Prologue VI

The 13th Shadowchild
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“You mean you’re the Lu Shanmei Sooman’s been rambling about since who-knows-when?”


“How are you related to Luhan-hyung?”


“Why didn’t you say so in the first place?!”


“Oh my god, guys. This is just too awesome!”


“Hey, hey, hey! Can you all calm down for a while?” You had raised your arms in surrender as your head began to reel from their bombardments of questions. You heard Sehun snort beside you and actually saw him roll his eyes at you. Not that you really cared at the moment, but, boy, he was starting to piss you off with those unfriendly gestures of his you just wanted to start slapping his face until it got swollen like a tomato—only rotten NOT plump. “Let me answer your questions one by one, okay? Your voices are kinda booming. It’s giving me a headache.”


“I thought you were going to say heart attack, and then that way, you’d be dead and everything would return to normal.” Sehun chimed in, making you kick him hard on the shin under the table. Sehun yelped like a girl and you threw him a smirk after mouthing, Shut up, .


“If you want some drama, I’m more than willing to present one.” Your deathly glare never left Sehun’s eyes and the maknae stared back at you with the same intensity.


“Stop getting so heated up,” Chanyeol said eventually. “Sehun, what the hell is your problem with her anyways? You’re not usually like this with girls. You know, you’re usually sc—“


Now it was Sehun’s turn to kick Chanyeol’s shin under the table. Chanyeol screamed and tears welled up in his eyes. You your lips in frustration and slammed your hands on the table. “SUHO-OPPA!”


Suho stood at attention although he can’t help but blush at the way you addressed him even if your tone implied otherwise. Did she just call me oppa? Deep down inside, he squirmed like a teenage boy in love for the very first time. He pursed his lips before saying, “Yes, ma’am?”


“Oppa! You’re supposed to be this group’s leader, aren’t you? Can’t you tell them to not kick their legs under the table?”


“Well, isn’t that what you did to me?!” Sehun exclaimed in protest, his eyes wide in disbelief at your—for him, that is—hyprocrisy.


“Because. You. Piss. Me. Off!” you gritted. “JERK!”


“YAH YAH YAH! NO FIGHTING!” Suho had thankfully somehow regained his composure as he stood there at the head of the table and spread his arms out in the air, as if he was an NBA referee standing between James and Parker to stop the two from getting into an unwanted, publicized wrestling match.


Kyungsoo burst out laughing, making all of you turn your gaze towards him. He was laughing so hard he was technically crying and laughing and whimpering and coughing and crying and laughing and whimpering and coughing, his hands hopelessly clutching his tummy for dear life.


“Suho!” Kyungsoo managed to blurt out. “We know you’re the scariest when you’re mad but you’re the worst referee ever! You look like you’re scared as hell and go want to pee! What the ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!”


Kai propped his elbow on the table and rested his chin on his palm as he smirked and looked at Kyungsoo adoringly—no, adoringly would be an understatement. More like, Kai was clearly entertained. He raised a hand to ruffle the other boy’s hair and turned to look at all of you. “I’m sorry, guys. I must’ve influenced him in a way I never would’ve imagined. What do you say?”


“Hell yeah.” Baekhyun cleared his throat. “As if we do not know what you’re always up to in your room every single night. Those sounds you make? Please keep them low if you can.”


Chanyeol’s eyes rounded. “Um, guys. Can you stop talking about erted things in front of my cousin?”


“I don’t mind!” you said immediately. Everyone turned their heads to you, making you blush like crazy. Okay, you just said something out of line. Or—scratch the previous statement—you said something that was practically in their league. “No, no, no! It’s not what you think. I’ve had my share too, you know~”


Your gaze flew towards Kai and saw him biting his lower lip seductively. Your tummy did a little flip-flop and you cursed yourself for saying something so stupid like that. You should’ve just shut that big mouth of yours. Now their impressions about you would be ruined! You would suffer from so much teasing, having to divulge into conversations, and such. Urgh! You thought that life was over! Wrong move, wrong words, wrong thoughts! Wrong everything! Screw everything! You facepalmed.


Baekhyun smiled. “We really are going to get along well, Sunmi-ah~”


Kai said, “That doesn’t matter. Look at Chanyeol. He looks like a truck just run over him. He must have been so shocked at your revelation.”


You sighed. “Chanyeol-ah~”


From out of nowhere, Chanyeol produced a napkin and blew his nose on it. He looked at you with teary eyes, his skin paler than snow although his nose was red like Rudolf's. “Where did your innocence gooooooooooo???”


You blinked twice, thrice, four times. Um, what?


Chanyeol literally howled in despair and continued to blow his snot on the cloth. Baekhyun ran comforting circles on his back although his eyes were completely fixed on you, his lips quirked up into a mischievous smile.


You were mentally torturing yourself when Sehun exclaimed, “You’re gross! That’s the table mantle, you !”


“Guys, can someone please tell me how awesome I am because apparently I stopped the fight,” Kai said.


“Whatever you say, Kim Jongin,” Suho scoffed.


After that little fight, you helped yourselves into a feast. All their cool and handsome façade evaporated the moment they took hold of their utensils. They were hungry savages who stabbed and raked on their meat as fast as lightning. You, on the other hand, maintained your etiquette and took your sweet time feeding yourself.


From time to time, you saw Kai giving you furtive glances. You were not sure whether he was purposely checking you out or if he was simply looking at you out of curiosity.


Then, there was Sehun to worry about too. He kept glaring at you and scoffing at your side. He even stabbed your carrots with his fork and transferred them to his  own plate.


“YAH!” you hissed. “You only have to ask if you want my food, you know!”


Sehun raised an eyebrow at you. “I don’t ask permission from someone younger than me. I like only hyungs.”


“Yah, yah,” Baekhyun interrupted. “Sehun, what exactly don’t you like about her anyways? She’s quite adorable!”


“I hate her scent,” Sehun huffed.


Kai smirked. “No, you don’t. Every single one of us is, in fact, attracted to her scent. She’s a Halfblood but smells like human—unlike her cousin who stinks—“


“YAH, KKAMJONG!” Chanyeol growled. “Watch your mouth or I’ll tear your wings again!”


“They’ll heal,” Kai retorted. Chanyeol grunted. “So... Where was I? Aaaahhhhh. She’s a Lu and she’s very pretty too! She’s the best treat, if you ask me. Oooh, I’d like to lay her down on my own bed if I get the chance.”


You felt the heat rush to your face with the speed of light. In that moment, all you wanted to do was to hide your existence from Kai. He was starting to disturb you in a very bad way.


Chanyeol, too, could not take it any longer so he darted his fork onto Kai’s plate. The impact made a loud clattering sound, making everyone snap their heads in his direction.


Suho grumbled, his mouth full. “We don’t ask for a Round 2, you idiots!”


But Chanyeol ignored him and continued shooting daggers at Kai. “Don’t look at my cousin with those lewd eyes of yours and don’t about her, especially when I’m here and she’s here. Have some shame!”


“Calm down, ChanChan. I was only kidding,” Kai said in a cool manner although his customary smirk never vanished from his playful expression.


“I’m really sorry about Kai, Sunmi-ah,” Chanyeol told you with those apologetic puppy eyes.


You reached out across the table and held his hands in yours. “It’s okay, Oppa. He doesn’t mean it. Besides, I’m a karate expert, remember? I’ll kick his balls before he can even touch me.”


Chanyeol nodded. Suho hung his head low and sniggered. Kyungsoo spat the contents of his mouth right onto Kai’s face. Kai grimaced.


“Kyungsoo, you’re so gross!” Baekhyun commented, making everyone laugh.


“No wonder she can be a little of a bad mouth,” Sehun said suddenly, twirling his fork on his plate.


If only you could play javelin throw right now, you would swing over and over and over again and hit the target—which would happen to be Sehun’s pitiful body—every single time without fail.


“So what exactly is your problem with her?” Kai asked Sehun.


Yeah, what the hell is your problem with me?, you wanted to ask so badly but left those words unsaid.


They engaged in a staring contest and only broke away from each other’s gaze when they heard Baekhyun say, “Do you two like Sunmi?” Both were silent. “There we go! Now we know why.”


“Don’t be so full of yourself,” Sehun muttered to himself but you heard him. Sehun glared at you again and cursed under his breath.


You, on the other hand, did not know what to feel. Annoyed? Flattered? Hell, you would never like Sehun! Not in a million years!


“Enough talk about crushing on the newest member of the family,” Suho said after dabbing a napkin on his mouth. He was already done dining. “I admit I also like her. Don’t we all?”


“More rivals for the two of you,” Kyungsoo told Kai.


Kai only shook his head.


“Park Sunmi, why don’t you tell us about yourself?” Suho said.


The question somewhat surprised you. “About me?” you asked, pointing a finger at yourself.


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djawsome #1
Chapter 17: congratulation to luhan and gayoung! i feel sorry for Kris, don't you author-nim?
Chocolato #2
Chapter 17: and please, be safe :)
Chocolato #3
Chapter 17: OH WOW, I WASNT EXPECTING THAT, and Kris was my bias in exo. sobs so hard.
Chocolato #4
Chapter 17: OH WOW, I WASNT EXPECTING THAT, and Kris was my bias in exo. sobs so hard.
yourfangirlmica #5
Chapter 17: Aaaaaaww, Kris is such an angel! That was really cool of him. It made me feel a little sad that he didn't end up with Gayoung after all the loving for five years. But oh well, congratulations to Lulu and Gayoung! First live never dies, huh? I can't even remember who my first love was. Lol. Anyways, very nice oneshot Author-nim! It's very moving. :')
bulblover #6
Chapter 17: Wow. Wow. I never liked oneshots except for 10080 and this one is another exception! Great job!
haechanela #7
Chapter 17: Awww! This made me cried a bit. Nice story.
Luussjje #8
Chapter 17: This made me cry. And I don't cry fast...
Chapter 17: ah, I thought it's related to this story and I'm thinking that Luhan didn't like Sunmi anymore- however, it's a nice bonus :)
Chapter 15: im feel bad for luhan. but honestly i dont know who to ship with sunmi. kekeke