chapter two; *REVISED*

TOP Daddy

“Are you OK?” I asked Seung Hyun, lifting my hand up to his forehead to check if he had a fever – you know, like what most people do for some reason.



“Hey! This ain't no parking area! MOVE!”


Seung Hyun shook his head a little before starting the engine once again. “S-Seriously?!” He mumbled to himself almost silently.
For the first time since I was in that car, he had his eyes on me instead of the road, whilst driving, for more than five seconds.

“Ever heard of DBSK?” He questioned me out of the blue.
“Um... no.”
DBSK? What's that? 

“Wonder Girls?”
“Nope. Are they a group of superheroes?”
“Brown Eyed Girls?”
“Girls' Generation?”
“Huh? No.”

And the list of random names went on...

And on...

And on.


“Hmm... never heard of 'em,”


I clutched on my seatbelt for safety, just in case Seung Hyun would stop the car abruptly again.
“Did you EVEN listen to any music during your time in the orphanage?” Seung Hyun questioned.

“Nope. Not at all.” I replied, TRUTHFULLY.

It was true. The orphanage didn't have a single TV set or a radio. Us orphan kids would either play outside, read, or colour in some colouring books.

And I found colouring quite fun... I still do.


“You've never listened to any music? At all?”
“Not at all.”
“Well...” Seung Hyun said just as we stopped in front of a white six-story fancy hotel-like building. “We're here.”







I gazed at the building in amazement. “Do you live here?”

Damn... It made me wonder how a twenty-two year old could get so much money. It was like an episode off of 'MTV Cribs' I've been reading about in magazines.


The building was so... high. It's probably the biggest building I've ever seen!

Okay... Saying that just makes me realise how much of a loser for not having a life outside the orphanage.



For some reason, it felt as if some bright background behind me fell in a thud. “Y-you don't?”

“Nope. I live over,” He looked at some crappy-looking apartment house by the far end of the street. “there.”



I blinked once.

Then twice.

Geez... For a man with an awesome car... He lives in a crappy apartment?

“...Really?” I questioned quietly.

Half of the windows were blocked by wood and the rest was either cracked or shattered. The building looked as if it was mold-infested. Ew.

“Only joking. That house is to be demolished later.” He said, then got out of the car.
But before he closed the door, he said. “Don't bring the food with you. Your 'uncles' are pigs. Literally.”


“Hmm... OK.”
Seung Hyun walked by the passenger door and opened the door for me before I could even open it. “Thanks,” I said with a small smile.
The two of us walked through the gates of the building; Seung Hyun leading and me following. I noticed the words 'YG' plastered on the glass doors oncewe walked past it. It was pretty much almost on every part of the building.

The first thing I saw through the glass doors was a fancy looking lounge with a main desk on one side, elevators on another, a stair case on the other side and a set of black and white couches placed on the centre. The second thing I saw was a man... A VERY cute one too. He was sat on one of the couches and it looked like... He was smiling at me?

“Hey, Seung Hyun!”
OK... maybe Seung Hyun.

“Ah, Ji Yong,” Seung Hyun greeted him with a wave as we walked inside the building.
Hmm... So this was the Kwon Ji Yong I had a fifteen-second talk too.

He looked pretty... Cute. Brown hair, slightly tanned skin, looked as if he were five foot eight.

He looked at me and flashed a bright grin. “Who's this cute little thing then? Is this Ririn?”

Cute LITTLE thing? Ugh. I just suddenly lost interest in him. 

I could only give Ji Yong a timid nod because I didn't wanna show my temper to someone I've just met. He walked up to me and... patted my head as if I was little child. “So this is the new 'BIGBANG Baby'." He began with a small chuckle. "What's going to happen to Charlie now? His daddy's got someone new.”


Haha... wait, 'Charlie'?!

Who's Charlie???
How many kids did this man actually adopt?!


All of the sudden, Ji Yong burst into a laughing fit whilst Seung Hyun looked as if he were trying to hide his laughter.


“Yes... Charlie... My, DOG.” Then... Seung Hyun laughed, uncontrollably.


I felt my face turn red and at that moment, I wanted to get drowned by the world.

Damn, did I really say it out loud?

It was then something snapped inside my head like a stick (or kids playing 'Snap!').


That means...

“BIGBANG?” I gasped.

I looked around the lounge and realised that posters of 'BIGBANG' with Seung Hyun and Ji Yong, along with three other guys, were literally EVERYWHERE.

“Wha—?” Ji Yong said in confusion, his eyebrows arching up.


That explained it. The whole 'consequences' in McDonald's, the 'Lies' by 'BIGBANG' song with Seung Hyun smiling, the shocked-because-I-never-listened-to-music-thing...

Seung Hyun is...




(No wonder he owns a Ferrari!)


Before I knew it, two hands covered my eyes. And it definetely terrified me!

“Is this her?” I hear a smooth masculine voice, different from Seung Hyun's and Ji Yong's.

“She a cute one, isn't she!” Ji Yong exclaimed cutely.

“Ha! GaHo's going to be so jealous,” The person behind me chuckled.


Oh God, Oh God, Oh God... What should I do?! Why is there a random person covering my eyes?! Who is 'GaHo'?!
I wanted to go back to the orphanage! These people... They're strange! Are they planning something scary for me?!

Oh, Ririn why do you have such a big imagination?! You just found out that they're famous, so why would they hurt you?!

NO! Am I going to be their 'Pleasure Slave'?! BUT—! I'm still a !


I was slowly feeling... dizzy... very... dizzy.
It was... as if... the world was spinning so fast.



“What the–?! She fainted!” 
“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!” Was the last thing I heard, from Seung Hyun.







“Ririn...? Ririn...?”
A faint image of Ms. Kang appeared infront of me, once I fluttered my eyes open.

Wait, was that a dream? Am I back at the orphanage?


“She's awake, Mr. Choi.”

I guess not.

The image of Ms. Kang was replaced by a worried looking Seung Hyun. “Are you feeling OK...?” He quietly asked me.

“A little...” I replied.

Argh... My head's killing me!

I slowly sat up from the sofa and I realised I wasn't in the YG building any more, but a black and white modern living room. “What happened? All I remember was... Everything was black or something... Then I started panicking.”

“Yeah... sorry about that...” I looked at the other side of the room to see a young man, probably a year or two older than me, with a cute, but apologetic look on his face. “I guess I got a little too excited about having a 'niece'.”
The guy walked up to me then smoothed my hair. “You're pretty...”

“Seungri...” Seung Hyun eyed him evilly.

I somehow felt a protective aura when Seung Hyun said that...


“You might make her faint again.” Another voice from the other side of the room chuckled.

“We'll take care of Ririn from here, Ms. Kang,” Seung Hyun said to the woman. “Thank you for your help.”
“Seung Hyun, before I leave, can I talk to you? Privately.” Ms. Kang said to Seung Hyun in a serious, though calm tone.
Seung Hyun nodded and followed Ms. Kang to the kitchen.

I led back down to the sofa again, pulling up what seemed to be a Doraemon blanket over my head.
“Let's give her some rest... We'll introduce ourselves to her later.”



I suddenly felt a light weight on my stomach. I could feel it's legs slowly creeping up to my chest, and the sound of it sniffing me.

“Charlie!” Ji Yong shouted.

I instantly removed the blanket off of my face and infront of me was the... Cutest Cocker Spaniel puppy I have ever seen! "Ah, so this is Charlie..."
I slowly sat up and carefully placed the small puppy in my arms. “How are you, Charlie?” I said to the dog.
It stared at me with it's big brown eyes for a few seconds then my nose.

“What?! He likes you already!” Ji Yong exclaimed. “It took three long months for Charlie to like me!”

“Maybe because I'm special.” I giggled at Ji Yong's sudden outburst.

“Ririn,” I looked up to see Ms. Kang headed to the door. “I'll be going now. Take care of yourself, and don't panic too much. These lovely boys will be here for you whenever you need them.”
I replied with a nod and a genuine smile. “Thank you, Ms. Kang.”

Seung Hyun opened the door for her and bid his goodbye with a small nod. 

He looked back at Charlie and I with a smile. “Looks like Charlie likes his new sibling. Haha,” He said.


The three other boys walked back to the living room; two of them, who's names had not been mentioned yet, was holding a tray of food and a glass of water.
I let Charlie rest in my arms like cradling a baby and watched the boys set the items down and sit on the other sofas.

“We haven't mentioned our names, haven't we?!” The one with the brightest (and widest) smile out of all of them chirped. “I am Kang Daesung!” He said with a grin that made his eyes much smaller than it already was. “And that is Tae Yang! But his real name's Dong Young Bae.” He pointed at the cute guy wearing a cap.
“Hello,” Tae Yang said, giving me a small wave.

Ah... The smooth-voiced guy... He's so handsome... Makes my thump a little fast–
WAIT, what am I saying?!

“Ah... Hello,” I greeted softly. “So... All of you guys live here?”

“Uh-huh!” Daesung replied.

Oh... I thought Seung Hyun lived alone. The thought of living with a man was bad enough, but four more?


“What's wrong with living with five men?” Ji Yong questioned.
I turned my focus on Ji Yong who was grinning jokingly. “Scared we might... You know...”
“Ji Yong,” Seung Hyun snapped, giving him the deadliest glare I have ever seen. “Shut up.
“Sorry, boss.” Ji Yong muttered with a hint of sarcasm, rolling his eyes.
“Seung Hyun told us that you've never heard of BIGBANG.” Tae Yang began. “You probably must be the only person I've ever encountered who doesn't know us.”

“Well, I didn't, 'till now.” I replied then a smile instantly appeared on my face. “OOH! That song... What was it? 'I'm so sorry but I love you~', I kinda liked it.” I continued, singing the lyrics which happened to be the only line I know of the song.

The boys' expressions dropped and stared at me without a word.
Was my voice really that bad?
I admit, I wasn't the best at singing, but come on!
Rub it in, why not.

“KINDA?!” Ji Yong shrieked with his widened. “'LIES' is the reason that got us very successful! It is a true masterpiece that has been written and composed by yours truly! How could you say you 'kinda' liked it?!”


...This guy definetely has issues.

“OK dude, chillax! I LIKE it, OK! VERY MUCH!” I chuckled.
“Good.” Ji Yong grinned. “I like you, Choi Ririn. We could get along quite well.”
He looked at me in shock. “What, you don't like me too?!”
“Well, I do like Tae Yang more...” I replied in a teasing manner.

WEHEY~!” Daesung, Seungri and Taeyang exclaimed. “The KWON LEADAH just got rejected!”
Ji Yong looked at me with a joking teary-eyed expression. “YOU UPSET ME CHOI RIRIN!” He cried, pretending to sniffle.

I admit.
These guys are fun to be with.





After a long night of laughter, I was finally lying on my bed in my own room – Ha! The five had to share two bedrooms! – with a smile on my face.

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I actually have chapter twenty-two ready but I'm not going to post it because I haven't re-read the story! (after a three-year absence, I am completely lost) :)


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xxakai #2
Psh that uncle wants to take Ririn after he abandoned her?! >:( boys! Protect her from the evil uncle!

Thanks for your update ^_^
Chapter 23: oh god i need to cry ;-; this is so good bro!!
holy , you updated. that's awesome!
Chapter 21: Oh gosh. This story. I wish you could come back and continue it c: its really good!
Chapter 21: I love this story! It's so funny, happy, sad & whatnot! HWAITING Author-nim ^^
emenem27 #7
Chapter 21: please update soon... :)
이런 맙소사! I can't believe I actually found this fanfic after reading it in Winglin years ago! You don't know how happy I am to found this story here & found out that there are updated chapters already! (>̯┌┐<)

This is really hilarious, goddamit. I couldn't stop laughing xD
I actually died a little when I found out Ririn actually had that cancer. Like seriously..
& who is 'him'? , I'm so curious! (yeah~)
nanny_yo: Hehe, yeah it is :-) I'm glad you're still reading this! :3 After my long hiatus, 99% of my readers stopped reading this story :'( <br />
Will do! :-)