A Seal to Promise

I Fall In Love With A Nerd


Final Chapter

Though it’s less than a day for them to be together, both of them live their life like a normal couple would do except their heart which were in pain of letting each other go.

As usual, both of them spend their time alone in the garden.

“Fany-ah?” Soonkyu who was laying his head on her lap called her out.

“Hmmm?” Tiffany hummed while stroking his hair lightly.

“Can you go with me to the State?” Soonkyu asked out of sudden.

Tiffany stopped her action and looked at the man In front of her. She wanted so much to go with him but there’s something that make her restrain from doing so.

“I can’t,” she replied sadly.

“Why?” Soonkyu looked up to her, “Why can’t you go with me?”

“I don’t want to go back to the past. Those places hold the dark memories,” Tiffany said softly restraining herself from letting out her tears.

“But, Fany-ah! We’re not going to your place. You can stay with me. I’m not asking you to go back to your place. I’m offering you to go with me. We can live together in one roof. We’d been together for months now, don’t we?” Soonkyu said as in almost pleading.

“I’m sorry but I just can’t,” Tiffany replied.

Can’t restrain anymore, she let out her tears that were flowing down her cheek and she sobbed hard. As much as she wanted to go with him, she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. What if those guys came back into her life and threatening her with Soonkyu? She doesn’t want to lose another person that she dearly loved so much. She felt safe if she stayed here. Those people didn’t know that she’s here in Korea since they couldn’t cope up with her that time.

Feeling a pair of arm encircled around her waist and pulled her closer, she immediately hid her face in his chest, crying her heart out. She just can’t imagine that she’ll be on her own after this. Why did she have to fall in love with this person? Is this really her one? Why would God play with her feeling if he’s the one?

“It hurts. It hurts very much,” Tiffany whimpered.

Soonkyu was loss of words. It hurts him too knowing that Tiffany can’t be with him for the coming two years. What would happen to them? Would their relationship last though they’re being far from each other?

“Don’t cry, Fany-ah! I tell you what. I’ll call you everyday,” Soonkyu trying to lighten her up.

Tiffany shook her head.

‘It’s not the same. How about cuddling each other?’ she thought.

“I got something for you to cuddle if you miss me that much,” as if Soonkyu know what’s inside Tiffany’s mind.

Tiffany immediately looked up to him with a questioning look.

“I’ll show you when we get home later. Right now, let’s wipe away your tears. People would have thought that I bullied you that you cried so much and it’s ugly,” Soonkyu said while delicately wipe away the remaining tears on her face.

Tiffany closed her eyes and let the warmth of his for the last time to embrace her.

“There! You’re all pretty now. We should go back to class now before we’re getting busted for skipping class,” Soonkyu said casually though deep down inside his heart, he’s aching but being a man, he couldn’t show his weak side or else thing would turn worse after.

He pulled Tiffany up and they walked hand in hand together towards their class.  Both of them were quiet as both have different thought in their mind.


It was after the class ended; Tiffany quickly packed her stuff and rushed outside to only see Soonkyu was already out there waiting for her with a charming smile.

“Shall we?” Soonkyu asked while he had his arm outstretched for Tiffany to link with.

Once Tiffany linked her arm with his, they didn’t waste their time and immediately walked away to enjoy their last moment being together.

Soonkyu had bought her a lot of things that day and he even told Tiffany to move in to his apartment. Tiffany refused but Soonkyu insisted until she gives up.

“It’s the least I can do for you, Fany-ah,” Soonkyu said after a while walking around the mall in silence.

“I still can manage myself even if you’re not here with me, you know? I was alone for a long time before you come into my life,” Tiffany replied back while inside she’s battling herself not to cry in front of him.

Soonkyu stopped his track and he turned Tiffany to face him, “Miyoung-ah, please don’t say it like that.”

He caressed her cheek before pulling her in for a hug and whispered, “I’ll come back to you after 2 years. I promise you this! I’ll come back looking for you. Can you promise me this? Can you promise me to wait for me for 2 years?”

Tiffany didn’t reply instead, she’s crying in silent. She didn’t know if she should promise him this. She didn’t know if he’s telling the truth about finding her back. She didn’t know if she should believe him in this. What if he’s just telling a lie? What if she trust him for coming back to find her after 2 years but hope for nothing in the end? What if the promise is gonna left broken just like that?

All the possibilities she could thought of made her sobbing hard.

“I don’t know, Soonkyu. I don’t know if I can promise you this. What if it’s just a word that you won’t fulfil?” Tiffany pulled away and looked him in the eyes.

“What if I’m telling you the truth? Will you promise me?” he questioned back.

She stayed in silence. He took that as a no promise. He then took her hand and led their way out from the mall to go home. He didn’t say anything after that nor did she.

Arriving at his apartment, Tiffany walked into the bedroom. Soonkyu took this chance to walk into the kitchen to take something out and he walked into her room too.

He peeked into the room but Tiffany wasn’t in sight then he heard the sound of water running inside the bathroom. He walked in and sat on her bed and waited.

After almost 20 minutes, Tiffany walked out from the bathroom wearing her pyjama and startled a bit to find Soonkyu was sitting on her bed and stared at her, “What?”

“I got something for you,” Soonkyu said while pulling out something from his behind and presented it to Tiffany, “Here’s that ‘something’ I would like you to cuddle whenever you miss me.”

Tiffany looked at the fluffy stuffed toy; it’s Totoro, her favourite. How did he know? She even noticed that there’s a necklace with a ring in it. She walked closer to him and took the toy away from him and observed the necklace.

He then unhooks the necklace from the toy and walked behind Tiffany and then set the necklace to Tiffany’s neck, “I hope you won’t take it off until we’re reunited again after 2 years. Even if you ever found someone better than me, please don’t take it off until I’m here to see you face to face then you may take it off and give it back to me.”

It was aching to hear himself saying that but he too isn’t so sure if she could wait for him that long. What if someone come into her life after he leave for The States and treat her wounded heart and she fall in love with that person after that?

He could understand if she finds someone that’s better than him while he’s in The State. He could understand because he isn’t treating her good right now. He’s hurting her in the inside.

Once again, Tiffany turned around and hugged him to cry. He set both of them on the bed and slowly laying her down before he join her by her side. He strokes her hair slowly while humming a song for her to calm down.

She tightens her hug around his waist as if she didn’t want to let him go and whispered in a soft voice that he didn’t hear her, “I love you, Lee Soonkyu!”


Tiffany was sleeping soundly but instantly woke up when she find her side was empty. She’s trying to register what happened last night before remembered. She looked around to find that silhouette but wasn’t in sight. She stood up and frantically looking around to find Soonkyu but he was nowhere to be found. She walked into the kitchen to only see a noted was left on the dining table. She took and read it:

“Dear Nerdy,

Sorry for not waking you up because you’re sleeping soundly and I didn’t have the heart to wake you up and to tell you I’m leaving today. I thought that it’s better for us to part away in silence than seeing each other crying while parting. I apologise for stealing your heart in the first place. I wasn’t thinking thoroughly that I even forgot I had once applied for university outside the country. I shouldn’t have done that in the first place but then I have no regret for loving a nerd like you. Even if you found someone in the future when I come back to you, I can totally understand and accept that. No matter what, Tiffany Hwang Miyoung, always remember that I always love you forever and always.

Your love,
Lee Soonkyu”

Tiffany cried and rushed into her bedroom to grab her needed belonging before she rushed out to the airport. She rushed out and recklessly to find the taxi and told the taxi driver to drive her to the airport as fast as he could.

The taxi driver gulped when he saw Tiffany was looking so worried and he tried his best to drive as fast as he could though it mean that he’s gonna get caught by the police for breaking the rules. He felt that he just needed to do something for Tiffany who seems to be so restless. Once arrived, the driver told her to just go without paying. Tiffany thanked him and ran into the airport to find the right departure terminal to find Soonkyu.

People around there were looking at her weirdly considering she’s wearing her pyjama to the airport and her dishevelled hair didn’t help either. She ignored those look and kept on looking around before she found a certain blonde hair and shouted, “LEE SOONKYU!!!!!!!!!!!!”

The blonde turned around and was astounded when he saw her. He stood up and kept on staring at her with wide eyes. Tiffany on the other hand was running forcefully towards him and jumped onto him for one last hug.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Tiffany cried.

“Fany-ah,” he replied softly.

A reason of why he didn’t want to wake her up because of the tears she’s pouring out, “I promise, Lee Soonkyu!”

Soonkyu was perplexed on what she’s promising. Tiffany then continued, “I promise to wait for you, I promise I’ll wait for your comeback and you better be promise me that too!”

Soonkyu was smiling when he heard her promising him that. He too promised her that he’ll definitely come back and find her.

They hugged for so long until he heard an announcement for his departure then they parted.

“Wait for me, Nerdy Hwang,” Soonkyu said one last time.

“I will,” Tiffany replied.

Both of them kissed for one last time as the seal to their promise before they departed from each other for real. Tiffany waved at him and waited until she can’t see his figure in sight.

I’ll wait for you.


I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S ENDING! T______________T"






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Chapter 12: it is a great story
Chapter 12: it is a great story
lovingangel_ #3
Chapter 11: Haven't read the ending... But I know that I want a season2 for this story. Let them have a happy ending this time hehe
Chapter 11: I want a season 2! x)
Chapter 10: Whaaa? This is end? Nuuu!
Author, I request for season 2 for this fic! xD
It would be interesting to make them meet again after 2 years~ :3
I love this story from the start until the end!
Thanks for writing this :D
FrozenArc #6
Chapter 10: What's her Instagram
skylblue_jay #7
Chapter 10: I require a sequel!!!! :))
Nieysasun25 #8
Chapter 10: finally the end.....