Confessions of a Narcissist

Mr. Arrogant version 2.0

On a Sunday morning, I woke up with a vexing ringing from my phone probably reminding me of today’s non-important matters and events.


The morning still young and my head felt extremely heavy so I opted to stay in for some more hours. Sleeping has become a great escape for me, for when I sleep, my overly analytical brain shuts down and restlessness just ebbs away.


“Geez,” it was around 2 in the afternoon when I pulled myself out of my bed.


I’m perfectly aware that sleeping in was a bad idea as my headache worsened. Then I went straight to the bathroom like I always do, washed my face and brushed my teeth.


Searching for something to fill my protesting stomach, I found some roasted chicken leftovers and fortunately there’s bread and voila; chicken sandwich for lunch. It complimented my very lazy mood. This is one of those days I was thankful that I still don’t have a job.


I looked outside the window as I munch on. It was bright and sunny and it made me want to go out. My body needs sunshine vitamins. I must lack in Vitamin D as I still feel down and lifeless. It has been a week since Heechul visited me and that made me even more confused.


He would histrionically send texts containing nettlesome messages. Kim Heechul is the epitome of absurd. Call me bad but I admit that one time I strongly wished he didn’t get his memories back. Because him having his memories back equates to an impending headache for me. There was this one time where he sent me a very long chain of random letters and numbers. I had no clue how he expects me to reply to that. I never replied though. He would sometimes call and will begin speaking what I thought to be a non-human language.


A shower bath flushed away my headache and made me feel giddy again. I dolled up and went out of the room. Just when I was looking for my car key my freaking doorbell rang. I began hating the sound of my doorbell now as it always prelude to something undesirable. And then it rang again! “Geez!”


I bravely opened it and saw Heechul there.

I knew it! Just when I thought I would be having a fine and dandy day, I was proven wrong immediately.


I don’t know how to explain how I felt. I just stood there, staring at him. I tried searching for words to say but my headache became so prominent; my brain must be having a real hard time working.


“Yanna!” he brightly spoke, too bright though. “Ugh, can we talk?”

In a spur of a moment, my stupid brain finally produced something.

“Uhmm.. yeah, sure! I think we can!?” I absent-mindedly nodded.

“Wait, were you about to go out?” he inquired.

“Yes, I was…I got bored, so I thought I could go around somewhere,” I answered straightly.

“Perhaps, I can join you?” he suggested as I stared at his jumping brows.

“Sure…surely! I’ll just get my car keys!” I gave him an awkward smile.







We settled at café distant from the city crowd after a very long discussion on where to go because he was too worried that people would recognize the ‘universal space big star’. His terminology, definitely not mine.

“I think it’s my turn treating you coffee?” he smiled.

“Oh, finally!” I sighed and leaned back on the small couch just across the counter. I watched his back as he went his way to the counter.


But then, I noticed a couple of girls from the other seats looking at him. They were giggling and whispering to each other. They know him.


Then I took notice of the luck I somehow stumbled on. My fangirling self has resurfaced. He was just a kid to me all along that I was actually disregarding that he was indeed a celebrity and he’s damn famous. This aloof man is actually reaching out for me. Can someone remind me why I was being confused again? Maybe because I didn’t like how I will appear to so many people. Maybe I didn’t like my own self liking him unconventionally.


He’s strikingly good-looking, every word he says are interesting, annoying, crazy and witty and full of humor. What is there not to like? I do like him, don’t I? I even had with him. Can somebody please bring me back to my sense, so I could make sense here?


He turned around with two cups on his hands and walked towards me with a smile on his face. Now there goes the smile. He’s beautiful.

“As I remember, you like it strong, right?” he guessed right.

“Huh? Strong? Strong what?” I asked with my mind still half awake from the musing.

“Your coffee! Sheesh! Drink it fast and wake up!” he scoffed and occupied the seat across me.

“Ah! Yeah! I do like you…” I said swiftly and I don’t know how those came out. Oh my God! Now I’m thinking aloud?

“Huh?” he mumbled as he sips on his cup.

“Ah…yes! I do like…it…strong! Yeah! Right! I like do like it strong! I’ve always liked it!” I awkwardly rambled and took a sup from my own cup.

“See! My smart brain remembers!” he boasted

“Yeah…right! You’re a clever jerk.” I smirked at him.


A few more minutes, the awkward feeling flew away and found ourselves talking spontaneously like how we always do. With him telling how he pranked the other members that he’s having another episode of a terrible headache and how surprised they looked when he told him he got his memories back.

“Going back, I need to tell you something Yanna,” he suddenly turned serious when I was in the middle of laughing hard.

“Hmm…what is it?” I fanned my hands in front of my face hoping the warmness from laughing hard would go away.

“I like you, date me,” he stoically said as if it wasn’t a big of a deal and ran his hand into his hair.

There! He just dropped a bomb and he managed to put up an expressionless face. Oh yeah! This is Heechul, there’s no use in rationalizing. But this is actually what I’ve been dreading for. I’m still in the middle of my detangling the confusing knots inside my head and self actualization and he beat me into it.

“What? I thought you said date me?” I clarified though I was clear about what he said.

“I said I like you Yanna!” he repeated.

“Oh! Date you?” I tried to fake a big laugh.

“That was a good…no one beats your humor,” I continued after gulping down the coffee but he just remained quiet and still a straight face looking at the glass wall. I don’t know Heechul!

“That is one of the funniest jokes ever. This is a hidden camera, isn’t? You boys trying to prank me now, eh? Where are the cameras now? Boys, come out now,” I spoke much louder and placed down my cup on the coffee table that separates us.

Then I got a little bit scared because he still wasn’t making any reaction. He was just there staring outside, occasionally taking a sip from his coffee.

“I’m not kidding here Yanna,” he said, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

“Okay, I’m sorry…but…liking me? Why?” I asked as I searched for his eyes.

“I don’t want to try putting a reason as to why I like you Yanna, it’s funny enough how you want me to rationalize my own feelings. I just do, okay? I hate complicating things. I’m sure you hate complicated too.” he snapped with the gap between his brows narrowing.


But I really don’t know how to answer to this. Is there even question? He just said he like me and date him. Then again, that awkward silence we usually had enveloped us once again.

“I meant it Yanna,” he firmly said after a few moments and his eyes met mine. I sharply inhaled.

“But…but…you’re Kim Heechul. Someone like you dating me? I don’t think so,” I dropped my head and smiled at the cup I’m firmly holding on my lap.

“I understand that this is overwhelming for you. How can someone so mean and conceited like me ever fall for you and much more date you?” he shook his head.

“I didn’t mean it that way,” I weakly replied.

“Then what do you mean Yanna?” he coldly responded.

“I mean…uhmm…” I paused as I didn’t really have any idea what I exactly mean. I need some time to organize my thoughts. I don’t want to be misunderstood.

“Think about this Yanna. Why would I propose like this to you? This is definitely not my style,” he picked up his cup again, finished the drink off and roughly placed back the cup down.

“Okay, let’s just say you’re not joking or making fun of me in any way, but this is too sudden and I need to think this through. I just broke up with Kibum and all. I’m not sure if dating you is appropriate.” I finally made some sense!

“Kibum? How does this involve him? This is about me and you, okay? He’s an ex so he’s a past, I’m sure he’ll be fine!” he jeered.

“But he’s your…” I wanted to point out that the dating thing can ruin the good relationship he has with his fellow member but I was cut off.

“Aish! No more buts! Do you like me or not? Just answer!” he crossed his arms across his chest looking more annoyed than ever. I’m sure he doesn’t like whatever that is coming out of his mouth right now.

Both of my hands found their way to my face. “Ugh…yeah…I do like you!” that resonated in my ears more audibly as I covered what now I believe my blushing face.

“See! It’s simple! I like you and you like me. So we date!” he concluded.

“Oh no! I like you but…dating?” I tilted my head to the right.

“Tsk! Why not?” he exasperatingly said.

“Let me figure things out in my head first. Mind setting! I am not rejecting you nor accepting your proposal. Give me time to think first, okay?” I told him.

“Sure! But don’t take your time! You know I’m not the pursuing type. I can’t do that. If you don’t want me, I’ll leave you alone,” he said with finality.

“I know,” I rolled my eyes and searched for the strap of my bag.

“I’ll call you, okay? And don’t send me alien messages, okay? I don’t speak monkey either so don’t call uttering some monkey dialect again. Please. I promise I’ll call you!” I told him and stood up from my seat.

“Please think about it Yanna, and call me! Okay?” this time when I turned around to look at him he stood up and found his face with a gentle expression that exuded sincerity. He is serious about this.

I headed for the exit and drove my car out.





Author says:

Yeah I know that update took so long and don't hate the pink font okay?

This update is rather short, I'm sorry!

Hormones are cloggin up my head.

But whenever I get across something Heechul related I always think about this fic!

So here's your update.

Though I'm not sure when is the next...

Most probably tomorrow! I need some sleep!

You guys should sleep a lot too! It's very very good for the skin!


As always, I'm plugging!

Please visit for the latest Kpop related updates especially those UK-based fans!

Follow me on twitter @07Laira2013 and spazz with me just about everything! I'll follow you back!


Love you guys! :D Keep safe!

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Lexi14 #1
Chapter 20: Omo he confessed and there togeter yipee ^.^ can't wait to see what happend next so update soon please and I hope kibum dosent do anything to hurt Yanna but it prob will >.< but anyways love the update :)
candiru #2
says : omg he confessed to her! Update soon please!
Lexi14 #3
Chapter 18: Please update soon ^.^ and I hope yanna and heechul work out soon
myotterprince #4
Chapter 13: I loved it, hope u update soon
minkap #5
omg update soon!
love the story!
can you still apply?
Chapter 6: I love this story! Please update soon.