My Abductor, My Love


When Eunji woke up she was snuggled in Daehyun’s arms.  She studied his gorgeous features while he slept.  He was so handsome, from the curve of his jaw, to his softly defined nose, to his sensually plump lips.  His lips were her favorite feature.  They practically begged to be kissed; she was pretty sure he knew his lips had this affect on her and used it against her as often as he could. 

Her eyes shifted to the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed peacefully while slumbering.  She placed her ear against his chest, listening to the soft fluttering of his heart.  His heart beat differently than a humans, it was slightly faster; instead of the rhythmic two beat like her own, it thumped in a three beat rhythm, and it reminded her of someone saying ‘I love you’ over and over again.  She wanted to think that that was what his heart was saying; like its own secret, constant confession to her.  Yes, she liked that idea.

She ran her hand down his torso and traced the line of hair that led down from his belly button and disappeared beneath the covers.  She saw his stomach muscles tighten and heard a deep chuckle against her ear.

“That tickles.”  Daehyun said as he grabbed her hand to prevent any more movement.  “Are you having fun?”

Eunji moved so she could look up at him.  “I am.”  She smiled.  “I don’t think I can get enough of you though.”

Daehyun grinned and rolled the both of them over so that she was pinned beneath him.  “I couldn’t get enough of you from the moment I met you.”  He breathed against her neck, biting her gently and on her skin, causing her to gasp.  He pulled away when he felt he’d sufficiently left his mark.  He ran his fingers over the red spot on her neck, inspecting his handiwork, and smiled, looking her in the eyes.  “Mine.”  He purred.

Eunji playfully hit his chest.  “Dae, everyone will see it now!”

“That’s the whole point.”  He hummed along her skin as his mouth moved to the other side of her neck.

“I don’t think so mister.”  Eunji said catching his head with her hands, holding him at bay.  “If you want to leave your mark on me then leave it in places that can be hidden by clothes.”

Daehyun looked at her and pouted.  “But that takes all the fun out of it.”

Eunji rolled her eyes.  “You’re hopeless, you know that?”

Daehyun grinned.  “Hopelessly in love with you.”

Eunji gave him a look.  “Could you be any cheesier?” 

“Probably,” He laughed.

Eunji shook her head and laughed as well.  Their merriment was interrupted however when a knock sounded on the door.

“Youngjae,” Daehyun grumbled.  “That better not be you.”

“It’s urgent.”  Youngjae’s voice called through the door.

Daehyun sighed and rolled off of Eunji.  He covered her up and went to the door, opening it to reveal the man on the other side.

Youngjae scrunched his face.  “Really, Dae, you couldn’t take the time to put on any clothes?”

Daehyun shrugged.  “It’s the price you pay for disturbing me.  What’s so urgent that my has become your punishment?”

Youngjae sighed.  “I’d rather not say unless in complete privacy with you, my captain.”

Daehyun raised an eyebrow.  “It must be serious then for you to call me captain without making the word sound like a lewd curse.”  He nodded.  “Alright, give me a few moments and I’ll meet with you.” 

Youngjae bowed and left.

Daehyun closed the door and returned to the bed.  “I’m sorry, my sweet.  It looks like I have urgent matters to attend.  Would you like to wait here or see if Minhee or Kyuyun are free to keep you company?”

“I’ll take the company.”  Eunji said with a smile.

Daehyun nodded.  “Alright, let’s get dressed then and I’ll you to them.”

They found Yongguk and Minhee along with Himchan and Kyuyun when they arrived at the room the girls had been staying in.  Kyuyun and Himchan were all smiles and when Kyuyun noticed Eunji she practically bounced to her side.

“Oh, Eunji, it finally happened.”  Kyuyun said excitedly.  “I’m pregnant!”  She exclaimed happily.

Eunji smiled.  “Really?  I’m so happy for you.”  She looked at Himchan.  “For both of you.”

Daehyun went to Himchan and clapped him on the back.  “Congratulations.”

Himchan smiled and nodded.  “Thank you.  You know I can help the four of you as well if you want.  I still have plenty of serum left for injections.”

Daehyun slid his eyes over to Eunji and grinned.

“Maybe another time, but thank you, Himchan.”  Eunji said politely.

“I think Yongguk and I still want some time together with just the two of us.”  Minhee said as she smiled up at Yongguk, who gazed down at her adoringly. 

“Has Youngjae asked for the two of you to join in on the meeting?”  Daehyun asked the two men; both nodded.  “Alright, then let’s head over there before he gets his in a knot.  You know how he hates waiting.”  The other men nodded in agreement.  Daehyun then turned his attention to Eunji.  “I’ll be back soon.”  He said kissing her on the forehead.  “Have fun with the girls.”

When the men left and the girls were on their own they began talking with each other.  Minhee and Eunji shared in Kyuyun’s joy over being pregnant.  They talked about babies; they talked about love; they talked about how different their lives had become, but in a good way.  They had so much fun together that time flew by making it seem like only moments had passed when the men finally returned.  But when the women saw the looks on the men’s faces they knew that whatever it was Youngjae had wanted to discuss with them had not been good news in any way, shape or form.

Daehyun simply stared at Eunji for the longest time, too many emotions running through his eyes for her to read, before finally breaking the news.  “We have to take you girls back home.”

“What?  Why?”  Kyuyun asked, horrified.

Daehyun let out a heavy sigh.  “We’ve been called to war.”


A/N:  I know, this cliff-hanger is worse than the last right....? Please don't hate me!! It has to happen though guise!!! This is the way the story and the characters are demanding to be written.  If you want to be angry with someone, be angry with the characters.  Feel free to chew them out for me as well. ;)

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asianmee101 #1
so wonderfully written, great plot, great characterisation & y daehyun, oh my heart ;____;
Seriously this just made me melt and die and revived again omfg this is just so so brilliant. Thank you so much for writing this (':
Chapter 12: I died! I love it!
Chapter 12: How can you possibly imagine this kind of story it's so amazing and wonderful and etc. You're such an amazing author!!! :)
--daedreamer #5
Chapter 12: I...I...I.... Abdijs lake disc hwidvnaixgamuzvwhajixvakuz$/$/$.?khdhjap uwwaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I. I CAN'T. TT^TT
How the hell did you pull this off? ;A; so damn amazing omg. I thought that the ending would be bittersweet to be honest. Little did I expect that Kyuyun and Youngjae would be alive and that the girls would be youthful again. And oh my god I nearly teared up while reading this. I NEVER tear up. At all. But this was perfection, although I must admit that I was rather shocked to see the complete sign next to it; you played it off perfectly. Thank you so much for the beautiful story and the beautiful ending. You're amazing <3
Chapter 12: Omg! And here I thought the ending will be sort of a sad one but... asdfghjklajnsf. That was amazing! Great ending author-nim! I'll wait for the next one. :3
Based on how you describe things, it makes me wanna go visit Jidae planet. Hahaha XD
Himchan is so cool with those serums and reviving stuff! Really love the story. ♥
Chapter 12: Omg!!!!! Really well written!!! Loved if there were a sequel......but not tryin to pressure you!!!
Chapter 12: I took your advice and listened to eAeon's Bulletproof.
It went well with this chapter!
& just so you know, I cried soo hard.
This was a GREAT ending, and I am proud to have been able to read it.
Though, I am sad to see it end... <3
hippo_guk #9
Chapter 12: ..........................................................