Chapter 1 [ do I like Taeyong?]

Rooftop prince ~ continuation


1.Rooftop prince II ~ The continuation of the love story
[chapter 1]
Pak ha POV:
 I was sitting on the bench at the park, where me and Lee Gak always sat on, chatting to each other. It was already 6 months after Lee Gak went back to Joseon, but I still can't forget him...
*vibrates* then, Taeyong send me a text : pak ha ah~ I'll come fetch you at 7pm ❤. 
' what do I do? Do I like Taeyong? But he is not Lee Gak. ' I thought to myself, tears flowing out from my eyes. 
I slowly wiped my tears, and walk back to the rooftop house. When I reached, tears flowed. Again. The rooftop house was the last thing that Lee Gak gave me before he left. Standing there like an idiot, happy memories with him played back like a video player, I silently walk into the house, crying uncontrollably. 
All this time, Taeyong loved me with all his love, and I could feel that I love him, but. I still love Lee Gak more than I love Taeyong, anyone. Looking at Taeyong makes me think of Lee Gak. They are just a splitting image. Whenever Taeyong does anything, it is exactly like Lee Gak. What do I do?
                   ~To be continued~
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Please continue juseyo~ ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 20: Nice story...
Update soon...:))
Gwiyeoun_girl #3
Chapter 20: wahhh. i like your continuation of rooftop prince.. thanks for sharing and pls. make more yoochun nad ji min fanfiction. kamsamida. :D