ஐ Chapter 16ஐ

Collections of MinYul Stories(ONE-SHOTS)민율이야기


"What am i going to do with you?"



Choi Minho,a wealthy man who doesn't have to work for a living.Walking down the streets.He tighten his scarf and continued walking.It was snowing.It was cold,but beautiful.He held his hand out,and it was soon filled with snow.And yes,he's in England.He travels around the world.Well....he does work,but not really hard ones."Singing in the snow...."He hummed.Girls were staring at him,who wouldn't?He's smart,rich,handsome.But,he is definetly not that kind of person that simply helps people.

As he walks,he felt something strange.There was a young lady siting under a huge tree.She was wearing a dress with a black thin blazer."Strange..."Minho muttered.Somehow,he walked towards her.He bent down,and touched her hand.The girl's eyes fluttered open,and sat up."What are you doing?"She asked in fluent English..Minho sat down,and folded his arms."I'm supposed to ask you that."Said Minho,in English too."Why?A girl can't sleep anywhere she wants to?"After that,she sneezed.

Minho took his coat and wrapped it around her shoulder.

He coincidentally touch her knee,since she was sleeping with her knees wrapped.It was really burning hot.She was having a high fever.But,she doesn't look like she was sick,but that was all from the outside.She was freaking cold,but she didn't show it."Your having fever,don't you have a home?"He asked politely after knowing she was sick."I was robbed this afternoon."She said."Where are you from?"Minho asked."Korea,South Korea."She answered.

"Really?I'm from Incheon,you?"Said Minho."Same."She answered weakily.Okay,done with the chitchat.Minho was hestitating.Should i bring her back home?"Where do you live?"He asked.She shrugged."Aish.."Minho stood up.The girl looked at him,and somehow she blushed a little.He picked her up in bridal style."What are you doing?"She asked."Bringing a lost child home."He answered.He,had no idea why would he bring her home.He had never brought anyone to his house,never."Put me down."She muttered."Yah!I'm taking care of you so trust me okay?"He raised his voice a little.

After a long walk,mostly everyone was staring at them.Some cheered,some glared.He placed her on his couch,slowly.She was sleeping.Minho closed all the windows and brought cool water for her."How to feed her?"He asked himself."Kiss?"He said.No,no,thats a bad idea.What if she wakes up?He thought for a few seconds and came up with an idea."Straw,yes,a straw."He stumbled his way to the kitchen and found a straw.He placed it into the water and covered the tip of the straw.

He used his free hand and opened .He released the tip,and the water came out.Since she was sleeping,Minho placed a pill into the water.He repeated what he did before and examined her features.Brown hair,small lips.Minho dugged his hand into her dress's pocket.He found her cellphone and her ID."Kwon Yuri."He murmured."Nice name."He added.He glanced at Yuri for awhile,who was deep asleep but was frowning."What's wrong?"Minho placed the things on the table and went close to her.She was having a nightmare.Minho soothed her down by patting her small,soft hand.

He checked her phone.Thats not nice...so he placed the phone back on the table."What am i going to do with you?"He muttered.Then,Minho spotted something hiding in her blazer's sleeve.He pulled it out,it was pills.The name was strange,so he went online and check."She's bipolar?"He turned and saw her,frowning again.He went to her,"Why was this hiding in her sleeve?"Said Minho,holding the pills.He placed them on the table.He gulped.He slowly pulled her blazer away.He was shocked from the view.There were scratches on her hand,and they were probably infected because she didn't treat them.

"I wonder what she lost..."Minho muttered while cleaning the scratches with a cotton.He checked the web,if she goes crazy,he would have to hypnotize her.You wouldn't want to get attack right?After cleaning and applying oils on her scratches,she woke up.She sat up,"What are you doing?"Said Yuri.Minho pointed at her scratches.She pulled the blazer around,covering it and heading for the door.Minho chased after her,"Hey,Hey,Hey!"He managed to enter the elevator."Stay away from me!"She shouted.Minho calmed her down and slowly approached her."Its okay,i'm here to help you."He said."Its cold."Minho wrapped his scraf around her neck.

She calmed down and Minho brought her back to his house."Choi Minho,you?"He held a hand out."Kwon Yuri."Said Yuri,siting on the couch."You feeling better?"He sat next to her.She nodded shyly."Are you going to eat them?"Minho asked while pointing at the pills.Yuri took it and drank some water."You love your health don't you?"He asked while cleaning the table.Yuri nodded.Yuri placed it in her sleeve purposely.She wanted herself to remember to take the pills whenever she checks her scratches."How did you get them?"Said Minho.Yuri kept quiet.Minho understood and went to his computer."Beautiful stranger."He muttered as he clicked at the title.

After a few hours.Someone placed a hand on Minho's shoulder,which scared him half to death.He turned,"What are you doing?"Said Yuri.Minho had to be nice to her,"Writing stories."He answered and continued typing."Your an author?"She asked.Minho nodded.He passed his SAMSUNG Tablet to her.She checked his stories online.As Minho continued typing,Yuri kept changing her seating pose."Are you hot?"Minho asked.Yuri shook her head,"Your stories make my heart flutter."Said Yuri.Minho blushed at how she said."Are they good?"Minho continued typed."They're romantic."Said Yuri.Minho smiled.

"Do you want to have a bath?"Minho asked.Yuri sat up straight and nodded.

"Do you mind if you wear my clothes?"Minho asked while digging for clothes.Yuri shook her head.Minho found some clothes for Yuri and she had went into the bathroom.Minho continued writing his stories while eating chips,he jumped when Yuri placed a hand on his shoulder out of the blue.Minho kept in and turned to her with a smile."Your shirt smells like you."Said Yuri,sniffing at Minho.They were inches away,Minho backed away and blushed."Have some!"He shoved some chips at her.Yuri sat next to him,muching on the chips happily."Since your complaining that my shirt smells like me,i'll buy you some new one."Said Minho.

Yuri lighten up,"Really?"She said.Minho nodded."I like your smell."She muttered."Bwoh?!"Minho stopped typing and looked at her."I like your smell."She repeated and guzzled the chips.Minho blushed.They kept quiet for a long time."So...when did you come to England?"Minho asked."This afternoon."She answered.They got along really well.Well,they shared everything.Including about the scratches.Yuri had them last night.Her parents fight,she tried to stop them but got hurt."Are you dating?"Yuri asked.Minho stopped typing but continued after awhile."No,why?"Said Minho."Really?But your so handsome,and your smart!"Yuri complimented him while eating another pack of chips.

Minho blushed again.It was wierd.Somehow,he loved being with her.He felt wierd when his close to her."What is your occupation?"Minho asked."I work as a secretary but i left the company last week."Said Yuri.Minho nodded and snatched the chips away from her."Drink more water."Said Minho.Yuri pouted,somehow,Minho had no idea why would he pinched her cheeks.He DOESN'T pinch people's cheek,espicially girls.But Yuri still drank some water.

After finishing writing his story.Bedtime!

Minho was thinking."You wanna sleep on the couch?"Minho asked.Yuri nodded,"I'm okay with it."Said Yuri.Minho left a small window opened in the kitchen."If you have trouble,just shout my name."Said Minho."Minho!"Yuri shouted."Yes Yuri?"Minho played along."Thank you."Yuri hugged Minho.Minho widened his eyes,"For what?"Said Minho,blushing."For saving me."Said Yuri.Yuri broke the hug."Night!"She shouted.Minho smiled,he ruffled her hair and went to sleep.But he had no idea,that Yuri didn't sleep.She had been watching Monster University and Mickey Mouse the whole night.

"Minho."Said Yuri.

Minho felt uneasy with Yuri hovering on top of him."What?"He said sleepily with his eyes closed."Wake up."Said Yuri,staring at him.She blew his hair to wake him up.He opened his eyes and found Yuri was on top of him.He was shocked,"WHY ARE YOU ON TOP OF ME?"He asked.Yuri giggled and got off."You did that to me last night."Said Yuri.Minho reviewed when he stared at her while she was sleeping."So you weren't sleeping?"Said Minho.Yuri nodded."I was already awake that time."She added.Minho sighed."After you came,i've been receiving suprises!"He whined.Yuri smiled.She pulled him up and told him to get ready."You told me that you were going go buy me new clothes."Said Yuri.

"I just know that it was so noisy last night,i have to complain about upstairs."Said Minho.Yuri forced a smile,she couldn't let him know it was her who his television.Yuri slide out of the room with big steps.Minho caught her hand.Bringing her close to him."So it was you?"Said Minho,holding her wrist tightly.Yuri's eyes were locked into his big brown eyes."A-Ani...."Yuri stuttered while looking away.Minho pulled her closer,Yuri's heart fluttered."Wow,you even smell like me."Said Minho sniffing at Yuri.Yuri backed away and hit him at his chest.But,she tripped on her own leg.And Minho caught her on the right time by wrapping his arm around her waist.

Yuri's hair got messed up a little.Minho let her go."Mianhaeneyo."Yuri walked out.Minho chuckled.Yuri sat on the couch,touching her cheeks.She was blushing madly.Madly.After a few minutes,Minho came out,dressed nicely."You have to get change."Said Minho.Yuri looked at him curiously."Come on."He held her hand and pulled her into his room.He found a t-shirt that suits Yuri,and a pair of shorts.Minho had brought Yuri out for breakfast,to a beautiful place."Hello,would the two of you try our newest couple breakfast set?"Said the waitress.Yuri opened to deny that she wasn't his girlfriend.But."Yes please."Said Minho.Yuri eyed him curiously."Here."The waitress showed them the way.Yuri nudged him,"But i-"

Minho held her hand."Just pretend we are."Minho whispered.Yuri hides her blush by looking else where.Minho smirked.

They sat at a corner.They orded the couple breakfast set.It was ths best!

After that.They walked out of the restaurant."Thank you,please come again!"Said the waitress.Yuri freed her hand from Minho's grip.Minho felt empty.So he made a stupid lie."Lets hold hands,i'm cold."Said Minho.Yuri eyed him suspiciously.But she let it go.They went to shops and shops.But,they didn't buy anything.Minho was really picky."Wow..."Yuri looked at the sweets.Every colour,every flavour.They make you drool!Yuri pulled Minho's sleeve like a child."Buy me some."Said Yuri.Minho looked at his sleeve,where she was pulling."Andwae."He said.Yuri's heart fell."Please..."She begged."N.O."Said Minho.Yuri frowned.

She pouted.And Minho saw that.They reached a boutique named,'Ladylike.'

Minho fell in love.With every clothes and acessories inside.

But Yuri was still pouting.She wanted to taste those sweets so badly.While Minho was choosing some clothes,Yuri got out of the boutique and walked around the street.She found the shop that sold sweets.She bought herself 3 lolipops.1 for her and 1 for Minho.Another one will have to win Rock,Paper,Scissors to get it.She walked around.Well,thanks to Minho,who gave Yuri some money.Then Yuri found a shop selling couple bracelets,rings,necklaces and etc."Can i have 2 bracelets please?"Said Yuri.

"Yuri,i think this suits you."Said Minho.Waiting for an answer,he turned,and found her,dissapeared!"Yuri?"He placed the shirt back on the pole.He looked around,"Yuri?"He went out of the shop.Looking everywhere,like a mad man."Yuri?"He shouted."She must have went to find that sweets shop."Said Minho,making his way back to the sweets shop.But when he reached the shop,there was no one in there."Excuse me,have you seen a lady,this tall?"Said Minho."Yeah,she bought 3 lolipops."Said the owner of the shop.Minho thanked him and rushed out of the shop.

He was scared,somehow,he was afraid that he would lose her.He had no idea why would he feel like this.He looked everywhere.And he finally found her,siting on a bench,holding 2 sliver bracelets.Minho ran towards her and sat next to her."Oh!Minho!I wa-"She stopped when Minho hugged her."Where have you been?"He asked as he broke the hug."I bought 3 lolipops and these 2 bracelets."She showed him."For what?"He asked."For you."She gave him his bracelet."Both of our names are on it,so you'll remember that you saved me once."Said Yuri,smiling.Minho smiled.He took the bracelet,MINHO&YURI."Oh,and this is yours."Said Yuri,giving him a lolipop.

He felt happy."Khamsamnida."He kissed her forehead.Everything he did,was the things he would never do.But to her,he could.Yuri blushed."Its nothing..."She muttered while opening the wrapping paper.She placed it in and Minho did it as well."What's your lolipop's flavour?"Said Minho.Yuri looked at him,"Orange."Said Yuri."Swap with me."Minho pulled hers out and placed it into his mouth while he gave her his."Hey!"Yuri whacked his arm playfully."Minho.."She sat closer to him.Minho looked at her."I don't want to buy any shirt,i'll just wear yours."Said Yuri.Minho grinned,"Aigoo...Kyeopta!"He ruffled her hair."I like it."Said Minho.

So?How was it?Yeah,yeah,yeah...I know...Its FANTASTIC!Lol....Hope you enjoy~






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Chapter 28: MinYul <3 So cute :D
iloveyul #2
Chapter 27: im waiting chap 26 Part 2 ^^

Part 27 ...yeah minho n yuri really busy this year..minyul T.T
aww sweet happy ending ^^
thanks for updated^^
glowglows #3
Chapter 26: update soon please
Chapter 26: Please update soon! ;)
lovelyseulgi #5
Chapter 26: I'm waiting for part 2 xDDDD
MinYul5699 #6
Chapter 25: No way SNSD still the best forever until i died .. SNSD will never easily beaten by the other girl group! SNSD FIGHTING ! ! ! SONE FIGHTING! ! !
iloveyul #7
Chapter 24: so sweet ^^
Chapter 24: Asdfghjkl cuteeee (:
lovelyseulgi #9
Chapter 24: I TOTALLY LOVE THIS!!!!!!! WHY SO SWEET????? TT.TT
Update soon!!!
iloveyul #10
Chapter 23: kyaaaa They together again...
omoo yul always blushed...so cute minyul