Really now.

Ladeulgi Magic


“Well, U-KISS has a problem right now. Which kind of explains why I’m here.”

You tilted your head with a disbelieving look on your face.

“How do I know you’re not lying just to get food.”

“Interrogate me.”

You pursed your lips in a pout, thinking. You took a deep breath and started shooting questions.

 “Wherefore stands the acronym of their name.”

“Ubiquitous Korean International Idol Super Star.” The pigeon recited.

“When did U-KISS debut.”

“On August 28, 2008.”

“In Japan.”

“August 15, 2008”

“Which song made them popular.”

“Man Man Ha Ni.”

 “When did Alexander and Kibum leave.”

“In 2011.”

“English speaking members.”

“Kevin and I.”

“When was DoraDora released in Korea.”

“April 25, 2012.”

“Does Soohyun sleep with a teddy bear.”

“I... that’s personal information.” Eli’s eyes shot up as he examined your face.

Your eyes grew wide; was real.



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NeeCeeDee #1
Chapter 14: This is so weird and different, but I am so fascinated with it! Update soon! I'm becoming a little addicted to this story!
Chapter 14: Yes, updates~ :D I can't wait to see where this goes, and man do I love EliPigeon<33
Chapter 10: I absolutely adore this story. The idea is so unique, and I love UKISS, to :) Please update soon!