My Dragon

I'm In Love With A DRAGON~!

"Can you be my dragon?!"Kris shout immediately looking at you and you scoff at him. "No~"you said. "But why?"Kris asked you. "Cause I don't like being chain to someone"you said glaring at him. "I'll promise not to chain you"Kris said and you just rolled your eyes at him.




"I want to be a free dragon, not someone to be tame"you growl at Kris. "If you're going to be my dragon, I'll give you the freedom, but when the time that I need you, you should come to my aid immediately"Kris said looking at you and you thought for awhile.





When you were to replied back, a big electric net was thrown at you. "Ahhhh~!!!!"you scream as got caught in it. "Prince Kris, we're here to help capture the dragon"the captain said from below. "You traitor~ this was your plan all along"you hissed at Kris.





"No, I didn't know about this. Captain! Take the net off her"Kris rised his voice. " But~Prince Kris that dragon is very dangerous and it could escape and how'd you know that dragon is a she?"the captain said. "Just get that net away from my dragon"Kris rised his voice.





While Kris and the captain were arguing, you absorb the electricity from the net and fire an electric orb.

You escape from the net and now you're in front of Kris, glaring at him. "Prince Kris! Run! That dragon will kill you!"the captain and soldiers yelled from below.





"Please, calm down~ We're not going to hurt you"Kris said moving closer to you slowly. "Liar!"you hissed and growled at him, then you open your mouth to form another orb, throwing it towards Kris.

"PRINCE KRIS!"The captain and soldiers yelled in unison  and cover their eyes, when they saw the orb heading towards Kris.




When they open their eyes, they don't see Kris anymore there. *Oh my god! The king will kill me for not watching his son and letting me die in the hands of the dragon*The captain thought shivering in fear. Suddenly, the captain and soldiers heard a growl from you(dragon).





"Get the f--king off my back"you hissed as you wiggle hard because Kris was on your back. "No! I will not get off of you until you accept to be my dragon"Kris said holding you by the neck. "Argg~ you leave me no choice"you said. Kris thought you're accepting his offer, but he was wrong when you flew up. Kris could heard the captain and soldiers yelling his name. Kris yelled back saying to go back to the castle and just let him do this.





*You won't get off then you're going to die now, dragon tamer*you thought smirking. "Yah! Stop! I commanding you to stop!"Kris shouted, but you just ignore him and flew close to the atmosphere. Kris's breathing starting to get slowly and he hold his neck.




"I don't want someone or anyone as my master"you said. "But why?"Kris asked in a low voice. "I already told you. I want to a free dragon and not to be tame"you said and roll your body, letting Kris fall. "Bye~ I hope you give up from having a dragon, Prince Kris"you said and flew away.





*No~ I'm not going to let you out of my sight now that I found you*Kris thought and flew towards you. Kris was in front of you and was holding your face. Kris kissed your dragon nose. "No!"you yelled and you were falling down in your human form.




"This can't be happening!"you yelled as you were falling down. Kris was looking down and his dragon turn into a human, before his eyes. Kris immediately dive down and catch you, carrying you bridal style. "I don't accept this! This is a mistake! I'm no one's dragon!"you yelled wiggling in Kris's hold.





"Can you stop moving?"Kris asked nicely. "No! I want my freedom back!"you whine and kicking your feet. "I already told you that you can be a free dragon, just when I need you aid you'll have to immediately come to my side"Kris said looking at you in the eyes.





"No! That's not the same! I completely forgot about the kiss of the dragon tamer"you yelled but mumble the last sentence. "You do know that you can turn into your dragon form whatever you want"Kris said while flying towards home. "I know that, but that's the same"you whine. "Can you stop whiniing? You're very annoying right now, like my brothers"Kris said. 





"I can transform into a dragon, but I can't harm you"you said. *Oh~ that's why*Kris thought nodding his head. *Now I'm stuck with this Price as my master. Just great~*you thought rolling your eyes. "Don't roll you're eyes at me"Kris said. "You just said it yourself. 'You can have the freedom you want, just when I need your help, you have to come to my side immediately'"you said and you tried to copy Kris's voice, which you did perfectly. *Aish~ I pick a stubborn dragon*Kris thought.














Dragon tamer: A person who can cantrol his/her dragon. The dragon tamer has to kiss a dragon, so they can keep the dragon as theirs. If the dragon is a male and a male dragon tamer wants it for its own, he has to kiss it's forhead: But when a female tamer wants it, she has to kiss it's nose. If the dragon is a female, then the male tamer has to it's nose(like what Kris does to 'you'): But if a female tamer want it, she has to it's forehead.

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jyjyexolamiae #1
Chapter 8: Update plz i love it
Chapter 8: Omo I am so love iiittt
I am so gonna love it
Chapter 8: Yay you update. Its has been so long since your last update.
Chapter 7: Update soon.
Chapter 7: Cause ur inlove?? LOLZ//. Aigoo Kris... I always crack up reading this fic... Update soon please!!~~~Hwaiting and take care!!~~
Chapter 6: Aweee... Kai... U just got blindd by a dragons beauty,,, Update soon please~~!! Fighting!!
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 6: your fanfic is very interesting ^^ thx for the update though :)
Chapter 5: update soon
Chapter 5: Please update soon ^^