★Chapter 28,P2(END)★

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Your the only one.



"Minho has been absent for nearly a week."Yuri tapped her pen on the table.He didn't call her or anything.Yuri decided to write  MC for him.He may have went for vacations."Oh,Yuri,the festival we're having needs a lot of balloons."Said Luna.Yuri nodded,"You know what to do."She smiled.She needed him,piles of work needed to be done.Jessica,who was staring at her,sat at Minho's seat.

"I have something to tell you."She said.Yuri nodded,writing things on a piece of paper."Do you know why Minho didn't do his work while President was gone?"Yuri raised her head.She shook her head,"Wae?"She asked."Do you know who invited you to our school?"Jessica asked.Yuri shooked her head again."It was Minho."Said Jessica."He's propably too lazy to do those stuffs."Yuri chuckled and continued her work.

"A list of 100 persons.All girls,but he chose you."Said Jessica,her tone was serious."So?"Yuri kept writing and writing."He likes you."And Yuri blushed."A-Arasso,i have things to do,thanks Sica."She quickly picked her pen and continuing what she was writing.No way,him?He fools around too much.Way too risky to date him.He's really caring and all but he's really strange sometimes.She doesn't know about him,but she knows that she had good feelings for him.

"Are you listening to me?"She whispered loudly at her dongsaengs."I'm sorry sunbaenim."He pushed the books the left.Yuri sighed,people has been complaining about the racks in the library.They were far too messy,and the librarians didn't cared at all.So,she had to stand there,guarding them until they finished.Not knowing that he was standing outside,staring at her."Those belongs to the lower rack."Said Yuri.The librarian climbed down slowly,but he tripped his own legs.

The stairs nearly fall off if Yuri didn't blocked it,and the librarian would have been injured as well."Be careful."She pushed the stairs forward,lifting the younger kid up."I'm sorry again."He lowered his head."You did well."She smiled brightly.The librarian lifted his head up,smiling back.That was when he left."Continue without me,i'm sure you can do well right?"She had tons of paperworks to do,and Minho was always finding excuses.The librarian nodded.Everyone,especially girls,love her.She was really kind and caring.

She exhaled,sighing.Being a president was a hard job,but she loved it.She hopped a little,humming.And she stopped,she walked backwards.Something caught her eye."Please."The girl had her head low,holding a letter to him.Minho.Minho was quite popular,or should i say...really popular?He was smart and handsome.Yuri stood there,her heart ached for a second.Minho looked at her,and smiled deviously."Kwon Yuri,tell her i'm dating you."He smiled.Yuri rolled her eyes,"Deal it yourself."And she continued her walk,to the student council room.

"My back hurts."She bent backwards,her head touching the floor."Want some?"As Luna placed the brownies on the table.Yuri shook her head,"I eat them everyday,just a cup of tea would be fine."She laid flat on the table.Tiffany chuckled."Where's Minho?"Said Taeyeon,who was siting next to Kris,doing a project."Someone confessed to him."Yuri mumbled."Who?"Said Tiffany."Kwang MinSoo."The girl who was only a few popular grades lower than them."Really?Never thought Minho could be so attractive."Kris blew his bangs off.

Yuri sighed again."Yuri,you really need to go for a holiday."Said Jessica,writing reports."Should I?"She sat up,playing with some rubbish on the table,kicking it back and forth with her fingers.The scene of MinSoo confessing kept appearing in her mind."You should,bring Minho along,he plays alot."Said Kris.Luna came back with a cup of tea,and placed on the table."Thanks Luna."She gave her a sweet smile.

"President."The door slide opened."Do you have a hair dryer?"Minho was soaking wet."Yes,i do."Yuri took a sip of the tea."What happened to you?"Kris asked,and got beaten up by Taeyeon.Yuri,who came to the rescue."Come on."She pulled him out of the room."You should start accepting their confessions,not turning them down."Said Yuri."Why would i say yes to a person that i have no feelings for her?"He had a point."What did she do?"She asked."She told me to jump into the pool if i wanted her to forgive me."He answered.

"I can't believe you did that."Yuri rolled her eyes.Minho held her wrist and pushed her against the wall."What are you doing?"She tried to be cool,but in the inside....."How long are you going to hide it?"He stepped closer."What?"She struggled to loosen his grip.But that only made him tighten his grip."Stay."His face was close to hers.Waters dropped from his bangs,falling on her nose.She listened,but she blushed madly.He flipped her sleeve,and found her wound.He pressed it playfully,and she yelled in pain."How could you resist it?"He backed away."I didn't feel any-Eech!"Minho pressed her wound again,the one she got when she blocked the stair from falling.

"Ow!"Minho tied her hand with a bandage,placing medical treatments on it.She was siting on the bed,while he sat on a chair."Your too overprotective to your dongsaengs."He said coldly."I just wanted to be nice."She pouted."Here."Yuri found a clean towel in a drawer and a hair dryer as well."Stay still."Yuri pushed him down on the chair.Rubbing his hairs with the towel.The hair dryer did a good job,his hair was now soft,clean and dried."Don't you want to take a shower?"Yuri asked as she threw the towel into a basket and placed the hair dryer back to its original place.

"Why?You want to shower with me?"He smirked.Yuri's face was flushed pink,shooking her head."Just asking."And she walked out of the room.Minho grabbed her hand,which was right on her wound."Ow!"She yelped."Oops,here."He shoved a piece paper to her."What's this?"It was a map.To his house."Just in case i needed someone caring enough."She punched him at the arm."What?No thank you?"He raised an eyebrow."Thank you to my face!"She flung his hand awayand stormed down the corridor,back to the student council room."Girls been begging to have that map."He scratched his head.

The wind was blowing wildly."What happened to your arm?"Said Taeyeon,eating the brownies that Yuri made."Being the hero."Said Minho.who came back in,after her.And before when she could speak anything,he started to talk about her little story."How'd you know?"Yuri tried to sign the papers in a proper way,with the wound around,it was quite hard."Just passed by."Said Minho."So you were spying on her?"Said Jessica."Spy my feet."He ate some of the brownies.Yuri stole glances of him,waiting for his praise.But he said nothing.Which made her down.

"Bye Yuri."Said Tiffany.It was dawn.And Yuri couldn't finish her papers.She needed some sweets to cheer herself up,she digged her pockets.And found the small map Minho had given her.It had his phone number at the back.She smiled."Pabo."She got back home.It was peaceful as ever.She held the map,in her sleeping gown.It was one of her treasure right now.She decided to visit him.She even visited Kris before,when he needed help with his homework,since he fell sick.Just then,her phone vibrated."Unknown number?"She clicked the message opened.

"PRESIDENT.Pack your stuff,your moving to my house?"Yuri felt an excitement feeling flushed through her.Since she was boring at home,she could go.She packed her stuffs in no time.Around 8,she was right infront of his door.The apartment was pretty high class.She had rang the doorbell for over fifteen times.And still no response.Not long,a man opened the door.It was Minho,in a normal shirt and long pants.That was what Yuri was wearing exactly.But only her shirt was layered and she was wearing shorts.With small pink and peach flowers as background.And,his hand was injured.He had a bruise near his lips.

He smirked."Knew you would come."He pulled her in.She looked at him with worried eyes,"You okay?"She touched his bruise softly."What happened to you?"Yuri examined his injuries.He leaned on her against the wall,"Worried?"He whispered.Two pink clouds float at the cheeks."Aniyo,and you can't do anything with that hand."She pushed him away.The living room was really  empty,not much furniture.He took her bag and went into his room,she followed.Everything was neat."Where are your parents?"She asked.And strangely,he was wearing spectacles!"We live separately."He placed her bag next to his large bed.Her jaw fell,"I'm sharing a bed with you?"He nodded.Yuri choked,"I can sleep on the couch!"Yuri turned to him.

He glanced at her."I'm not a predator."He smirked as he placed his hands in his pockets."You are."Yuri mumbled as she walked out of the room,carrying her bag."I came just because you weren't going to school,no text,no phone calls,no notes,nothing!"Yuri sat on the floor."So you are worried."He smiled.Yuri scoffed,"I just wondered where did monkey go."She looked around.Minho just kept smiling,looking at the ground,sitting 2 feets away from her."What's with the spectacles?"Yuri giggled."We need to talk."Minho looked up,right into her eyes.Those eyes were serious,and she knew."What's wrong?You got into a fight?"Yuri asked.Minho sat closer to her,a few centimeters away.

"I was just wondering what will happen to President if I left."He stared out,into the dark starry sky.Full of sparkling stars.Yuri peeked at him through her hairs.Why was he acting and thinking so wierd?"Hey,answer me."Yuri knocked his shoulder with hers."Yeah,I got into a fight."Yuri gasped."How could you!"Minho stood up,and placed his hands into his pockets."Explain the hand."Yuri pointed at his hand."Its nothing."Yuri stood up,she tried to look into the bandages,it seemed worse."Does it hurts?"Yuri asked."Your worried,aren't you?"He smirked.

"Fine,don't answer."Yuri took some books and papers from her bag."Heres your homework and paperwork."Minho dropped his jaw."That many?"Yuri laughed."You were absent for...quite long."Yuri took some of her papersto sign and check."Aren't you bored?"Minho asked."Oh,its going to be Christmas soon,so we were going to have a party."Said Yuri,completely not listening to him.Minho stood up and went into his bedroom."Hey,where are you going?Your not finish yet!"She shouted.But he didn't come out.

Yuri had to finish all the job,even his homework."Serves you right!"Yuri smiled at her handwriting,it was ugly!Yuri was starting to tidy things up,when she saw her own name on the edge of his book.


리.He's handwriting was pretty,it was a big difference with the ones in his homework.She shrieked when someone hugged her from before.Yuri turned a little,her eyes were locked into his eyes.


Yuri blushed madly."What are you doing?"She whispered."Why are you whispering?"Minho asked,his breath brushing through her ear.Minho tighten his hug."Let..let..go."Yuri bit her lip,her heart was fluttering."Thanks for the handwriting,thats your gift."He walked back into his bedroom.Yuri sighed,that scared her.Until the next morning,Yuri left early for something to do in school.But the other reason was because she wanted to avoid him."What's bothering you?"Kris asked.Yuri sat on her chair."Are you okay Yuri?"Said Luna,in a worried tone.Yuri nodded at them.



The scene kept rewimding in her mind,she couldn't focus.It was tme for their weekly announcment in the hall.And Minho didn't came up."Yuri,get ready."Taeyeon passed the microphone to her.Just when Yuri walked to the middle of the stage,Minho appeared from nowhere.Yuri heard his fans yelling and shouting."What are you doing?"Yuri whispered,covering the mic's head.Minho smirked.He pulled her arm,and kissed her.The whole hall went wild,Luna and Kris were running around.Yuri dropped her mic,Minho smiled at her,who was blushing.


"This meeting is just for some announcements.First,is that me and Yuri are currently dating.And,Merry Christmas!"Everyone yelled and shouted loudly,some left,some stayed,some glared,some was happy."Why did you do that?"Yuri asked."Because I like you."He smiled."A lot."He added.



Okay,okay,quiet down!So how was it?I dont know,but I think its quite boring.And Now,or Never is here!My new story!So,I will be placing these oneshots down.No worries,I will update as soon as I can!Bye!


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Stories will be down for 1 week.Working on the new layout.


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Chapter 28: MinYul <3 So cute :D
iloveyul #2
Chapter 27: im waiting chap 26 Part 2 ^^

Part 27 ...yeah minho n yuri really busy this year..minyul T.T
aww sweet happy ending ^^
thanks for updated^^
glowglows #3
Chapter 26: update soon please
Chapter 26: Please update soon! ;)
lovelyseulgi #5
Chapter 26: I'm waiting for part 2 xDDDD
MinYul5699 #6
Chapter 25: No way SNSD still the best forever until i died .. SNSD will never easily beaten by the other girl group! SNSD FIGHTING ! ! ! SONE FIGHTING! ! !
iloveyul #7
Chapter 24: so sweet ^^
Chapter 24: Asdfghjkl cuteeee (:
lovelyseulgi #9
Chapter 24: I TOTALLY LOVE THIS!!!!!!! WHY SO SWEET????? TT.TT
Update soon!!!
iloveyul #10
Chapter 23: kyaaaa They together again...
omoo yul always blushed...so cute minyul