Prologue V

The 13th Shadowchild
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Annyeong~ Sorry for the long wait! Classes officially started last Monday, and OMG, my schedule is so hectic and my subjects are so toxic! Senior college life is a whole mess. So much paperworks, innumerable evaluation tests. I barely have time for this! T_T I'm so sad. But, here I go! Enjoy reading!





You flailed your arm to your side, blindly feeling through the things on the bedside table to grab your alarm clock. You heard something fall with a thud on the floor followed by the sound of glass breaking. You immediately shot up and brought your arms up in your head, messing your hair so it looked like a bird’s nest.


AAAAHHHH!!! , why won’t this alarm clock just shut up!!!


You reached for your alarm clock to turn it off. Your eyes popped out of your socket when you read the time. It was already 11:36AM.


Dammit! I’m late for class!


Without wasting another second, you stood on your bare feet only to feel a sharp pain shoot through your lower leg. You looked below and saw that a broken picture frame lay on the ground, partly smeared by the blood that came from your foot.




You slowly bent down to look at the picture. Seeing the roller coaster in the background, you knew instantly that it was taken at Disneyland. It was a photo of three boys together with Mickey Mouse. The one standing to the mascot’s left had messy blond hair and towering height. He flashed a gummy smile. Regardless, he looked a total hottie. You thought you would’ve tried hitting on him if you ever met him once in your life. But then you saw that next to him was a shorter boy who also had blond hair and doe eyes. He looked so cute, especially while holding a huge Stitch plushie. The third boy was a brunette. He was wearing a white baseball cap and a gentle smile that showed his dimples. They all looked so young and handsome, their smiles as blinding as the afternoon sunlight that gleamed on their angelic features.


You flipped the picture and read what was written at the back:


First trip to Disneyland. Enjoyed the date with Meili.



You just shrugged at the memo and held the photo in your hand for a little longer. You found yourself studying their features more, as if you were memorizing every line and every shade of color in your head. Although the three were equally handsome in their own ways and rights, you can’t help but stare at the boy standing at the center—the one holding the plushie. He was truly beautiful, but there was something about him that tugged on your heartstrings.


Attraction? Yearning? You weren’t quite sure.


You were busy trying to figure something out, pull something out from your memory, when a hand suddenly grabbed your wrist and pulled you upright.


“Sunmi-ah,” Chanyeol looked at you with red eyes.


Red eyes.






You looked at him quizzically.


“Everyone’s locked themselves up in their rooms so please, Sunmi, go take a shower and get rid of that smell,” Chanyeol said coldly, his head turned away, while pinching his nose with one hand and pointing at your wound with the other. “I-It’s really disturbing.”


Chanyeol started to walk away from you when you grabbed him by the wrist, making him face you. “Y-Y-You mean, th-this is not a dream?” you said, holding up the picture.


His eyes widened. “What did you do?” he said, pointing an accusative finger at the broken picture frame on the floor, forgetting that you even asked him a question. He ruffled his hair as if he had gone crazy and stomped his feet on the ground like a child throwing tantrums. “Aish! What am I gonna tell Duizhang?! That’s his most…His most treasured item—BROKEN!  Omo, ottoke? Ottoke?!”


“Look, if you’re scared, I’ll do the explaining myself,” you said, trying to comfort him. Duizhang? Omo! You mean these boys live here as well???? What luck!


His voice suddenly boomed. “NO! Y-You don’t understand. K-K-Kris-hyung is really scary when he’s mad! You won’t ever want to see it!”


“Is this his room?”


Chanyeol nodded nervously. He ran a trembling hand through his hair repeatedly as he paced the floor back and forth, making you dizzy. “I was sure I told Baekhyun to let you use Tao’s room. Not Kris-Luhan-Lay’s. Those three are—“ Chanyeol’s voice hitched. “Never mind. Anyway, go wash up and I’ll clean this up. Okay?” He walked past you and gasped. That made you knit your eyebrows in confusion. Chanyeol was being a little bit creepy. “L-Luhan’s bed! You slept on his bed!”


“Well I didn’t know whose was whose and I was so damn tired and I don’t even know why you kept insisting to not let me sleep with you last night when all I wanted was to cuddle with you because I was scared and terribly needed comfort and when in fact we even used to sleep together on a single bed and I don’t see why it would feel so wrong doing it just again—like what you said last night too—even after we’ve grown up—“ You paused. You realized that you were saying a lot and being redundant and were speaking in just one breath Chanyeol looked at you with wide eyes, his jaw dropping slowly. “So I just lay down on that bed,” you summarized in a flat voice. But the fact that you weren’t dreaming still seemed surreal to you. “Whoever’s bed.”


Chanyeol cursed under his breath. “I’m dead!” He paced back and forth and exhaled. He turned to you, saying, “We’ll talk later. Now, will you please go out and wash yourself up? You stink.”


Chanyeol pushed you out the door. You opened your mouth to protest but decided against it when you saw the living room. The whole area was a mess. You shook your head in disbelief.


You knocked on the door. “Um, Chanyeol, where are my clothes?”


“I already prepared them for you. Just go to the bathroom.”


Then, you went searching for the bathroom to go take a shower.


When you were done changing into a new set of clothes, you treated your wound at the sole of your foot accordingly and wrapped a bandage around it. You felt so refreshed after a good warm bath. Your mind could probably get no clearer.


You sat still on the toilet and kept sighing.


You were really not in America anymore. You had escaped the vampires who wanted to kill you. You flew all the way to Seoul, hoping Chanyeol could help you but it turned out that he himself was a vampire. You even got admitted to this prestigious academy and

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djawsome #1
Chapter 17: congratulation to luhan and gayoung! i feel sorry for Kris, don't you author-nim?
Chocolato #2
Chapter 17: and please, be safe :)
Chocolato #3
Chapter 17: OH WOW, I WASNT EXPECTING THAT, and Kris was my bias in exo. sobs so hard.
Chocolato #4
Chapter 17: OH WOW, I WASNT EXPECTING THAT, and Kris was my bias in exo. sobs so hard.
yourfangirlmica #5
Chapter 17: Aaaaaaww, Kris is such an angel! That was really cool of him. It made me feel a little sad that he didn't end up with Gayoung after all the loving for five years. But oh well, congratulations to Lulu and Gayoung! First live never dies, huh? I can't even remember who my first love was. Lol. Anyways, very nice oneshot Author-nim! It's very moving. :')
bulblover #6
Chapter 17: Wow. Wow. I never liked oneshots except for 10080 and this one is another exception! Great job!
haechanela #7
Chapter 17: Awww! This made me cried a bit. Nice story.
Luussjje #8
Chapter 17: This made me cry. And I don't cry fast...
Chapter 17: ah, I thought it's related to this story and I'm thinking that Luhan didn't like Sunmi anymore- however, it's a nice bonus :)
Chapter 15: im feel bad for luhan. but honestly i dont know who to ship with sunmi. kekeke