The Likes of Him

Mr. Arrogant version 2.0

It was a little past 8 in the morning when I got conscious again. I would have said that I normally woke up, subtracting the hangover but instead, I have 4 limbs wrapped around me which belongs from none other than the child-man from last night. What am I supposed to do to this guy? Did I make a huge mistake of sleeping with him? I’m a now, am I? Sheesh! I’m completely not sure on how to act around him, after what just happened? No, I need to pick up myself and clear my head.


I softly wiggled my way out of his arms. I got up and turned around to look at his face. His face looked really serene and I watched him sleep for a while as his chest heaved up and down in regular intervals; I found myself breathe together in rhythm. I must be really insane now.


Before I finally go crazy, I decided to get out of bed and have some decent breakfast. I swung my legs out of bed and my soles felt the discarded clothes from last night. I fished out my underwear and stood up to put it back on but I suddenly felt a pang in between my legs. “Oww…” I winced as I realized that last night’s deed is the causative agent.  I somehow managed to make it to the bathroom, and then the kitchen to prepare something to fill my empty growling stomach, the child-man would probably feel the same.





I was placing a plate on the table when a pair of hands held me at my waist.

“Good Morning…” he whispered in my ear.

“Hey…let go of me and eat, you must be hungry,” I smiled as I gripped his arms away from me and turned to face him.

“You still look beautiful in the morning,” he complimented as he looked down on me, with his grinning face just a few inches apart from mine. Damn, there goes his sweet smelling breath. I could never get enough of it.

“You look gorgeous too, Mr. Kim,” I pushed him to the chair before something really odd happens again.

“I really love having breakfasts with you. I don’t think I will ever get used to this,” he smiled softly and took a bite from his toast.

“Oh no, you should not get used to it. You need to move out sooner or later, remember?” I told him as I saw his forehead creased.

“You want me to leave?” Heechul worriedly asked.

“It’s not that I want you to leave, it’s just you need to. This…is not for you. This is not you,” I felt a sting in my chest as those words came out from my mouth.

“I…I…I don’t understand Yanna. Why are you saying this?” he dropped his fork and stood up from his seat.

“You do know this is temporary, Heechul. Once you recover your memories, you’ll need to go back to your own world,” I sighed and dropped my head to look at my hands on my lap.

“I don’t want to go back. I like it here!” he yelled.

“But…that’s the only right thing to do. You’ll need to go back, you can’t stay here.” I firmly said. This is just maddening, he’s becoming irrational. Is this the effect of last night? He’ll cling onto me more?

“If you don’t want me to live here anymore, fine! I’ll move out. But don’t push me away,” he shook his head and gulped.

“I don’t want arguments in the morning Heechul, please!” I buried my face in my hands.

“I like you, Yanna. Can’t you see?” he uttered.

“Wh-what? This…No…You’re just confused because of what happened last night. You don’t…like…me, okay?” a mixture of emotions clouded me and it was suffocating. This is not right. This not part of the plan. He was supposed to come and go with his memories.

“Don’t…tell me what to feel!!!” he screamed pointing a finger at me. This is not right. This not part of the plan. He was supposed to come and go with his memories.

“No….this is not part of the plan. You just need to recover your memories and then go on with your life. You’ll forget about me, don’t worry. I’m not ready for any of this, Heechul. I’m sorry.” I walked out the kitchen and headed for the door. I heard Heechul follow me. I slipped into my sneakers and grabbed the coat by the hanger to wear it.  I need to leave for a moment. I need a time on my own for a while.

When I was about to open door I heard a soft thud. Oh my God. I looked back and found Heechul kneeling at the hallway. “Don’t leave…” he pleaded and a pair of beautiful sad eyes stared at me.

“I’m really sorry, I just need some time for myself.” Without waiting for a reply that could possibly hold me back, I stormed out of the condo.





I walked and walked without any idea to go. My mind was too foggy to even think. I cannot believe what just happened. If only I was too selfish enough to grab this opportunity to be loved by a great and amazing guy, I would definitely jump in even it’s against all odds. But that’s just not me. I cannot let him do something he might regret one day. I’m too scared to risk things. I’m too confused to even cry.


What if along the way he remembers and then suddenly tells me he wants to go back and leave. I cannot allow myself to be the pathetic waiting lover again. I finally found to tell myself that I had enough, and here I am, at the edge of diving into a pool of sadness again? No. Not again.


I took several deep breaths and began smelling coffee. Coffee? Oh my…I looked around and found where the delicious scent was coming from. I found a coffee shop a few meters away from where I was standing. I followed the scent and led me to the counter.

“Good Morning Ma’am! What can I get you?” the barista greeted me brightly. Good for him! He must have had a good morning.

“I need Caramel Macchiato, please.” I told the barista and handed him the money.

“Thank you, you can pick up your drink at the next counter over there,” he showed the huge counter where you usually receive the drinks.

“Thanks.” I nodded and made my way to the other counter. After a minute or two, I received my drink and headed for the alfresco. I sat down at one of the chairs scattered beside the table and sipped at my drink.

Coffee is a magical wonder. It has this certain effect to me. I could say it calms me and soothes me. It lighted up my mood. I suddenly stopped thinking about what happened half an hour ago. While savoring the delicious drink on my hands I heard someone crying. It’s a kid. I looked around the vicinity and found a young boy at the corner of the coffee shop, bawling his lungs out. The cute chubby kid with flushed cheeks was wearing a blue hoodie and a pair of jeans. I approached the kid and asked, “Why are you crying?”

“Oh…oh…Omma…Noona, find my Mom!” he mumbled beneath his sobs.

“You lost your Mom?” I inquired further. He bobbed his head while wiping his tears.

“Okay, I’ll help you. Let’s find your mom. Stop crying now, okay?” I dabbed a tissue on his face to wipe the stain of tears. I offered my hand to him and he took it shyly.

We looked around the area holding each other’s hand. I would constantly look at him and ruffle his hair. “What is your mom wearing?” I asked.

“There! Omma!!!” he pointed at a lady walking around.

“Sihyun-ah!” the lady turned around and opened her arms as the young boy ran to her embrace; I followed him along.

“Thank you,” the lady breathed. It was as if she just had an asthma attack. She must have been so worried for her son.

“You’re welcome; your son looks really adorable. Take care.” I smiled at her and bowed.

“Sihyun-ah, go thank Noona,” she said as she patted the kid’s back. Sihyun faced me and bowed, “Thank you, Noona.”

“Just listen to your mom well, okay?” I ruffled his head once more and smiled at him softly. “I’ll get going then,” I told his mom. She bowed and turned to walked away.

Before I can continue to walk away myself, I heard the kid said, “Omma! I want Vanilla Ice Cream, can we get one? Huh? Huh?” I looked back and saw the kid hopping as his mom held his hand.


Upon hearing the little boy’s earnest request, I suddenly got reminded of Heechul. He was just like the little child, so scared and fragile without his trusted Mom. He trusts me and he needs me, only me. That’s when it finally hit me. What have I done?


Feeling like I’ve finally woken up, my feet began to take slow steps and as I pass by the coffee shop once more, my pace turned faster, almost jogging. “He needs me,” I uttered to myself and began running back to the condo. The thought of him crying just like the little boy haunted me.





I reached the condo in no time and then I found myself standing my front door. I sighed and finally got the courage to open the door. Then I saw what I exactly expected. Heechul was still kneeling at the hallway with his head down, sobbing. Geez! He cried all this time?

“Oh no…I’m sorry…” I ran to kneel in front of him. I reached for his face to meet my gaze. “I’m sorry; you must have been shocked that I snapped like that. I’m really sorry.”

“I don’t want them Yanna…” he mumbled beneath his sobs. He really did resemble the kid a while ago.

“You don’t want? What?” I softly uttered.

“I don’t want them…I don’t want my memories…” he trailed and sobbed some more.

“Why? Why would you hate having them?” I calmly inquired.

“Be-because…it doesn’t have you in it,” he stuttered.

“Aww… you dumb little sweet thing! We can always make new once, can’t we?” I poked his forehead and giggled. How can words as sweet as these possibly escape from the sharp-tongued Kim Heechul. He likes me, he really does.

“Don’t leave Yanna… and…and..dont make me leave either…” he took shallow breaths and grabbed both of my hands.

“Okay, kay, kay…I won’t leave and don’t leave too…okay? We’ll stay here the whole day…” I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back. “Stop sobbing now! Will you?”

“Will you…get me…ice cream…if…if I do?” he said between taking breaths.

“Yes…I’ll get you Ice Cream, young one!” I chuckled and ruffled his hair. What should I do with you, Kim Heechul?


The two of us went back to eating our breakfast as if the little drama scene a while ago didn’t happen. And I somehow managed to pull my thoughts together and was able to come up with a plan. I’d find a way to talk to Kibum and clean off the things between us; that would the fair to do. The problem here is how am I supposed to tell him about Heechul and I? He would definitely think I cheated on him; well technically I did. I’m such a but feelings are feelings and where the hell is he again? It’s about time I make a stand on this; I can pathetically wait for him but I can’t wait forever. I need to move on too. So, I will because I can. Secondly, since Heechul is still too dumb to work; it’s not a problem yet. I have all the time to worry about this later.

Setting aside everything made me feel really good and lighter. The only one that preoccupies me at the moment is this child-man that continuously bugs me to get him his ice cream and he won’t let the idea of us strolling around again die out.




We spent almost 2 weeks hanging around the condo, doing just about everything, dining out and buying groceries. One day, he decided to bake cookies as he was inspired when he watched a TV show where a foreigner baked some; and it was such a hilarious sight. I could not imagine him baking even if he actually is baking before my eyes, what more his fans and friends.


Unfortunately, Heechul would occasionally get mild headaches; the doctor said that it was just normal and that it could still be the effects of the incident. The doctor advised Heechul to go to therapies to help him recovering his memories every Thursdays. His manager took the responsibility of accompanying us to the doctor during the said schedule. His management was able to convince the media and the fans that Heechul got really sick and needed much time to recuperate. There was this day that I read to Heechul the well messages his fans sent him all over the internet; he was moved and got motivated to do the therapies with the doctor.


Random Super Junior members would sometimes drop by to have dinner and drink some alcohol. I was also introduced to his other group of friends; they were called Chocoball. I must have saved the world in my previous life because I was definitely rewarded when Jang Geun Suk, Ft.Island and other celebrities dropped by to visit Heechul. I was embarrassingly speechless that day; I was completely starstrucked. But then again, later that day, I realized that if Heechul having the same attitude as them is in fact the leader of this so called group of vain and psychiotic idols (as what they claim to be); may the gods forgive me, but I’ll kill him. Well, the perks of having him at my place is just fab!


Denise constantly drops by too; she kept me updated with her unexpected new buddy which is Kangin. I don’t really know what they are as the term buddy is an overstatement. They primarily banter and argue all the time but it amazes me that they still do meet each other. This could be the beginnings of one weirder couple.


Just like any other day, Heechul and I lazily sat around my living area for the entire lunch time snacking and watching movies. And just when I thought we were both enjoying the movie, I was proven wrong immediately when I suddenly heard him let out a snore. Sheesh. Then my crazy fangirl side emerged again. I looked down at his face as he laid his head down on my lap, hugging the bucket of popcorn. Observing his sleeping face has become a really bad habit of mine now!


I noticed his scabs are gone now, leaving only faint traces of brown scars. Those once so purple bruises are now turned into faded shades of yellow. His pretty face is now more visible; he looks more like what he used to, the pretty boy, Kim Heechul. His pretty face with a gentler attitude and just a hint of arrogance blends so well. This version of him is close to my perfect kind of guy and I swear would pray all day long so he wouldn’t go back to being his previous version of him or I swear to god, I’ll kick him out of the house.


I wanted to touch his finely sculptured nose but I stopped when I heard the door bell rang. “It must be Super Junior again…” I sighed. I don’t want to ruin our little peaceful moment yet, but the door bell rang again.

“Hold on!” I yelled as I shook Heechul to wake up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes as I made my way to the door. I held the cold steel knob, tugged it down and pulled it. Then, a handsome Super Junior member grinned at me and greeted, “Hey…”

“Hi…Kibum…” I replied.




Author says:

Hello everyone!

Thanks to quennannie and myotterprince!

And of course my commenters too!

I'm sorry for taking a little bit long.

I know I used to update everyday but I got to co-author another story,

so my time is a little divided now.

But don't worry...I'll try updating as fast as I can.

So keep those comments coming and subscribe!


Follow me on Twitter @07Laira2013 and I'll surely follow back,

so we could spazz around all day, everyday!


I love you guys! Keep safe!  ♥


Please please do check out the story I'm co-authoring.

It's entitled "You're Unbelievable"  Click to proceed to the link.

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Lexi14 #1
Chapter 20: Omo he confessed and there togeter yipee ^.^ can't wait to see what happend next so update soon please and I hope kibum dosent do anything to hurt Yanna but it prob will >.< but anyways love the update :)
candiru #2
says : omg he confessed to her! Update soon please!
Lexi14 #3
Chapter 18: Please update soon ^.^ and I hope yanna and heechul work out soon
myotterprince #4
Chapter 13: I loved it, hope u update soon
minkap #5
omg update soon!
love the story!
can you still apply?
Chapter 6: I love this story! Please update soon.