
Ladeulgi Magic


“So, if Jaejoong has such great powers why didn’t he just teleport you here in human form.” You state as you settle on your bed, feeling quite philosophical. Your home has never felt so comfortable before.

Eli’s eyes widen in realization. “…The bastard.”

“…I’ll note it as fanservice.”  You grin and continue scribbling in your notebook.

The bird glares at you.

“Own fault, pigeon face.” You snicker as he takes the pigeon “F You” position.



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NeeCeeDee #1
Chapter 14: This is so weird and different, but I am so fascinated with it! Update soon! I'm becoming a little addicted to this story!
Chapter 14: Yes, updates~ :D I can't wait to see where this goes, and man do I love EliPigeon<33
Chapter 10: I absolutely adore this story. The idea is so unique, and I love UKISS, to :) Please update soon!