A Professor from Heaven

Mr. Arrogant version 2.0


It was around 11 in the morning when I woke up from a long satisfying sleep. I opened my eyes and my mind was completely blank for a moment there. Then thoughts slowly filled my mind.

The coming week is the finals week and just like any other college student, I’m worried about my Statistics final exams for today and yeah, I’ve not read any reviewer or books to prepare for this one. I’m so flunking Math. For the person who discovered Math, I hate you to the core right now!!!


I got up and fixed something for brunch. My fridge didn’t give options, so I just poured out some cereal into a bowl and half filled it with the recently expired milk, good thing it is still not weird tasting.  I wasn’t a fan of breakfasts ever since, I just preferred sleeping in.


While I was munching on my boring cereal, the poor guy’s face from yesterday flashed back in my thoughts. I wondered how he is doing right now. I do hope that he’s calm now and out of sedation. I just think that sedating a person without his consent is terribly harsh and absolutely unethical. Oh, well… I pushed the worry aside and focused on my impending war with Statistics later.


I dialed on my phone and within a few rings my best friend is connected.

“Hey, what’s up?” she answered.

“Denise!!! Stats today? You ready?” I worriedly asked.

“Who would actually be ready for a Math exam Yanna?” she sarcastically said.

“This is my very last chance to pull up my grades. My Midterms were terrible. Mom called me yesterday fussing about it. I can’t spend another semester taking that class!” I complained.

“Well, let’s just do what we can! Pick me up, okay? I need a hitch!” she ordered.

“Alright, I’ll see you later!” and I bid goodbye.


I met Denise 5 years ago, when I was in 3rd year high school. She was a transfer student and she had a little crush on my guy seatmate, so she made her way in getting close to me on purpose. She pleaded me to bridge the two of them but it unfortunately; my guy seatmate had a longtime girlfriend already.

That broke her heart and I felt really bad that I was the one who kept her hopes up. So I accompanied her wherever she went and naturally we shared so much that we decided to go to the same college, and eventually picked the same course. I believed that we got comfortable with each other because I was the good listener and she is always the good nonstop talker.





I picked up Denise at around 1pm and was on our way to school which is a few kilometers away. On our way, I happen to mention about the guy from yesterday and did I end up in the emergency room with him last night.


She freaked out and nagged the whole time we were in the car. She kept on blabbering about what if the guy is actually a bad guy and it was just one of their modus and that I could have been in danger. It was endless; thank heavens the school was just a few blocks away or else my eardrums would have bled from her spontaneous nagging.



“Open the trunk first!” she yelled at me as I was about to get off from the car.

“Ooops, sorry! I forgot about that!” I quickly popped the trunk and she fetched her diorama project.

“I can’t believe your group mates got you into making that one!” I .

“Shut up, Yanna! I got no choice I was the only senior from the group, this is my last chance!” she rolled her eyes at me and hurriedly went off on a different way.

“I’ll see you in Trigo class in a bit, I need to submit this!” she said before turning her back at me.

“You sure you don’t need help?” I offered.

“Nah! I’ll do this, now go cramming! Read a couple of pages! There’s still time!” she screamed.



My phone beeped as I was walking the corridors of the school. I reached for a pocket inside my bag and got my phone out. My phone displayed, New Message: Kim KiBum. Oh, geez! Finally! The long lost boyfriend resurfaced, I thought he just magically disappeared to god knows where. I sat down in my seat and opened the message.

Yanna, Babe, I’m really really sorry for the past two weeks. My schedule changed drastically and I was caught in a couple of CF filming and a drama came up. I’m in Taiwan right now, as soon as I get back there, I’ll make it up to you, I promise. I love you…always!

I somehow willed myself to reply.

I perfectly understand. Can’t wait to see you, stay safe.

This is not a new scenario anymore. I got used to this already. I didn’t know what got into my head when I agreed of dating him. I knew this would happen ever since the first day I met him.


It was almost the end of last year when I first met him. He shot a CF here in our school and we somehow bumped into each other at the school café. Denise and I were about to leave the café when she suddenly spazzed about a celebrity shooting a CF in our school.

Due to Denise’s constant pushing and pulling I tripped over a large coffee bean bag lying innocently near the counter. Next thing I knew I was sprawled in the floor filled with scattered coffee beans and eventually spilled my coffee to the guy who was about to order his coffee. That guy is in Taiwan right now, promising me he’ll make it up to me when he comes back.


I’m not sure why this tiny tiny brain of mine can’t manage to break it off with him. He sure knows how to make it up to me and that absolutely holds me back. For 8 months it has become a cycle already and I’m tired of it.


Let’s not add the pressure of keeping our entire relationship a secret; everyone knows this is how it rolls for personalities like him. Denise is the only living person who knows that I’m dating him. And to come and think of it we never really got to literally date. Dating as in watch movies in theaters, dine out or even stroll the park. We were always confined in the four corners of my condo unit during his off days.


It might sound that I’m complaining but who am I to complain, I’m seeing a man loved by thousands of women so I dare not discuss these things with him. But come on, who on earth wouldn’t want to spend some quality time outside with her dream-like boyfriend and show off a little? Hmmmm... Stress indeed!




I was awakened from my trance when Denise sat beside me and gossiped how she saw our English professor making a pass on the pretty Professor from our Philosophy class back in our 2nd year. She halted from blabbering some more when our Statistic Professor came in.


He announced that from whatever the results we get from this exam, he would still be giving us passing grades. He rationalized that we don’t specifically need Statistics in our line of work, it so happens that the subject was a part of the curriculum so we need to take it. The exam was just for formalities.

The whole class yelled cheers and the others clapped giddily. Whew! I thank God for giving off considerate professors like this unlike those terror professors from hell, who knows nothing but torture struggling college students.


The exam went well and it was surprisingly easy! We were dismissed afterwards.

“Wanna go for some coffee to celebrate passing Stats?” Denise suggested.

“Sure thing! Oh, by the way, how was the diorama?” I replied.

“Whew! The youngsters were all giddy about it and they kept telling me how sorry they were for not participating on the making. Geez! Those freaking ers, so annoying!” she complained.

“Parasitism never gets old!” I .


I was getting into the car and so as my pissed off friend when my phone rang. To my surprise it was an unknown number. I accepted the call and place my phone in my ears.

“Hello, this is Yanna, who’s this please?” I spoke to the phone.

“Hello Yanna, I hope I’m not interrupting you with anything.” The person from the other line said.

“No, it’s fine, who’s this and how can I help you?” I told her nicely.

“Yes, this is Heejin, Heechul’s sister.” she introduced.

“I’m sorry but I don’t know anyone named Heechul. How can I help you though?” I explained.

“Yeah, I’m sorry but before I forget, I want to thank you for what you did yesterday. My family and I don’t know how to repay you. Our sincerest gratitude Miss Yanna.” She replied.

“Y-y-you’re welcome, I guess? I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what are you talking about Miss Heejin.” I told her.

“The guy you helped yesterday is my brother and it might seem too much but I need to ask you a favor.” she said.


Author says:

Yey! Double update! 

I somehow managed to make this chappy!

I'm quite inspired!

Please don't be a silent reader!

Let me know your feedbacks!


I'm getting a little bit of sleep and I'll be back with an update!!!





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Lexi14 #1
Chapter 20: Omo he confessed and there togeter yipee ^.^ can't wait to see what happend next so update soon please and I hope kibum dosent do anything to hurt Yanna but it prob will >.< but anyways love the update :)
candiru #2
says : omg he confessed to her! Update soon please!
Lexi14 #3
Chapter 18: Please update soon ^.^ and I hope yanna and heechul work out soon
myotterprince #4
Chapter 13: I loved it, hope u update soon
minkap #5
omg update soon!
love the story!
can you still apply?
Chapter 6: I love this story! Please update soon.