The journey home

Ladeulgi Magic


The pigeon walked into the tram as if it was something it’d been doing everyday in its life; and flew shortly to one of the seats, nestling on it with a satisfied expression.

You smiled sheepishly to the staring people around you and went to sit next to the bird. It glanced out of the window and you attempted to collect your thoughts.

Sitting in the tram, with a talking pigeon. Story? What story? What does it have to say? Maybe someone sent it to find me? Why? Who?

The sound signaling that you were at your stop dinged in your ears, startling you back to earth. You shot up and walked towards the doors. The pigeon huffed and walked its pigeon walk after you.

You deemed it dangerous on the street and the bird behind you seemed suddenly too precious as you grabbed it and tucked it in your coat. Your heart raced as you sped up, wanting to get home asap to get your questions answered.



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NeeCeeDee #1
Chapter 14: This is so weird and different, but I am so fascinated with it! Update soon! I'm becoming a little addicted to this story!
Chapter 14: Yes, updates~ :D I can't wait to see where this goes, and man do I love EliPigeon<33
Chapter 10: I absolutely adore this story. The idea is so unique, and I love UKISS, to :) Please update soon!