chapter eight; *REVISED*

TOP Daddy

- a week later - 



'He caressed her milk-white thighs seductively, as he kissed her with passion. His hands slowly went up to her waist and laid her down on the bed, not breaking the kiss. With his free hand, he swiftly removed the bikini top off of her and—'


What the hell?! Reading any further may scar my poor innocent mind for life!

WHAT?!” I slammed the sheet of paper on the coffee table. “ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Not to be disrespectful Ji Yong, but do you honestly hate me?! I'm going to get a bad grade for this!!”

“Well,” Ji Yong scoffed. “It's what you get for making me do your Education homework.”

“Ji Yong, Education is learning about the... the...”


Oh goodness, it was too embarrassing! Especially talking about it to... to a man!


“For your information, I only asked if you could write a starting paragraph or two so I could get an idea of what to write!” I glanced down at the creased paper. “Not an nove!!!”

“Still,” Daesung, who had been looking over my shoulder whilst I was reading it, “It makes you want to read on. Now give it to me! I wanna know what happens next!”

“This is... This is !” I exclaimed, grabbing the paper away from the table just as Daesung reached out to get it.

“And I'm a man.” He replied simply. “It's what we love. And it is not . I belove the proper term is 'a'.”


I'm starting to find the 'being-the-only-girl-in-the-household' kinda... eugh.


“I guarantee you, RinRin, You'll get an A+ fo' sho!” Ji Yong replied with joy. “And you'll be crawling up to me begging to write you another one.”

I laughed sarcastically. “Yeah, yeah.”



No way will I give this in.



The door slammed open, making the three of us jump in terror. I swear, I felt my heart stop beating! Even the floor shook a little!

I turned to find Seung Hyun with a furious frown on his face, marching to the living room. He threw his jacket over the leather couch then kicked the furniture, leaving a visible dent.

“Whoa!” Ji Yong looked at him with eyebrows raised. “What's up with you?”

“None of your business!” Seung Hyun snapped immediately.

“Geez, Mr. Snappy Pants...” Ji Yong mumbled then rolled his eyes. “Is it wrong to ask?”

He looked away and mumbled something angrily under his breath.


Seung Hyun ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. “Look,” He began calmly. “Sorry, man. Just, something happened.”

“Ya know we're here for you,” Daesung replied assuringly.

“Yes, so spill!”

Apparently Ji Yong got out of his upset/angry state.


For some strange reason, Seung Hyun avoided my eyes, and kept his at the other two men. He pulled something out of his back pocket and which looked like a brown folded envelope. He glanced down at it before tossing it to Ji Yong, who effortlessly caught it with one hand. “What is this?” He questioned, unfolding the envelope.

“Give it to Daesung after.” Seung Hyun replied quietly. “Then the other two,” He glanced at me for the first time that day. He was after all not at home when I woke up that morning. “Except Ririn.”

I looked at him in confusion. “Why?”

I expected the usual smile he always put on when he talked to me but instead... nothing.


He glanced at me for another second or two before heading upstairs, probably to his room.




“What's wrong with him...?” I began quietly after a short silence. “I've never seen him like this,”

“Hmm... Now that you've mentioned it...” Daesung replied, tapping his fingers lightly against the coffee table. “We've never actually seen him like this too.”

“You sure about that?” Ji Yong joined in. “Remember... her?” He continued, adding a tone to 'her'.

“Who is this 'her' you are speaking of?” I asked.


Really. It made me curious.

Maybe it was Seung Hyun's ex-girlfriend? It's always someone's ex-girlfriend when people are talking about a girl from the past. Am I right?


"'Her'...” Daesung looked at me with brows raised and mysterious-looking eyes.

“Yes, 'her'. Who is she?” I questioned again, getting slight goosebumps from Daesung's gaze.

I glanced back at Ji Yong, and he too had the same look on his face.



“Who is 'her'?!”




“—You know what, never mind! You guys are creeping me out!”

I stood up from the floor and swept the imaginary dirt off of the back of my thighs.

“Where are you going?” Ji Yong asked who almost burst into laughter.


Really, it wasn't that funny.


“To my 'dad'.” I replied in fake blunt tone as I walked upstairs.


“Dad? I thought she was an orphan?” I heard Daesung's voice say.

“You idiot. She meant Seung Hyun!”



I chuckled at Daesung's naive-ness.


Once I got to the top of the staircase, I walked down the hallway to Seung Hyun's room. (Actually, Seung Hyun's, Tae Yang and Daesung's room) I stood in front of the door, questioning myself whether I should or should not knock on the door. Maybe he wanted some privacy...


'But, I've only had her for less than a month!'


I heard Seung Hyun shout from the other side of the door.


'Yes, I know I said I didn't want to take care of her but— Yes. Of course! Look, my heart changed okay. If you can't find him in three months, I'm going to keep Ririn until I die.'



The sudden mention of my name caught my attention. I leaned my head closer to the door and listened to the conversation.


'I know it's a big responsibility, but I love her.'



I felt my heart skip a beat or two.

But, maybe he meant it as 'family love'...


'I really do...'



Again, it skipped another beat.


'I'll make sure she's safe at all times...'


Out of nowhere, Charlie appeared in front of me, and barked twice. I glanced down at him with my index finger to my lips. “Shh! Charlie! Go downstairs.” I whispered, motioning the dog to the stairs.

Instead, he walked up to my leg and it. I immediately shot my hand up my mouth, preventing myself from giggling. “Charlie! Go away! I'm listening to 'daddy'!” I pretended to be annoyed at the pup, but failed, seeing as the dog's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

“Fine, you can stay. But stay quiet, okay?” I reached down to get him and carried him in my arms. I pat his head lightly before giving my attention back to Seung Hyun's conversation.


'You're joking, right...?'

His voice... changed. To a saddened slash angry slash worried tone.


'Mrs. Kang from the orphan shelter already told me... But I didn't know it was that... serious.'


I could've sworn I heard Seung Hyun's voice croaking.


'But she's safe, right? She's still young.”


I wasn't sure if the conversation was still about me... but I felt my heart telling me something.

It was as if it was telling me to walk away.

Hearing Seung Hyun like this saddens me a little... Or maybe a lot.


It's obvious he's hiding something from me... But I doubt I'll find out any time soon.


'How could this happen to a little girl...'


That was the last thing I heard him say before walking to my room, with Charlie still in my arms, and a heavy pain in my heart.

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I actually have chapter twenty-two ready but I'm not going to post it because I haven't re-read the story! (after a three-year absence, I am completely lost) :)


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xxakai #2
Psh that uncle wants to take Ririn after he abandoned her?! >:( boys! Protect her from the evil uncle!

Thanks for your update ^_^
Chapter 23: oh god i need to cry ;-; this is so good bro!!
holy , you updated. that's awesome!
Chapter 21: Oh gosh. This story. I wish you could come back and continue it c: its really good!
Chapter 21: I love this story! It's so funny, happy, sad & whatnot! HWAITING Author-nim ^^
emenem27 #7
Chapter 21: please update soon... :)
이런 맙소사! I can't believe I actually found this fanfic after reading it in Winglin years ago! You don't know how happy I am to found this story here & found out that there are updated chapters already! (>̯┌┐<)

This is really hilarious, goddamit. I couldn't stop laughing xD
I actually died a little when I found out Ririn actually had that cancer. Like seriously..
& who is 'him'? , I'm so curious! (yeah~)
nanny_yo: Hehe, yeah it is :-) I'm glad you're still reading this! :3 After my long hiatus, 99% of my readers stopped reading this story :'( <br />
Will do! :-)