What the hell...

I love you...but you don´t love me

In a turmoil I made my way to the dance studio because I was pretty sure there wouldn´t be anybody else and I would be able to drown in self-pity. I chose my favourite room and there was really nobody. Just a few piled cardboard boxes were decorating the room. I sighed and put my favourite CD in. What I needed now was dancing the hell out of me. I danced until I was standing there drenched in sweat and could barely breathe. The song was already over but I didn´t bother to pack up my stuff. Where should I go anyway? ..in this mood... It was actually unfair letting it out on Sungmin. He might be the reason for all that but it wasn´t his fault though. But as I was thinking about how he must be feeling I was simultanously thinking about how I was ing feeling right now!           "Why?!!!",I shouted and kicked the cardboard boxes. Although they were filled they flew away and their content scattered on the floor. "Damn why?!!! What am I supposed to do for you to see me, WHAT??!!!" One last kick and one of the boxes flew up at the ceiling. Totally distraught I leaned against the mirror wall and let myself slip down on it. "What should I do for it to go away!!", I cried. "What do I have to do..." Completely exhausted I let myself sink down, sobbing.  Suddenly I heard a quite squeak and the door opened slowly. I quickly the tears out of my face and stood up (as if that would make anything better, my make-up was ruined anyway). There stood an insecure Kyuhyun who didn´t seem to know what to do at first. He only looked at me and seemed to evaluate if he could walk over to me without risking to be a dead man "Do you wanna talk?", he finally asked with a wary look after he had seen the overthrown boxes. I couldn´t help but start sobbing again and held my hand against my mouth. Kyuhyun slowly walked towards me and eventually took me in his arms which only made me even more whimpering. But he was striking my back in a comforting way and I slowly calmed down a bit again. "Come." He pushed my shoulders down to make me sit and he sat down next to me. "What´s going on with you lately, huh?", he asked with calm voice. I didn´t know him like that. Usually when we´re together we´d be fighting and constantly teasing each other. It wasn´t that we hated each other. I guess we just liked that. "I don´t know...I guess I´m just...a mess right now..." I simply didn´t know how to begin to explain that all. And should I do that at all? "Mhm...and why?", Kyuhyun kept digging. I was looking straightward out of the window before my eyes began to fill with teardrops again. Kyuhyun bowed his head to look at me and wiped a tear away with a tissue before it could fall down. It made me smile. ,,Hm?" He also smiled slightly. "You know..." I bit my lip as I thought about how silly this must sound to him. "When I´m friends with you guys...or with other boys...then...I´m always just the nice girl..." I saw as Kyuhyun frowned so I quickly went on. "I mean that´s fine but...sometimes I feel like noone really sees me as a woman..." I paused in order to see if Kyuhyun could understand what I was talking about. "Okay, that´s why you put on that show..." He nodded slightly as he was understanding. I shortly glanced at him from the side. "I only wanted to....I also can be y!!", I claimed. Suddenly Kyuhyun laughed quitely. I gave him an incomprehensible look but he didn´t seem to bother. "Of course you can.", he replied and smiled strangely. "However, the way you behave at the moment isn´t really cool." When I still didn´t say anything he continued. "Yoomi-ya..." He laughed for a moment. "Of course we are all aware of the fact that you´re not a guy if that is what you mean! And I´ve always seen you as a woman.. Really, Yoomi-ya." He looked at me hopefully. "And the others too, I can assure you that." He gave me a small nudge. "At the very latest when you think about how Sungmin treats you, you shouldn´t even get such thoughts.", Kyuhyun noticed and had to laugh cheekily. In my mind I cursed Sungmin´s name and looked away, suddenly in a bad mood again. "He definitely doesn´t treat you like a guy." Kyuhyun looked out of the window but then he realized how I was looking away demonstratively. "Hey! Heey!" I bit my lip. "Are you in love?", he asked inelegantly. ,,I mean apart from with me." I looked at him with my mouth opened. That was no time for jokes! "I´m sorry." He breathed out. "Okay, let me sum it all up...you feel like not be seen as a woman, you´re in love with Sungmin-shi..." He paused while frowning. "...and you put on this show because....why exactly?" "Because I hate it how he doesn´t see me! I will never be that kind of girl to draw his attention to! I know that I don´t have the chance of a snowflake in hell at him! Sungmin has enough woman around him, all he has to do is just pick one...And that won´t be me for sure. I simply can´t handle these feelings! I can´t just....it makes me sick but I don´t want to lose him though! But the way I am right now..." I leaned my head against his chest. "You know, Sungmin honestly worries about you...I talked to him at the phone just before hearing you here." I raised my head. "He saw you at the hotel..." "Aish, I know! I didn´t sleep with this guy...I simply wanted to forget about Sungmin for a few minutes!" ,,Didn´t work out?", Kyuhyun asked as if he knew the answer already anyway. I lamely shook my head. "Never try to forget someone with someone other. Never works out...", he revealed. "Tried already?" "Mhm." "Oh." After a longer moment of silence he began anew. "Yoomi-ya, you should tell him."  "But-"  "He has no clue at all what´s wrong right now!" He wiped one last tear out of my face. ,,You don´t have to do it today. But you should...do it." I stood up. "I think you´re right...", I admitted and turned to him, "Unfortunately." I walked to my bag and packed up my stuff. "Maybe you should tidy up before you leave!", Kyuhyun said and stood up. "Yes, I know.", I laughed. But when I kept standing there for one more moment staring into nothing I suddenly felt Kyuhyun hugging me tightly and laying his arms around me. "I know it sounds ridiculous when I say that to you now but I´ll say it anyway. Yoomi-ya, you´re beautiful! Okay?! And next time when you´re feeling like that you should talk to us, okay? Or to me... Before you put on any tacky show here. Because you don´t need that, believe me..." I was speechless. For one second I was really speechless. "Thank you...", was all I managed to say before he finally released me again. "And next time you need to let off steam you don´t ruin our dance studios! Tidy up!", Kyuhyun ordered absolutely being himself again and walked off grinning. "YaYa, you could also help me, Cho Kyuhyun!" "Haha, that´s your mastework!"

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Chapter 18: love triangles are so hard to deal with my poor kyuhyunnie i hope he'll find someone to love soon <3 this kind of triangle i would have prefered her to end with kyu since he loved her longer but her heart had always been Sungmin's so yeha kyunnie come here with noona, i'll cuddle you till you find someone lol
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 18: Done reading this one. Hehe, loveeee it :) hehe
Chapter 18: its good... jinjja.. :') can you make a sequel? .. if it's alright with you.. >< the ending is a little.. short.. ^^ => but good job author nim !! hwaiting! this story sooo good! keke~ ^^
Chapter 4: huhu, it's kinda sad, the plot :/ but I love it
ilabya2 #5
Chapter 1: I´m so sorry guys! I wasn´t online for a very long time and actually planning to delete this story, but then I saw your comments. You´re so cute, I didn´t expect this story to be that popular. So now I´m going to work fast, okay??!!
sincerly_me #7
Chapter 2: two words HURRY HURRY... i'm so exited i read the five chapters 3 times update fast ok?
sincerly_me #8
Chapter 4: what on earth r u doing??? y rn't u updating *bali bali*, i'm very impatient and i wanna know what will happen :)