

Let's not get too excited and by pass his birthday okay?


Please please stand by for more updates!

The upcoming updates will be fluff...!:D

No yet, he's still too innocent! Haha!

I'll just get some sleep and be back for an update!


Don't be a silent reader okay?

Comments please.. that will cheer me up big time!

I'd love to see your feedbacks!

And please please I'm begging! Help me with the banners please!


Keep safe everyone!♥

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Lexi14 #1
Chapter 20: Omo he confessed and there togeter yipee ^.^ can't wait to see what happend next so update soon please and I hope kibum dosent do anything to hurt Yanna but it prob will >.< but anyways love the update :)
candiru #2
says : omg he confessed to her! Update soon please!
Lexi14 #3
Chapter 18: Please update soon ^.^ and I hope yanna and heechul work out soon
myotterprince #4
Chapter 13: I loved it, hope u update soon
minkap #5
omg update soon!
love the story!
can you still apply?
Chapter 6: I love this story! Please update soon.