
Ladeulgi Magic


Walking back to the large hall; you feel something crunch deliciously under your shoe.

“Ew… Is that a cockroach?” Your face scrunches up, threatening to spill the contents of your stomach at the sight.

“Ohmigosh where?!”

You are suddenly shocked out of your wits as someone attempts to jump in your arms.

“…Srsly Soohyun? Get off.” You scoff at the terrified expression of the manly UKISS leader.



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NeeCeeDee #1
Chapter 14: This is so weird and different, but I am so fascinated with it! Update soon! I'm becoming a little addicted to this story!
Chapter 14: Yes, updates~ :D I can't wait to see where this goes, and man do I love EliPigeon<33
Chapter 10: I absolutely adore this story. The idea is so unique, and I love UKISS, to :) Please update soon!