At home

Ladeulgi Magic


“…Do all animals talk?” You muttered, after a long pause.

“No.” The pigeon said very matter-of-factly.

“Then why can you?”

“I’m a special case.” It became silent again. “I was once human, you know.”

You furrowed your eyebrows, eyeing the bird while it was eating the breadcrumbs on the floor.

“You mean you were turned into a pigeon?” You stated slowly.


When? By who? And why? How?!

“I see...”  You nodded slowly, still observing your unusual guest while he was pecking. “Who…?”

“Do you know about K-POP?” The bird halted its actions and looked up, examining you.

“I.. can say that I have some knowledge..” You squinted your eyes and shifted them, the randomness of the question too damn high for the moment.

“Do you or do you not.”

“I do.”


The pigeon continued eating as your curiosity grew by the millisecond.




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NeeCeeDee #1
Chapter 14: This is so weird and different, but I am so fascinated with it! Update soon! I'm becoming a little addicted to this story!
Chapter 14: Yes, updates~ :D I can't wait to see where this goes, and man do I love EliPigeon<33
Chapter 10: I absolutely adore this story. The idea is so unique, and I love UKISS, to :) Please update soon!