The Dragon Named ~~~(you)

I'm In Love With A DRAGON~!

"Hey~ I heard that there's a dragon living on top of the mountain,"an old man said. "A dragon!!"a group of children about 7-10 years old gather towards the old man. "But I heard from my parents, dragons are not living in this time,"a 8 years old boy said. "my parents said it too~,"a 7 year old girl said rising her hand.



"Well~ you're parents lie about that,"an old woman said sitting beside the old man. "Oh yeobo~ you're here,"the old man said looking at his wife. "Telling the kids about the dragon again,"the wife replied. "hehehe, they were interested, so I'm telling them"the husband said.



"Hal-abeoji~ so it's true that a dragon still exist,"a 9 year old boy said. "Yep~ the dragon lives there,"the husband said pointing at the biggest mountain. "It's true, I met the dragon not too long ago"the wife said. "Wah~ really, what does the dragon look like?"a 7 year old girl ask and with her eyes sparkling.



"The claws are big and sharp. The teeth are sharp that could kill you if it snaps. The dragon is as big as the Castle of Exo,"the husband said. "Wow~ that's so cool. I wish I could meet that dragon,"a 10 year old boy said. "Hahahaha, I don't think that's a good idea son,"the wife replied patting the 10 year old boy.



"But I still want to meet a dragon"the 10 year old boy said pouting. "You can't meet the dragon because that dragon is very dangerous and kill people who go near it,"the husband said. The children were shivering because they were scared. "Yeobo~ stop scaring the kids,"the wife said slapping her husband's arms playfully. "I'm sorry~"the husband replied rubbing his arms and looking at the kids.



"But let me tell you guys something,"the husband said and now the kids were listening to him. "I heard that only a dragon tamer can control a dragon,"the husband said and boy kids were wishing that they're a dragon tamer. "Kids! It's time to go home!"the kids' parents shouted. "Annyeong, hal-abeoji,"the kids wave goodbye to the husband and go to their parents.



"Aigoo~ you told them about the dragon and dragon tamer,"the wife said. "Well, they like it,"the husband shrugged. "I think ~~~ is hungry now. You want to come with me and give her food"the wife said. "You know I'm envy at ~~~"the husband said. "Why, yeobo?"the wife ask. "Because you're giving  her a feast and you're not cooking anything for me,"the husband said pouting.



"Aigoo~ stop pouting and help me will you,"the wife said pinching her husband's cheek. "Fine~"the husband replied carrying 2 baskets full of food while the wife was carrying another basket full of food and a bottle of wine. "You know ~~~ share her food with us too"the wife said. "I know, but it's not enough"the husband replied pouting.



"Can you stop whining? You should be glad that we're still alive. If ~~~ didn't spare our lives, we're both already dead by now. So, be glad that she shares the food"the wife nags at her husband. "Okay okay~ stop nagging at me"the husband said. "Stop pouting~!"the wife gave her husband a look and the husband look away.














When they arrive into a big cave,"Oh~ she's not here. Let's go home"the husband said about to walk away. "Whose not home, Minho?"you come out in your human form. "~~~~, here's the food that you wanted"Minho's wife said. "Thanks Minhye, but I think you brought too much"you said getting 2 baskets full of food and the bottle of wine.



"You can keep that~,"you said pointing at the basket, that Minhye's carrying. "Are you sure? You can keep this for your breakfast tomorrow,"Minhye replied. "Really~ its fine, you can have it,"you said smiling at her. "Thank you~"Minhye replied smiling back at you. "See~ yeobo, she's willing to share"Minhye said to Minho.



"Fine~ thank you ~~~~"Minho said looking at you. "Let's eat~ I'm so hungery right now"you said sitting down. You look at the couple and they were not sitting down. "Sit down and eat"you said and both of them look at each other then sit in front of you.



You look at Minhye and Minho feeding each other. *I'm going to miss you guys. Thank you so much for all you done for me*you thought smiling at them. "~~~, is there something wrong?"Minhye ask you. "No~ nothing at all"you said shaking your head. "Oh okay~"Minhye said. "Yeobo, feed me~"Minho said cutely. "Yah! You have your own hands. Feed yourself"Minhye said giving him a look. "Fine!"Minho said and continue eating.




"I think this will be our last meeting to each other"you said standing up as you finish eating. "What do you mean,~~~?"Mihye ask you. "I have to find another hiding spot because I heard one of the soldiers far from here that they're going here to look for me"you said transforming into an air dragon.

"Bye Minhye and Minho~ I'll see you guys somewhere"you said in your dragon form and you flew with a roar, leaving the couple alone. "I'm going to miss her"Minhye said crying and waving you goodbye. "I'm going to miss her too"Minho said rubbing Minhye's back, looking at you flying away from them.

















The next day, Exo soldiers were in the cave that you and the Min couple were. "Sir~ there's no dragon here"one soldier said to the captain. "So~ the rumors were false about a dragon living here"the captain said. "Lets go back to the castle and tell the king that there's no dragon here"the captain said and all soldiers gather heading towards back to the castle.




"Did you hear that if we found the dragon, we have to capture it and give to the king's son?"no.1 soldier ask. "Which son are you talking about?"no.2 soldier ask. "I think the one who is very tall"no.3 soldier said. "Oh~ if I remember correctly his name was......-snap- Prince Kris"no.4 soldier said.




"Oh~ that Prince"no.1 said. "I heard he's a dragon tamer"no.3 soldier said. "But he doesn't have a dragon"no.2 soldier said. "That's why we were sent to look for a dragon for Prince Kris"the captain said. "Oh~"no.1-4 soldiers said. "CAPTAIN?!"the four of them jump as they know it was him. "Easy boys, I'm just listening to you guys"the captain said.



"Anyway~ you guys should rest right now. Its already dark"the captain said. "Goodnight, captain~"the 4 soldiers said bowing at him. The captain waved back and went to his tent. *-sigh- This search is going to take while*the captain thought.

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jyjyexolamiae #1
Chapter 8: Update plz i love it
Chapter 8: Omo I am so love iiittt
I am so gonna love it
Chapter 8: Yay you update. Its has been so long since your last update.
Chapter 7: Update soon.
Chapter 7: Cause ur inlove?? LOLZ//. Aigoo Kris... I always crack up reading this fic... Update soon please!!~~~Hwaiting and take care!!~~
Chapter 6: Aweee... Kai... U just got blindd by a dragons beauty,,, Update soon please~~!! Fighting!!
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 6: your fanfic is very interesting ^^ thx for the update though :)
Chapter 5: update soon
Chapter 5: Please update soon ^^